looking for slim fast friends



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    edited February 2015
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    This got strange. I can't believe I've ever threatened anyone, and I didn't mean to frighten anyone either. Posts advocating undereating is in my opinion so unhealthy that they should be removed as soon as possible, in line with MFP's policy, and I wonder why this has been allowed to stay.

    so, slimfast is against the forum rules? since when?

    Sigh. Advocating eating 900 calories per day is against the rules, since forever.

    she didn't advocate that at all. show me the post where she did please.

    She is looking for other friends who follow the SF diet. They may see that she is eating 900 calories/day so they say to themselves "She's doing it so I should too!" That's usually how it goes…

    So in a way, yes, she is.

    very round about way and not what she posted in this thread. the only reason people would see that is if they snoop. so, do you report everyone on your friends list to the mods if you notice they have 900 calories in their diary?

    I've seen people on my friends list with low calorie diets. I'm an adult. I can decide for myself what to do and they don't influence me at all. At some point, we need to take responsibility for our own lives.

    I agree that people need to take responsibility for their own lives…with that being said, when someone on a VLCD posts on an open internet forum for ALL to respond to, has their diet open, they have opened the door to comments and suggestions.

    FatFreeFrolicking was actually talking to a completely different user in the thread than the OP, yet you keep saying she's telling the OP she's against the rules.

    900 calories is NOT okay, it's NOT healthy, and by posting this, and as FatFreeFrolicking said, she's looking for other people, and they may see she's on 900 calories and believe they should be too. That is not healthy. In no one's world is that healthy. So she should call the OP out on the possible harm she is doing to her own body. The only time VLCD's should be acceptable are under a doctor's care. I highly doubt that the OP is under a doctors care or even needs a VLCD to lose weight.

    This is an open forum for all opinions. You seem to want to go on and on about how she should mind her own business…you should too then. If that's how you feel, because honestly at this point you are derailing the thread, which is against MFP's rules.

    LOL i'm derailing the thread????? in what way? the thread turned to attacking the op and I'm derailing it from THAT by defending the o.p.? okay then. that makes zero sense. Seems like that was already derailing it. The O.P. did not ask people to attack her diet.

    FFF said that the o.p. was breaking the forum rules. what does it matter which post she was responding to? I say people need to not report posts that don't break forum rules as far as "minding your own business". Telling her that her diet might not be healthy is fine to me. Reporting her is not.

    FFF actually wasn't talking to or about the OP when she said something was against the rules, she was talking to belringer who was advocating it.

    FFF wasn't attacking the OP, she wasn't bullying anyone. Glad to know the forums haven't changed with people throwing those words around just because someone disagrees.

    You keep going on and on about people minding their own business, yet you don't take your own advice. How are you not derailing the thread? At this point we all are because we're not discussing the topic.

    If you really are so about people taking responsibility for their own lives, then you should know all the people here are adults and can do what they want. It's an open forum, so all opinions can be posted. If you don't like that people post things disagreeing with the OP, then maybe the forums aren't for you? Which goes back to my point, it's an open forum for all to say what they want.
  • MaryMcnz
    MaryMcnz Posts: 39 Member
    Op, when you have completed your food diary for the day, MFP will say something like "you are not eating enough". Aren't you wondering why it says that?
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited February 2015
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    This got strange. I can't believe I've ever threatened anyone, and I didn't mean to frighten anyone either. Posts advocating undereating is in my opinion so unhealthy that they should be removed as soon as possible, in line with MFP's policy, and I wonder why this has been allowed to stay.

    so, slimfast is against the forum rules? since when?

    Sigh. Advocating eating 900 calories per day is against the rules, since forever.

    she didn't advocate that at all. show me the post where she did please.

    She is looking for other friends who follow the SF diet. They may see that she is eating 900 calories/day so they say to themselves "She's doing it so I should too!" That's usually how it goes…

    So in a way, yes, she is.

    very round about way and not what she posted in this thread. the only reason people would see that is if they snoop. so, do you report everyone on your friends list to the mods if you notice they have 900 calories in their diary?

    I've seen people on my friends list with low calorie diets. I'm an adult. I can decide for myself what to do and they don't influence me at all. At some point, we need to take responsibility for our own lives.

    I agree that people need to take responsibility for their own lives…with that being said, when someone on a VLCD posts on an open internet forum for ALL to respond to, has their diet open, they have opened the door to comments and suggestions.

    FatFreeFrolicking was actually talking to a completely different user in the thread than the OP, yet you keep saying she's telling the OP she's against the rules.

    900 calories is NOT okay, it's NOT healthy, and by posting this, and as FatFreeFrolicking said, she's looking for other people, and they may see she's on 900 calories and believe they should be too. That is not healthy. In no one's world is that healthy. So she should call the OP out on the possible harm she is doing to her own body. The only time VLCD's should be acceptable are under a doctor's care. I highly doubt that the OP is under a doctors care or even needs a VLCD to lose weight.

    This is an open forum for all opinions. You seem to want to go on and on about how she should mind her own business…you should too then. If that's how you feel, because honestly at this point you are derailing the thread, which is against MFP's rules.

    LOL i'm derailing the thread????? in what way? the thread turned to attacking the op and I'm derailing it from THAT by defending the o.p.? okay then. that makes zero sense. Seems like that was already derailing it. The O.P. did not ask people to attack her diet.

    FFF said that the o.p. was breaking the forum rules. what does it matter which post she was responding to? I say people need to not report posts that don't break forum rules as far as "minding your own business". Telling her that her diet might not be healthy is fine to me. Reporting her is not.

    FFF actually wasn't talking to or about the OP when she said something was against the rules, she was talking to belringer who was advocating it.

    FFF wasn't attacking the OP, she wasn't bullying anyone. Glad to know the forums haven't changed with people throwing those words around just because someone disagrees.

    You keep going on and on about people minding their own business, yet you don't take your own advice. How are you not derailing the thread? At this point we all are because we're not discussing the topic.

    If you really are so about people taking responsibility for their own lives, then you should know all the people here are adults and can do what they want. It's an open forum, so all opinions can be posted. If you don't like that people post things disagreeing with the OP, then maybe the forums aren't for you?

    FFF was talking about the o.p. in her post, so yes she was saying that the o.p. was breaking the rules. LOL I'm not going on and on. I'm answering people who keep quoting me and saying things to me. If you don't like it, quit talking to me. It's not that difficult. By "mind their own business" I mean don't snoop on someones diary and then start reporting them because that's not right.

    What exactly is the topic? The o.p. wants people to share slim fast tips. She didn't ask for people to criticize her drinking of slim fast at all. Those criticizing her were derailing it. Not me. I'm fine with people disagreeing with the o.p. I'm not fine with people reporting someone who doesn't break the forum rules.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    This got strange. I can't believe I've ever threatened anyone, and I didn't mean to frighten anyone either. Posts advocating undereating is in my opinion so unhealthy that they should be removed as soon as possible, in line with MFP's policy, and I wonder why this has been allowed to stay.

    so, slimfast is against the forum rules? since when?

    Sigh. Advocating eating 900 calories per day is against the rules, since forever.

    she didn't advocate that at all. show me the post where she did please.

    She is looking for other friends who follow the SF diet. They may see that she is eating 900 calories/day so they say to themselves "She's doing it so I should too!" That's usually how it goes…

    So in a way, yes, she is.

    very round about way and not what she posted in this thread. the only reason people would see that is if they snoop. so, do you report everyone on your friends list to the mods if you notice they have 900 calories in their diary?

    I've seen people on my friends list with low calorie diets. I'm an adult. I can decide for myself what to do and they don't influence me at all. At some point, we need to take responsibility for our own lives.

    I agree that people need to take responsibility for their own lives…with that being said, when someone on a VLCD posts on an open internet forum for ALL to respond to, has their diet open, they have opened the door to comments and suggestions.

    FatFreeFrolicking was actually talking to a completely different user in the thread than the OP, yet you keep saying she's telling the OP she's against the rules.

    900 calories is NOT okay, it's NOT healthy, and by posting this, and as FatFreeFrolicking said, she's looking for other people, and they may see she's on 900 calories and believe they should be too. That is not healthy. In no one's world is that healthy. So she should call the OP out on the possible harm she is doing to her own body. The only time VLCD's should be acceptable are under a doctor's care. I highly doubt that the OP is under a doctors care or even needs a VLCD to lose weight.

    This is an open forum for all opinions. You seem to want to go on and on about how she should mind her own business…you should too then. If that's how you feel, because honestly at this point you are derailing the thread, which is against MFP's rules.

    LOL i'm derailing the thread????? in what way? the thread turned to attacking the op and I'm derailing it from THAT by defending the o.p.? okay then. that makes zero sense. Seems like that was already derailing it. The O.P. did not ask people to attack her diet.

    FFF said that the o.p. was breaking the forum rules. what does it matter which post she was responding to? I say people need to not report posts that don't break forum rules as far as "minding your own business". Telling her that her diet might not be healthy is fine to me. Reporting her is not.

    How are you not derailing the thread? At this point we all are because we're not discussing the topic.

    Right you are, @_HeartsOnFire_! Tom, tell her what she's won!


    Um, ok. That was weird. Ryan?


    Seriously, again with the cats? Channing, please, help us out…


    Much better. Please be sure to tip your waitress on your way to reviewing the Community Guidelines (all hail!).
This discussion has been closed.