The dreaded night eating



  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Eat a larger lunch (even if you don't feel like it) Have a good portion of protein with dinner and save 200 calories for a late night snack. Or just eat a huge meal before bed if that works best for you lol
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    My biggest problem is around 6pm I have a major sweet tooth and although I might have a few calories to spare, I really need to NOT give in! Any advice?

    If you have the calories to spare, why do you need to "not give in"? What will that gain you? You won't gain extra points for being miserable. Eat what you want, when you want, within your calorie and macro goals. Boom, success. It's not rocket science.

  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
    I would recommend changing how you spread out your calories. I personally prefer eating more at night, so I have a lighter breakfast and lunch, then a sizeable afternoon snack and a good sized dinner, and night time snack!
    I like to eat fruit, greek yogurt, popcorn, jello, or instant oatmeal as my night time snack. That's usually just enough after dinner to satisfy me. Also, lots of tea :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    maylasia wrote: »
    ok so u eat a heathy breakfast and a light snack at lunch I literally don't get hungry in the day and I'm fine but when nighttime hits my appetite seems to go into overdrive any thoughts???????

    Meal timing has zero to do with weight loss. You can eat whenever you want, as long as you eat less than you burn

    I workout in the morning, so my breakfast is pretty big, and then my meals throughout the day are smaller. I love my desert, and sometimes I eat right before I got to bed. I lost 44 pounds and have been maintaining for a year.

    Maybe you can save some calories for night?
  • amoynoodle
    amoynoodle Posts: 46 Member
    I had the same issue now I eat around 630/7 at nite so that way I can go to bed not hungry :-D

    This. I have a lower cal breakfast (usually around 350 cal) and lunch (around 400 cal) with 3 snacks in between then save up lots of nommy cals for dinner and dessert! :p
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    I build in a late night snack. Popcorn is good for the crunchy salty snack. I will even eat a candy bar. Sometimes I eat nothing, drink hot tea or ice water. Depends on the day.

    Secret here is that I am planning my snack and not eating a whole sleeve of Chips Ahoy or a Family Size bag of Lay's like I used to.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    If you're actually hungry, budget calories for an evening snack, it's really that simple. I personally eat between 5-6 meals a day, because that's my preference. Meal timing really doesn't have anything to do with weight loss, and I eat my dinner two hours before going to bed (So between 7 PM and 8 PM most days) so that I don't have to go to sleep hungry! ;)

    If your issue is eating out of boredom or mindlessness, that's something else entirely--Either expect it and budget calories for some snacking (and maybe snack on lower calorie things like cucumber/carrot sticks or celery), or keep yourself busy with something until you've broken the mindless eating habit.

    You can't really BREAK a habit without replacing it with something else, though; or at least, it's a lot harder to do! So maybe replace your mindless snacking with a different habit--something that keeps you busy is ideal. Sewing, knitting, puzzles, maybe even just sipping on some hot tea (my favorite!) before bed can all curb mindless snacking in the evening.

    All the best! :)
  • pinkshoelaces
    pinkshoelaces Posts: 111 Member
    I eat about 40 percent of my calories late at night and honestly it's worked fine for me. I've lost 60 lbs without changing that at all. As long as you're staying within your goal and it isn't having an impact on how well you sleep, then there's no need to worry about it. :)
  • Athos282
    Athos282 Posts: 405 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    eat more during the day ….????

    This was my thought too. If you're starving at night, it could be because you're not eating enough during the day, or for your evening meal to satiate for the night. Protein and fat have a more satisfying effect than carbs, so make sure you make your dinner heavier in protein and your other meals can allow for more carbs. Or just manage your calories to allow for more to be consumed in the evening.

  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    As long as you are still within your calories, eat when you want hun :) calories cant tell the time. x
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    I do this too. I typically do my college work after 8 pm once my kids are in bed and I always end up eating chips or pretzels when I work on it. I already struggle keeping my calories under control so this always puts me over. I know I need to have better self control in this area.
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 419 Member
    I've been horrible about nighttime snacking. So, what I've been doing, is anytime I even think of food, I do 10 jumping jacks. It's working great and I've lost 3 pounds in 4 days.
  • maylasia
    maylasia Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks I'll try that
  • maylasia
    maylasia Posts: 8 Member
    This is a really good topic.
    There are days that I feel so good about eating healthy all day, and then night I absolutely agree that's it's boredom related.

    I actually made a background on my cell phone that says, "You're not hungry, just bored!" LOL

    I absolutely love this I'm going to try this one also
  • maylasia
    maylasia Posts: 8 Member
    I will definitely be trying these suggestions and all those out there facing this problem I believe this habit can be beaten and there are some great ideas I this thread so good luck.......
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I build in a late night snack. Popcorn is good for the crunchy salty snack. I will even eat a candy bar. Sometimes I eat nothing, drink hot tea or ice water. Depends on the day.

    Secret here is that I am planning my snack and not eating a whole sleeve of Chips Ahoy or a Family Size bag of Lay's like I used to.

    Same here. I never could have cookies, candy, etc. around the house because I'd binge. Now, they're in the cabinet for a very long time, and I don't eat them every day.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    maylasia wrote: »
    ok so u eat a heathy breakfast and a light snack at lunch I literally don't get hungry in the day and I'm fine but when nighttime hits my appetite seems to go into overdrive any thoughts???????

    Eat at night. I skip breakfast, light lunch around 3:30 - 4:00, dinner around 8:00 - 9:00. Since I eat a big dinner close to bedtime, I don't get hungry after.