Testing My Self Control.

This is a partial complaint, so I'm going to apologize for if this sounds whiny in advance.
I love trail mix. I bought a big bucket of it. When I wasn't trying at all, the whole thing would have been gone in probably about 2 days. A serving of trail mix is 180 calories for 1/4 cup. I measured out a cup and I just about laughed/cried at how little it was. I decided to measure it using my digital scale to see if there'd be any difference, and it did come out to about the same thing. I've been bringing 2 servings with my lunch and I've been fitting it into my calorie goals so that's at least a positive, but I think when I'm all out of trail mix I probably won't be eating it for a good long while.

I guess the fact that there's a big bucket of trail mix on my fridge, and I haven't devoured the whole thing is a very positive thing. I only allow myself to have foods in the house if I know I can control myself around them. Still can't have oreos lol. Someday.

Are there any foods out there that you have found were disappointing when you realized just how small a portion size of them were? Another one I was disappointed in was Pop tarts. 210 calories for one little tart. Sad. :(


  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    You're doing great with the trailmix. Congrats! I only hope to someday be able to eat at least raw almonds in appropriate quantities. So many calories for such a tiny handful!
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    Jolinia wrote: »
    You're doing great with the trailmix. Congrats! I only hope to someday be able to eat at least raw almonds in appropriate quantities. So many calories for such a tiny handful!

    I love almonds. They're another thing I won't be having until I can trust myself not to eat half the bag in one go, lol. :)
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I died a little inside when I measured peanut butter for the first time. Same with ice cream.
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    granola, trail mix and nuts are my bane. Seriously have issues keeping them in the house.
  • LindseyVParkinson
    Ditto the peanut butter. And Red Vines Licorice used to be really hard for me until I managed to get sugar intake better under control. Now that I'm used to eating less sugar the licorice is overpowering.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    I died a little inside when I measured peanut butter for the first time. Same with ice cream.

    I've had to fully switch from eating peanut butter to eating PB2. I don't keep ice cream in the house, but when I want it I'll either buy a little single serving cup from the cafeteria where I work, or I'll stop at McDonald's and buy a soft serve vanilla ice cream cone from there. I think that's only around 170-180 calories.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Learning moderation, self control, and portion control are all essential to long term success.
  • ebtaylor137
    ebtaylor137 Posts: 32 Member
    Right now I'm craving to just go to town on a carton of peanuts at my mom's house. Salty, oily, delicious peanuts.
  • dawnlouisem
    dawnlouisem Posts: 18 Member
    All too familiar. I love trail mix. It is sooo high calorie, so I tried to make my own somewhat lighter version, with unsweetened dehydrated fruit, no candy, not as many nuts, etc. I was bitterly disappointed when a 1 oz serving still turned out to be 244 calories. Like you, I portioned it out, ate it in 1 oz portions til it was gone, and haven't had any since. I guess the reason it's good for long hikes is that it's calorie-dense. Mayyybe I can have some the next time I do a serious hike.
  • JEE2015
    JEE2015 Posts: 146 Member
    For me Raisins and/or most dried fruit. HOLY crap there's a boat load of carbs. I simply don't even have them in the house period.
  • marshmallowhunter
    marshmallowhunter Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2015
    memelendy wrote: »
    I only allow myself to have foods in the house if I know I can control myself around them. Still can't have oreos lol.

    I'm with you on Oreos. If I buy a pack, I will finish a pack. My stomach will be in literal pain, but the tongue is stronger than the stomach, I suppose. The tongue always wins. So, like you, I can't buy Oreos anymore.

    Another big one for me is granola. I thought I was being real healthy until I saw how calorie dense it is.

    Good job on the self-control around the trail mix. For me, if there are any tasty treats lying around, I can't keep away. I can't think about anything else until they are all gone. I usually don't keep anything around the house, because I know I don't have the willpower. In fact, most of my binges happen on my lunch break at work, because I can't control the fact that trigger foods are sold at my workplace. I mean, it is a grocery store.

    Even with keeping the crap out of my home, sometimes I can't resist the urge to make a late-night voyage to the convenience store to get some fist-fulls of candy. But hey... at least I walked to the convenience store... I guess...
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    brownies and ice cream. those are my kryptonite. could blow a whole day's calories just on dessert. So I don't keep them around all that much.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    JEE2015 wrote: »
    For me Raisins and/or most dried fruit. HOLY crap there's a boat load of carbs. I simply don't even have them in the house period.

    I gave up worrying about carbs. I generally go over my limit by like 5%. Since I'm only a couple months in, I'm focusing more on making sure I'm somewhere around my calorie goal. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    memelendy wrote: »
    JEE2015 wrote: »
    For me Raisins and/or most dried fruit. HOLY crap there's a boat load of carbs. I simply don't even have them in the house period.

    I gave up worrying about carbs. I generally go over my limit by like 5%. Since I'm only a couple months in, I'm focusing more on making sure I'm somewhere around my calorie goal. :)

    good plan...
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Ice cream lasts so much longer now that I weigh it out. I went through a Pop Tart ice cream sandwich phase for a while, but only on cardio days, and only one Pop Tart with less than a full serving of ice cream. I made it fit my day. I can finally have Oreos in the house, eat 2 and be done. The mini ones are even better. The calories in a full slice of most of Cheesecake Factory's cheesecakes make me sad, but once or twice a year I'll fit one in, because delicious.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Haven't really been sad about calories and portion sizes really, but I've also gotten used to the smaller portion sizes. But if I want to eat more than the designated portion size I will for sure.

    Oh, I guess cheese and PB are the saddest ones. I still eat cheese almost daily though!

    ALSO, if I didn't eat GF, I would love to buy both of these and I bet the serving weight would also be depressing:

    250px-Chex-Mix-Pile.jpg (love those bagel bite things and the chex pieces)

    christie055-2.jpg?1339131362BTW americans, do you have these?
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    Ice cream lasts so much longer now that I weigh it out. I went through a Pop Tart ice cream sandwich phase for a while, but only on cardio days, and only one Pop Tart with less than a full serving of ice cream. I made it fit my day. I can finally have Oreos in the house, eat 2 and be done. The mini ones are even better. The calories in a full slice of most of Cheesecake Factory's cheesecakes make me sad, but once or twice a year I'll fit one in, because delicious.

    That pop tart ice cream sandwich idea sounds absolutely amazing. I think if I was going to figure out Oreos, I'd just buy a 6 pack and fit it in somehow. I used to buy the big packages and eat one row all to myself. I recently saw red velvet oreos with cream cheese filling, and I wanted them so badly lol, but I decided that I'll get them if I can find a smaller pack since I don't want a full pack of them in my house.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Haven't really been sad about calories and portion sizes really, but I've also gotten used to the smaller portion sizes. But if I want to eat more than the designated portion size I will for sure.

    Oh, I guess cheese and PB are the saddest ones. I still eat cheese almost daily though!

    ALSO, if I didn't eat GF, I would love to buy both of these and I bet the serving weight would also be depressing:

    250px-Chex-Mix-Pile.jpg (love those bagel bite things and the chex pieces)

    christie055-2.jpg?1339131362BTW americans, do you have these?

    I've never seen the crispers things, but I used to pick pretty much all the bagel bites out of the chex mix and keep them to myself lol. There's actually a very unflattering picture of me at someone's graduation party where I'm sitting in a chair and I've got a handful of them. :neutral_face:
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    memelendy wrote: »
    Ice cream lasts so much longer now that I weigh it out. I went through a Pop Tart ice cream sandwich phase for a while, but only on cardio days, and only one Pop Tart with less than a full serving of ice cream. I made it fit my day. I can finally have Oreos in the house, eat 2 and be done. The mini ones are even better. The calories in a full slice of most of Cheesecake Factory's cheesecakes make me sad, but once or twice a year I'll fit one in, because delicious.

    That pop tart ice cream sandwich idea sounds absolutely amazing. I think if I was going to figure out Oreos, I'd just buy a 6 pack and fit it in somehow. I used to buy the big packages and eat one row all to myself. I recently saw red velvet oreos with cream cheese filling, and I wanted them so badly lol, but I decided that I'll get them if I can find a smaller pack since I don't want a full pack of them in my house.

    I wouldn't let my kids have the big packages of Oreos for the longest time, because I was the same way, I'd eat the whole row. So I'd only let them get an individual pack. I actually banned everything from the house that I knew I couldn't control myself around, then I brought one thing in at a time, until I knew I was in control. Then I'd buy something else. Ice cream was first, because I love ice cream the most. Then Pop Tarts, I'd stick a plastic baggie in the box before I even opened the first pack so there'd be no excuse not to bag the 2nd one. I put sticky notes with my name in a red circle and a line through it on the boxes of Cheez Its at work, because I'd grab a box when I was feeling overwhelmed and eat about half of it before I realized I'd done it. It kinda snapped back to reality. This post really helped me look at food differently, too. myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/925464-fitting-it-in-giggity