Soda addiction....



  • LavenderLeaves
    LavenderLeaves Posts: 195 Member
    pwatol wrote: »
    The headaches are from caffeine withdrawal. It's rough, but it should pass in less than a week. And they're not as bad if you stay really well hydrated until your system adapts. If you have to, try grabbing a little chocolate instead of a soda while you're quitting. It's got some caffeine, but not as much as the soda.

    Pwatol speaks the truth. It's caffeine withdrawal giving the headaches, there's no such thing as sugar addiction. If you're having trouble going cold turkey, I'd start limiting your intake every week. Maybe a quarter less of what you drink normally each week.
  • simplemamato3
    simplemamato3 Posts: 20 Member
    I am on 1 1/2 weeks of kicking my 2soda a day habit. I loved my Pepsi and didn't think I could ever stop drinking it. The first 4 days were hardest. I always drank water but liked something with flavor at meal times. So I drank oj, lemonade and milk instead. If I felt like I was just having a sugar craving I had one mini York peppermint patty and the craving subsides. I knew that they still had calories and sugar but it really helped with those first 4-5 days. I have since cut most of that out too. I feel sooo much better!! I feel like I have more energy and no midday crashes anymore. I also have noticed a pretty dramatic decrease in my appetite as well. Truly the cravings have been very minor and short lived these past few days. The first 4 days were the hardest and after that It's been progressively easier. I did read that excedrin is good to take for caffeine headaches as it has a small amount of caffeine in it. You can do it!!!! You really can!!
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    Diet soda for the win.

    Most of them are not good and have aspartame in them. Same with "no calorie" sodas.

    So what?

    OP, it's simple. You have 4 choices really.

    1: keep your current diet and current weight
    2: keep your current diet including 10 cans per day of cola (1600 calories worth!) and make that fit into a deficit diet (obviously unhealthy)
    3: drink less regular cola and deficit diet
    4: switch to diet cola or other low/no calorie beverages and deficit diet

    If you want to lose weight you must deficit diet, and less cola calories = more food. Simple.
  • Meeshell91
    Meeshell91 Posts: 670 Member
    Thanks for all the advice!! Knowing I'm not the only one and a lot of you have been successful helps!
  • annetteh145
    annetteh145 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for all the advice!! Knowing I'm not the only one and a lot of you have been successful helps!

    Have you tried cold tea with stevia extract? I drink 2 pots of cold tea home-brewed everyday because water doesn't go down so easily... Some people absolutely hate stevia as a sweetener because it has a distinct taste to it. I'm using it for 2 years now in place of sugar for all of my drinks (tea, coffee and smoothies)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I have a terrible addiction to soda... It does not have to be caffeinated, I just need the carbonation and sugar... I would like to see how many people have the same issue or would like to hear from people who have overcame the addiction! Thank you!! :\

    diet soda and sparkling water
  • Azathera
    Azathera Posts: 48 Member
    My poison is Pepsi :) I drink about 1-2 per day if I have it. The secret here is not to have it handy. For example, when I crave it I make sure to send hubby to do groceries and he won't buy it. Then if I don't have it in my house I just don't consume it.
    It's easier when I am at work cause I am so busy that I barely have time to eat food. But, I've been in maternity leave for almost one year now and being tired and stressed with a new baby really pushes you to comfort food and drinks like Pepsi.

    It's really like a drug. Hard to break free but not impossible. If you want it you can do it.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Instead of going cold turkey, I would recommend cutting it back gradually until you are not drinking it. That will help minimize the headaches from the caffeine withdrawal.
  • Meeshell91
    Meeshell91 Posts: 670 Member
    Would b12 vitamin help with caffeine withdrawal?? I believe they have caffeine pills now? Not 100% about that.. It's just what I have heard