Zombies, Run! App



  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    davis_em wrote: »
    LOVE Zombies Run! It's how I got back into running. Tried the regular C25K app, and just couldn't hack someone telling me what to do... LOL! I used Zombies Run right up until I started training for a half marathon a few months ago. :) Will probably go back to it once my half is over.

    I used it while training for my half, I just turned off the chases so it didn't ruin my pacing. I find the story helps kill the time when I'm running for 90-120 minutes. I often did more than one episode on the longer runs.

    I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, but the Radio mode after an episode ends is a lot of fun, too. The "DJs" are hysterical. I've come to love that part of it at least as much as the main story.

    As far as the playlist goes, I used Winamp on my previous phone to make it work but on my Galaxy S5 it is using the playlist on my "Music" app and it works just fine.
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I came to this forum to ask advice for help running that wasn't just "C25K" which Ive dont but I still have trouble running- so going to try this... thank you!
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    I LOVE this app! During the spring, summer and fall we walk as much as I physically can and use this app. During the winter, when we've got 3ft of snow like now on the ground, we're talking about how we cant wait till spring to go again.

    Love all 3 seasons. Enough story to be good, enough cliff hangers and tidbits to keep you interested and enough filler to make it seem like the story isnt going by too fast.

    Love the radio mode, especially the original DJs, Jack and Eugene. Also love the missions they have and they have a walking app called 'The Walk' that has a good storyline.
  • nlmillervt
    nlmillervt Posts: 242 Member
    There are several walk/run apps (for iOS, at least) by the same group:

    The Walk is a fun way of tracking daily steps and can be motivating on a day when I haven't had much reason to move around.

    Zombies 5K is another C25K app. I'm liking it so far as I try to get back into running after many years away.

    Zombies, Run! is more focused on established runners, I think.

    They also have at least one other semi-game/workout app called Superhero. I haven't really gotten into that one, yet.
  • snarlingcoyote
    snarlingcoyote Posts: 399 Member
    edited February 2015
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Oh! Just thought - the company that does Zombies, run! also has a new app called The Walk, that's an adventure/spy quest thing, for walking and uses your GPS to know how far you've gone and plots your adventure accordingly, somehow or other. I haven't gotten it yet, but it sounds interesting.

    Oh, that does sound cool. I may have to try it once the ELEVENTY BILLION FEET OF SNOW MELTS.

    Heh. Highs in the 60s and 70s here all week. I had to wear my Buffs as sweatband instead of headwarmers on my runs.

    (I promise, you can laugh at me when I'm running at 6AM or 9PM this summer and it's still above 90 degrees!)
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    Oh! Just thought - the company that does Zombies, run! also has a new app called The Walk, that's an adventure/spy quest thing, for walking and uses your GPS to know how far you've gone and plots your adventure accordingly, somehow or other. I haven't gotten it yet, but it sounds interesting.

    Oh, that does sound cool. I may have to try it once the ELEVENTY BILLION FEET OF SNOW MELTS.

    Heh. Highs in the 60s and 70s here all week. I had to wear my Buffs as sweatband instead of headwaters on my runs.

    (I promise, you can laugh at me when I'm running at 6AM or 9PM this summer and it's still above 90 degrees!)

    Oh, I definitely will, lol. I went out this morning to -9 with a -27 windchill. And thats in the continental US. I may run outside sometime in June....
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    77° here today. 80ish tomorrow. December and January are the time of year to run here. You can also laugh at me come May when we're in triple digits and I have to do all of my running in the morning before the sun gets too high. At least it's a dry heat!
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    I wish MFP weren't so puritanical about language, so I could tell you what I thought of your 70 degree days.

    Although...80 tomorrow? Hellz naw. I don't work out in that kind of heat. I'm not a lizard, you know.

    We were at exactly ZERO F here last I looked at the thermometer, no idea what the windchill is. I can handle the cold, though. It's the barely plowed streets and 7' high drifts alongside that would have me fearing for my life. I'll just hang out in here where nobody is going to run me over, thanks.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If it's normally humid where you are 80 here is not like 80 there. I think 80° and 10% humidity is pretty close to the perfect weather. That said, running when it's 80 and sunny can be a bit rough, especially on asphalt. I've found wetting down my running shirts before I head out the door to be especially helpful. That wouldn't work in very humid areas but works well here.
  • snarlingcoyote
    snarlingcoyote Posts: 399 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »
    If it's normally humid where you are 80 here is not like 80 there. I think 80° and 10% humidity is pretty close to the perfect weather. That said, running when it's 80 and sunny can be a bit rough, especially on asphalt. I've found wetting down my running shirts before I head out the door to be especially helpful. That wouldn't work in very humid areas but works well here.

    I run in 90% humidity at times. For me, the Columbia freezer shirts are best in high summer.

    I will be in AZ next week and plan on getting in a run, though!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    It was 90 at my place when I got home last night. Luckily the humidity is zero so it cools off a lot at night.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    I love Zombies, Run. Been using it off and on since Season One. I especially love it for running around a cemetery and wooded trails.
  • Keiblob
    Keiblob Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 2015
    Looks like I have it easy here in Oxfordshire, UK. Just mud and rain and sometimes it freezes at the moment, which makes things easier! It's very dark though, I run XC so I can't go after work as it is pitch black outside.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    I have been looking into it but it looks like an outside Gps guided app. Can I do it on a treadmill? I have 3 kids and a foot of snow on the ground at the moment. I really want to get it though!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited February 2015
    You can certainly use it on a treadmill! It will use GPS on your phone if you want it to but it's not required for the app to run because you can also set it to no tracking at all, accelerometer or constant speed.
  • ArcheryKat1984
    ArcheryKat1984 Posts: 6 Member
    I love this app, I've been using it for a while, I find it fun, I don't really like running on my own, but this keeps me entertained.

    P.S I have a Runner 5 T-Shirt too.
  • sloseph
    sloseph Posts: 157 Member
    Hi guys/galls

    i was just about to start a new thread asking about this app but then i noticed this one so thought i'd just put my question here

    I've been considering getting this app but i just wondering if someone could clarify how it works for me

    is there a set distance for each mission or is it just a continues thing of it keeps going for however long you run for

    so for example if i started tonight on mission 1, how long would that last? i'm going to be running 6k tonight would i just do the first mission or would it lead into the 2nd as i carried on running? if not what happens when you finish?

    hopefully that will make sense to someone, i feel I've rambled a bit

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    sloseph wrote: »
    Hi guys/galls

    i was just about to start a new thread asking about this app but then i noticed this one so thought i'd just put my question here

    I've been considering getting this app but i just wondering if someone could clarify how it works for me

    is there a set distance for each mission or is it just a continues thing of it keeps going for however long you run for

    so for example if i started tonight on mission 1, how long would that last? i'm going to be running 6k tonight would i just do the first mission or would it lead into the 2nd as i carried on running? if not what happens when you finish?

    hopefully that will make sense to someone, i feel I've rambled a bit

    Depending on how fast you run, you can set it to go for 30 or 60 minutes which are the two time targets for the missions. It's approximate based on the songs it randomly chooses from your playlist. Once the mission is done, it'll go to "Radio Mode" and continue to play your music with cut-ins from the base DJs and it'll go as long as you want it to.

    On really long runs I've often played two missions but you need to actually end the first mission and then start the next. It won't do it automatically.
  • sloseph
    sloseph Posts: 157 Member
    ah right that sounds good, i'll probably be running for about 40 minutes so am i right in thinking i'd just say i want to do a 30 minute mission and then once that's finished it'll just go into radio mode until i tell it to stop?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    sloseph wrote: »
    ah right that sounds good, i'll probably be running for about 40 minutes so am i right in thinking i'd just say i want to do a 30 minute mission and then once that's finished it'll just go into radio mode until i tell it to stop?

    That'll definitely work. Have fun and enjoy!