How do you sneak in your veggies?



  • tephanies1234
    tephanies1234 Posts: 299 Member
    edited February 2015
    Roast a lot of them like cauliflower, sweet potatoes, squash, etc. and put the other stuff like beets, spinach, kale, cabbage, etc. in the blender. And veggies like broccoli and carrots get fried in some butter until super soft and moist, with caramelized onion and a touch of salt and sugar.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Pureed zuchinni mixed 50/50 with applesauce is virtually undetectable. Its the only "sneak" my kids cant tell is there.
  • twins2x2
    I teach my kids to take a small portion of something that they don't like and put it on the fork with something they do like. So if we have asparagus with mashed potatoes put a little veggie with the potato.
    I learned to love broccoli when I dated a guy who always loaded his pizza with it.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    If you like making Kale chips you might like other veggies roasted or baked also. Go to and do some searches.


  • sapphirewind
    sapphirewind Posts: 55 Member
    I agree with those that said smoothies. I juice everything. I know I am losing much of the fiber and good minerals, so I try and mix some of the resulting pulp into whole grain breads. I really don't like carrots, celery, beets, etc... but in juices they all go well with some apple, lemon and ginger. If I need some protein I add in the soft tofu.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Any concerns I might have about vegetables, are mostly revolving around texture and smell. Unexpected and unusual combinations as well; salads and sandwich toppings can be a nightmare. Taste is usually fine.

    Tomato paste, passata and ketchup are fine - fresh, diced, dried are not.
    Fresh, dried and frozen peas and grean beans are fine - canned are not.
    Fresh corn, grilled is fine - canned or boiled is not.
    Mushrooms, fresh, maybe frozen - not canned.
    Peppers must be fresh, and heated - not frozen.

    I love fresh raw vegetables, cut into sticks to munch on: Cucumber, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, romanesco, beets. Lettuce and spinach for salad. Cauliflower is great dipped in peanut butter, and carrots in butter! Boiled artichokes, leaves dipped in melted butter, struggling with the coarse hairs that cover the delicious heart - you must try it!

    I use lots of different vegetables finely diced in chilis and pasta sauce: Onions, garlic, chili, celery, parsnips, squash, peppers. Canned brown/white/red/black beans for chili.

    I make two kinds of soups - ordinary and creamed. Creamed only means that the ingredients are mashed into an emulsion of water, air and vegetable fibres with an immersion blender. My favorites are cauliflower, carrot (with coconut milk, lime and ginger), green pea, butternut squash, spinach, peppers/tomato, Minestrone.

    Cheese on toast is made perfect with sliced pickled cucumbers and finely chopped onions inside.

    And then there are the inbetweens, the starchy vegetables, potato and her sweet cousin. Can be boiled, baked, fried or mashed.
  • Lezavargas
    Lezavargas Posts: 223 Member
    I throw 4 cups of spinach in a blender and guzzle it once a day! Its my go to veggie guarantee!