I'm trying to bulk , gain weight & make my abs show



    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    I'm trying to bulk , gain weight
    make my abs show
    Sure it's been said, but pick one and focus on it.
  • bigres20
    bigres20 Posts: 17
    Apologies for the late reply. So I did like most are doing here, found my maintanence caloric intake and increased that amoumt by at least 500 cals. I kept it all clean, no fast food except very occassional cheat days on my 7th days. Yes it is easy to add up the cals with cheap fast food but if you do the long term math, all the fats, triglycerides, bad cholesterol and other junk they put in that food just increases your chances for bad health on the inside... And thats long term. Don't take my word for it, check out CT Fletcher on YouTube, he talks out his early days of eating fast food to make his gainz, almost lost his heart and health in the process. This isn't a scare tactic, I just advise for long term health, no matter the short term goals.

    As far as workouts, I used a 90 program broken into three blocks, base > build > shred. Gained 13 lbs in 90 days, the last 40 I was on a spiritual fast regiment, so I used intermitent fasting to accompany that and gained the las 3 then. I'm sure i would've gained moremore had I not had a restrictive feast window of 2-3 hours a day. You don't have to do that portion to be successful tho! That was a personal choice. This is the general details and glad to share more, you can add me and go from there!
    bigres20 wrote: »
    Man I know your struggle. For me its time and budget but one thing I have to say is that focusing on eating clean now will pay dividends in the future body. I have many older brothas tell me do all you can to eat healthy and right now! As far as gaining goes, what are you eatingeating the gainer and protein shakes and doing for exercise? Glad to exchange notes, I've had some success in this area.

    I just want to thank everyone for their comments on helping me. I also know me bulking will make me loose my abs yeah of course. I just want to gain & I do eat a lot .. Probably just not enough to where I would gain.
    Bigres- how did you get to where you wanted to be?

  • randolphm94
    randolphm94 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone . I still been working on my weight and protein drinks. Any out there that you guys would recommend? I'm starting to see a difference in my body and I'm drinking the Mass Gainer and I also add more stuff in the shake to add more calories !
  • randyrankin572
    randyrankin572 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone i need to kno when i go grocery shopping Wats something cheap that i can buy that has alot of calories in it
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Soda- typically 3 twelve packs for 12$
    that's about as cheap as calories come in a container.
  • Lunysgwen
    Lunysgwen Posts: 1 Member
    How many calories are you taking in in a day, and what kind of gym/lifting routine are you doing?