My 600 Pound Life?



  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    I could be wrong but I think Penny was the only off-the-charts combative and in-denial person they've shown up until the most recent episode with Pauline. I guess Penny can get a break now and let Pauline shoulder some backlash now.

    When Pauline said that she knows what's best for her body my jaw dropped to the floor. How could anyone who weighs 600+ pounds say that and keep a straight face.

    Her episode was really depressing.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    I could be wrong but I think Penny was the only off-the-charts combative and in-denial person they've shown up until the most recent episode with Pauline. I guess Penny can get a break now and let Pauline shoulder some backlash now.

    When Pauline said that she knows what's best for her body my jaw dropped to the floor. How could anyone who weighs 600+ pounds say that and keep a straight face.

    Her episode was really depressing.

    Yeah it was, I hope she pulls out of it and gets on track. I felt bad for her when she was talking about not having enough food as a kid. If anything could trigger compulsive overeating, I see how that would.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    I normally find the show inspiring when the patient is a success story. The most recent episode I watched with Pauline made me so angry. Her complete denial and constant excuses were awful. Her son takes care of her and you can just see he is completely under her control with no will of his own.

    Seeing the patients succeed with so much weight to lose helps me in my own weight loss journey. If they can overcome the odds I have no excuses.

    She's just delusional. She never really accepted that she needed help, and I was surprised she was even approved for the surgery because it was clear she couldn't lose anything without being restricted to a hospital bed or really come to terms with how much she was eating

    I was surprised too. But they have a camera crew with these people long before they ever meet Dr. Now, I've wondered if there's some added pressure to go ahead with surgery because TV.

  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    Reality show crap like that just makes me sad. I could be a fat, lazy, slob and be on TV (and probably make a good bit of money) instead of working hard and barely making enough to scrape by.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Jolinia wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    I could be wrong but I think Penny was the only off-the-charts combative and in-denial person they've shown up until the most recent episode with Pauline. I guess Penny can get a break now and let Pauline shoulder some backlash now.

    When Pauline said that she knows what's best for her body my jaw dropped to the floor. How could anyone who weighs 600+ pounds say that and keep a straight face.

    Her episode was really depressing.

    Yeah it was, I hope she pulls out of it and gets on track. I felt bad for her when she was talking about not having enough food as a kid. If anything could trigger compulsive overeating, I see how that would.

    They'll probably do an update episode, she may surprise everyone. I really hope so. I kept expecting her episode to turn around towards something that looked like a success, cuz most of them do.

  • AshC1023
    AshC1023 Posts: 109
    YalithKBK wrote: »
    Reality show crap like that just makes me sad. I could be a fat, lazy, slob and be on TV (and probably make a good bit of money) instead of working hard and barely making enough to scrape by.

    I think they do this for the surgery. I imagine all those follow up appts, the initial surgery, and follow up surgery and hospital stays can rack up a bill from the pits of Hell itself.
    Look at where some of them live, in trailers and all (not to knock it or be offensive) but I know that I couldn't afford that kind of medical treatment and insurance only goes so far.
    So, my guess is, the TV program pays for their medical, in turn for filming them and making boat loads of money on their misery.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    AshC1023 wrote: »
    YalithKBK wrote: »
    Reality show crap like that just makes me sad. I could be a fat, lazy, slob and be on TV (and probably make a good bit of money) instead of working hard and barely making enough to scrape by.

    I think they do this for the surgery. I imagine all those follow up appts, the initial surgery, and follow up surgery and hospital stays can rack up a bill from the pits of Hell itself.
    Look at where some of them live, in trailers and all (not to knock it or be offensive) but I know that I couldn't afford that kind of medical treatment and insurance only goes so far.
    So, my guess is, the TV program pays for their medical, in turn for filming them and making boat loads of money on their misery.

    As well it should pay for it, they're followed around by cameras and put on TV for everyone to see. I'm sure some of them are glad to inspire others (and this show has inspired me) but it can't be easy.
  • AshC1023
    AshC1023 Posts: 109
    No argument there, but they choose to do it and let cameras follow them around. I guess if i were in the position that I couldn't afford life saving medical - because that's what this is for these folks - I might be inclined to do the same thing.

    I know my medical insurance covers gastric bypass, but it doesn't cover a lot of the follow up stuff. One of my friends went through this, and the excess skin surgery and all was hers to pay.
    I had arm surgery about a year and a half ago for a pinched nerve and I saw the "bill" that my insurance covered - it was hideous, thousands of dollars. For an hour long surgery. I can't even imagine what the surgery for gastric bypass costs. So in all honesty, if I didn't have good insurance to cover my arm surgery, I would have gone without it. I think that's the crux of their situations, and the TV shows give them a way to pay for it, at the expense of being filmed and having their lives invaded. It's still their choice, but what choice do you have when you need something, ya know?
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    When Chuck's wife was leaving him, one of his worries was how he was going to continue to pay for the medical treatment and surgeries he needed without her insurance.

    I would hope the show was paying for these things, and some of the people seem to really be jonesing for skin surgery as if it's an entitlement they are due. But Chuck's episode threw me off a bit on who is paying for what.
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    I love it! I do find some parts incredibly sad but admittedly once I look in the mirror after watching an episode I can't help but think "I'm not all that bad!"
  • Mistapholeezkat
    Mistapholeezkat Posts: 80 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    It makes me sad :'(

    ^This is what I thought when I first saw this thread.

    It makes me wonder about a world that sees this as entertainment. Very sad commentary on what society sees as entertainment, another person being humiliated in front of a television audience.
    I don't find it "entertaining" as much as interesting?? It is not that I am loving every minute of watching these people suffer but I am interested in "why" they get that big, how they manage their lives, why do people aid them in getting that big? I am interested in the biology of it, as in, the fat rolls and the skin sores and the human body changes. I am interested in the psychology of it and the how it makes me feel. It does make me want to try harder at staying healthy, just like watching Hoarders makes me want to clean my house and de-clutter. I hope that the intention of the show was to educate people on the devastation that over eating does to one's body, mind and how it effects their loved ones.

  • Mistapholeezkat
    Mistapholeezkat Posts: 80 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    gramarye wrote: »
    amber7088 wrote: »
    It motivates me. Just like Hoarders makes me clean my house, 600 lb life makes me want to work out

    It's really insensitive (not to mention IMMENSELY OBLIVIOUS to your own privileges) to use the exploitation of mentally ill and/or unhappy people as motivation. People are not props to be used.

    Right, we should never ever try to learn from other people's mistakes. That's just EVIL. I mean, just because I'm unhappy and overeat doesn't mean I have anything at all in common with someone who is more unhappy and overeats more. I guess I will just have to gain weight until I need surgery and then I will have earned the right to see how other people cope with the situation.

    Right, this is the education channel, learning what not to do. Nice try.
    Great motivation, I am bad, but really could be much worse, and I watch this kind of show to prove it to myself.

    No thanks. I refuse to buy into this reality tv mindset that it is ok to humiliate other human beings, in the name of entertaining, pardon me, I mean, educating, viewers.

    I don't understand why viewing another human life and watching them deal with their personal struggles is humiliating? I don't feel embarrassed for them, I don't think they are being degraded, this is their isn't good it isn't bad it just is.
  • huffdaddy3
    huffdaddy3 Posts: 13 Member
    watching that show helps me further understand that obesity is a disease, that s over looked
  • AshC1023
    AshC1023 Posts: 109
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    When Chuck's wife was leaving him, one of his worries was how he was going to continue to pay for the medical treatment and surgeries he needed without her insurance.

    I would hope the show was paying for these things, and some of the people seem to really be jonesing for skin surgery as if it's an entitlement they are due. But Chuck's episode threw me off a bit on who is paying for what.

    I never saw that one, but I have to think that maybe some of the "drama" is for entertainment purposes. One of the episodes I watched the woman said her husband wasn't attracted to her anymore and didn't want her to lose weight. You never saw much of the husband though, so it was at best, half of the story. It wouldn't be as "interesting" if everyone lived happily ever after, stuck to their diets, etc. I'm not saying she was lying or anything, but there's always two sides to a story.
    My brother works in Hollyweird and a lot of stuff is nothing like you'd think it was.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    sullus wrote: »
    sullus wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    gramarye wrote: »
    amber7088 wrote: »
    It motivates me. Just like Hoarders makes me clean my house, 600 lb life makes me want to work out

    It's really insensitive (not to mention IMMENSELY OBLIVIOUS to your own privileges) to use the exploitation of mentally ill and/or unhappy people as motivation. People are not props to be used.

    Right, we should never ever try to learn from other people's mistakes. That's just EVIL. I mean, just because I'm unhappy and overeat doesn't mean I have anything at all in common with someone who is more unhappy and overeats more. I guess I will just have to gain weight until I need surgery and then I will have earned the right to see how other people cope with the situation.

    Right, this is the education channel, learning what not to do. Nice try.
    Great motivation, I am bad, but really could be much worse, and I watch this kind of show to prove it to myself.

    No thanks. I refuse to buy into this reality tv mindset that it is ok to humiliate other human beings, in the name of entertaining, pardon me, I mean, educating, viewers.

    This is exactly why I boycott America's Funniest Home Videos

    And, any other "reality" type tv show.


    I guess you don't like clowns either?

    I don't :(
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    So, I have a confession. When I first when on birth control a few years ago, I would watch shows like Biggest Loser, Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition (which I still love btw), and this show and I'd just sit there and cry and eat.

    Now I pretty much can't stand Biggest Loser. I haven't watched the 600 pound life show in a long time so I couldn't really comment on that. But I recently started back on that first birth control I ever was on, and since I've been extremely weepy lately (I really hope this goes away - I am NOT a crier) I think I'll stay away from sad tv shows.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    edited February 2015
    So, I have a confession. When I first when on birth control a few years ago, I would watch shows like Biggest Loser, Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition (which I still love btw), and this show and I'd just sit there and cry and eat.

    Now I pretty much can't stand Biggest Loser. I haven't watched the 600 pound life show in a long time so I couldn't really comment on that. But I recently started back on that first birth control I ever was on, and since I've been extremely weepy lately (I really hope this goes away - I am NOT a crier) I think I'll stay away from sad tv shows.

    I can't watch Extreme Makeover, and Biggest Loser I don't pay attention to most of it and really only want to see the weigh ins and transformations.

    The PT's really get on my nerves by pretending to be therapists and egg on the people to cry and get angry and all that psycho-babbling bs, it just seems like a circus that is going out of it's way to get people emotional and air their dirty laundry and be foolish.

    600 lb Life doesn't annoy me as much, it keeps its focus on the actual problem at hand, which is overeating and not moving enough. Not rationalizations and post hoc reflections that sound logical but which don't actually follow.
    edited mistake
  • alienbabyjen
    alienbabyjen Posts: 36 Member
    I've only seen one episode of this show that I think would qualify as humiliating, and I think everyone already knows which one that was, even though she should be mortified at herself. But no, these people are giving us a glimpse of what we could be, of what complacency will get you, what apathy and denial can do. Watching those episodes, I laugh with them at their joyous moment. I cry with them when they succeed (and fail). I learn from them. Most of those people get something they never would've gotten otherwise, if not for that show: a new lease on life. A chance. This is not something you can just learn about on the street, it's not something a doctor can truly express to you in a 5 minute appointment when they say "lose some weight or else." This is a real look at what the future could hold for some of us, if we don't change. That's not entertainment. That's education, regardless of how distasteful some might find the wrapper to be.
  • This is my thoughts!! I watch every episode because I can see how easily it could happen. To the comment about the "freak show" I feel sorry for you. These people are no different than drug addicts or alcoholics. It is an addiction. I was 286 lbs and gave fought myself down to 154. I will never go back. I will have to fight all my life. God bless these people and everyone who helped them get the help they needed.
  • ilovemypeekapug
    ilovemypeekapug Posts: 106 Member
    I watch this show. Pauline was so infuriating! All the help that Dr. N and his staff were giving here and she didn't even try. She is in serious need of psychological therapy. I can't believe she lied to him about not hearing from the physical therapist! She seemed happy and content just to be back down in the "low 500's" so she could get out and play Bingo. She has completely robbed her son of his life.