Tough Mudder Question



  • ngagne
    ngagne Posts: 57 Member
    I've done 2 TMs - each a year apart.
    almost all females struggle with the upper body parts & there are alot; the walls, the rings, monkey bars, etc... If you can't complete them, like the rings, you just fall in water & go onto the next.
    Everyone struggles with the distance. Even though like the other person said, you never run more than 3 miles at once between obstacles (in mine there was a 3 mile gap), all the mileage does add up & really can wear a person down.
    3 months should be plenty of time (to even train for TM too) - unless you wanted to compete for the World's Toughest Mudder or something.

    If you want to attempt to run it - make sure make sure make sure you have an early start time. My 1st TM I had an 8am start time & I could run the course & didn't have to wait much or at all for the obstacles (on a sold out date). My 2nd TM we had an 11am start time & it sucked (a non-sold out date). There were soooo many people on the course that you really couldn't run around them & some obstacles had stacked up waiting times of like 30 minutes or more so we ended up skipping them - and with the later start time the course gets trampled more exposing more rocks (I skinned my knee pretty good because of this, 1.5 years later, I still have a scar).

    some people wear gloves to help. You can wear old shoes & donate them after - or wash them, it works too. Some people duct tape their shoes on; I never did though. I'd wear all dry-fit fitted clothing, nothing cotton, so the mud and water doesn't cake to you and weigh you down. Don't even waste your time doing anything with hair other than a pony tail holder - even headbands meant for working out will come off and get lost. Bring a towel, flip flops, and clothes to change into after - and a bag to put your muddy ones into (I always forgot that). There'll be exposed to everything and everyone showers, and seperate mens and womens changing tents.

    The whole idea is comeradery (spelling wrong). Everyone including strangers should be helpful, nice, supportive - it's the whole point of the TM. So be nervous, but everyone else will be too, and everyone else will support each other through it.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    So this is the 5k marathon Tough Mudder?

    I might not do the official Tough Mudder - but my first course is likely to be shorter so I can get a good feel for things.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    edited February 2015
    I appreciate all the advice, everyone. It helps a ton. There is a Mudderella coming to my neck of the woods in September, and I am leaning towards that event.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I've done multiple 5k length mud runs. 3 months is plenty of time for you being in intermediate shape.

    As suggested, get some running in, work on upper body and grip strength. You'll be fine. Have fun!