Hr monitors, body fat calculators, and gadgets oh my!



  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    [/quote] I still like my Fitbit One. I wear lots of bracelets and a nice watch so I don't want to wear a Fitbit on my wrist. The only downside is that it's easy to accidentally leave it clipped to your clothes at night...I have a friend who has washed 3 of them now![/quote]

    Oh boy! Dont think thats for me as im a nurse and wash things accidently all the time! Lol thank you though.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I have an activity tracker (Jawbone UP), but I use a Polar FT7 (which is currently in the shop) for tracking my workouts because it's the most accurate way I've found. Most activity trackers are way too optimistic about how many calories you burn.
    I still like my Fitbit One. I wear lots of bracelets and a nice watch so I don't want to wear a Fitbit on my wrist. The only downside is that it's easy to accidentally leave it clipped to your clothes at night...I have a friend who has washed 3 of them now![/quote]

    that's what happened to me with Fitbit; or I'd forget to put it on. A bracelet is better and I'm waiting for the Apple watch, out in April.
  • snowy0wl
    snowy0wl Posts: 179 Member
    I've owned a garmin vivofit, 2 tanita old school fat scale, polar loop, an mio alpha and a bodymedia device for personal testing and waiting on delievery on a M400 with HRM strap.

    I have some basic experience with the fitbit line but them not being waterproof is a deal breaker for me. I swim so that's an important aspect for me.

    I find all the activity monitors are just technical reminders to move.. If you do that it will always contribute to your fitness goal. My polar annoys I mean reminds shows me a bar the little bar isn't filled yet (I rarely do) but my bodymedia devices thinks I'm burning a lot of calories when I'm just walking around. It could be I'm just terribly unfit lol.

    All devices are inaccurate. The GPS function I am getting isn't super accurate and regardless which you get it will just be approximate. The fitbit HR goes off when you try and do gym strength training.

    None of the tracking devices do well with weight training.

    Oh and of course you can wait for the new device that measure calories you consume, a Healbe GoBe.

    I use a fat scale from the 1990's and the technology is about the same so I never upgraded.

    In terms of HR, garmin HR doesn't work under water, Polar older tech does, but may have issues with the newer bluetooth ones. The cloth bands are much more comfortable than the plastic rubber ones that tend to dig into your chest.

    I've researched that Bitfit wrist based HR will skip and give you inaccurate readings if you are doing stuff that giggles your wrist like lifting weights (as you should).

    Ongoing heart rate kills batteries, so if you want to charge it one a day fine. Statistically you don't need it.

    I have a blood pressure monitor that I use (an ihealth wrist monitor) and told me I have a slightly elevated blood pressure and a very high resting heart rate. who knows if that will save my life one day. My exercise the last few days have seemed to reduce it.

    I could go on about sleep monitors and RIFD alarms but that's a bit out of scope but all of it helps structure your life to help/force you to do what's right.

    People want simple convenient, and automatic.. but when you think about it, isn't that what got people in trouble in the first place?

    It boils down to a trainer, or yourself to ask the simple question. Should I be moving?

  • thrashscara
    thrashscara Posts: 72 Member
    Polar ft4 here, in pink :D I love it, stops me from over doing it (I can push my hr over 180, I prefer max 160-170) new to fitness 27 yo ;)