Family and friends keep telling me to stop losing weight.



  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    inkteen wrote: »
    I'm a 5'3 132 pound female. 7 months ago, I weighed 172 pounds and realized I needed to change, so I lost 40 pounds the healthy way (sensible diet and exercise). Now I'm 7 pounds from my goal, but everyone is telling me not to lose anymore. I get comments all the time from people saying that it's crazy to lose any more weight.This is so strange to me, because I can see bits of fat around my belly that I need to lose. Has anyone else experienced this?

    This is a pretty common occurrence. People need time to adjust to the new you and sometimes they can be quite negative, as they project their own issues onto you. Your stats are healthy, so just ignore them and keep doing what you're doing :)
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    Your goal is within healthy BMI. But be aware that seeing 'bits of fat around your belly' will probably always be the case. We don't lose all our belly fat, ever. We need it for survival.

    You're a teen? Your body is probably gaining some fat stores, preparing itself for possible future reproduction. It's normal. If you get to where menstruation stops, your body could be telling you you've dieted your fat percent down too low.

  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited May 2015
    Some belly fat on a woman that is younger is natural, as the baby lives off fat when in the womb, and the body incubates it with fat. So, until you stop menstruating, your body is always preparing to have a baby. It takes a special genetic type, or a modeling career, to have as slender stomach as the ones you see in victorias secret.

    Hope you lose your 7 lbs, but dont obsess over what you see on your stomach. Its natural. Anthropogenic, really.

    This is utter rubbish. You can definitely be pre-menopausal and have a flat stomach by getting your weight down, your bf% down and then strength training can play a role too. I've had three kids and I have a flat, defined stomach. I'm neither a genetic oddity, nor a model :p

    eta: need to figure out how to multi-quote lol
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    Your goal is in the healthy range. You can ask your friends and family to keep their thoughts about your weight loss private.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Ask your doctor if your current weight is appropriate or if you should lose more.

    This is the best way to get a neutral, educated opinion.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Ugh I'm in the opposite situation... I've lost 12 pounds since February (I'm 5'9"... went from 167 - 155). My sister is getting married Summer of 2016 and I told my mom I wanted to loose 10 pounds by then and my mom told me I would look better if I lost 20...
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    I had a pre-emptive one of these!

    So, I started at 235, and when I was around 205 I was chatting with my MIL about my goals etc. I told her my goal weight was 135.

    Now I've never been slim as an adult. I got fat with puberty so I have no real place where I know I look/feel good. I spoke to my sister (we're same height, shoe size, wrist measurements etc) and she told me that she's most comfortable at 135, so I picked 135, knowing that it's a soft goal. I might settle higher or lower depending.

    I explained this all to MIL and she became adamant that I would ruin myself doing that, that she had never been under 150 and was quite slim and shorter than me.

    I tried to calm her by explaining my reasons for choosing my sisters example over hers (genetics) but she was upset by the concept that I might be slim!

    But meh. She's my MIL. The husband seems fine ;)
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Yes! So irritating! I honestly attribute it to two things:
    1. They're shocked to see a dramatic change if they haven't seen you in a while (and worry about your health.)
    2. Our society as a whole is so overweight, that people have almost gotten used to it as the new norm.

    I'll add one ... When a loved one loses a lot of weight and becomes healthy, it often brings up lots of personal insecurities for the loved ones themselves. It's something they want to do and haven't and/or they feel left behind.

    It can make the want to bring the person who lost the weight "back to their level." Heavier. It probably is unconscious. Very few people are malicious enough to actively sabotage someone getting their health back.