Should I just give up? Tired of this vicious circle...



  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited February 2015
    This is not about your weight. Or your body. Those are symptoms of the underlying problem. Those are the way the real problem manifests itself. Dig deeper. See a professional and get to the root of the "failure" and "not good enough" feelings.
    Yes, I'm a therapist. Lol.
    Good luck!!!!

    ^^^^This! Your problem is not your weight, but your self image and sense of self worth. If you never take these issues head on, you will never be happy in your own skin. Best of luck.

    ^^^I agree with this also. I know you said you've been in therapy, but maybe you need to try a different therapist. You won't always find the one that's right for you on the first or even the 5th try. It took me years to find a counselor that I found helpful.

  • Jamaelsh
    Jamaelsh Posts: 22 Member
    Just two things... When I first started going to the gym, I wasn't calorie counting or trying to lose weight even though I was obese. My purpose was to try strengthening the muscles around my knees so that they wouldn't hurt anymore. I lost five inches off my hips before I'd even lost 15 pounds with resistance training. I wasn't counting calories and as far as I knew I was eating the same. Just adding the resistance training made that big of a difference for me. It wasn't the scale, but 5-inches off my hips was impressive just the same. Just my experience to show that it can help with making you smaller even eating as you are.
    Second... Pre-logging your food doesn't have to mean planning a week ahead and setting everything up in Tupperware. There's no way I could do that either. After I eat breakfast, I think about what I'm likely to have for dinner. I put estimates in my log then. This just gives me an idea of what I can "afford" to eat for the rest of the day. I arrange my lunch and whatever snacks I eat around my dinner. Even if I enter things into my diary only 10 minutes before eating them, it does help with the planning. Pre-logging doesn't have to be difficult.

    Thank you for this, gives me encouragement as far as strength training is concerned. As far as pre-logging goes - I already do this much of the time, I find it to be very useful as you can sort of 'work with what's left' I guess. It's not really the general calorie system that I've been having problems with - it's the fact that I can't seem to go for more than 3-4 days without sabotage. Also, I get super anxious when I don't know the calorie content of something - like when I'm at a friends house or something. I wish there was a way that I didn't have to count (which would save me from setting myself up for failure) whilst still maintaining an element of control.