Running apps....HELP



  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    If you can afford it, I personally say skip the app and just get a GPS watch. I love the hell out of my Garmin Forerunner 305 and my wife loves her 105 (or 110, I can't remember).
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I used MapMyRun a few times but it lost a run on upload (and it was a "real" 5k :sad: ) and the analytics after upload are pretty limited unless you go pro level. On the plus side, it seemed very accurate.

    I started using Strava more recently. Their biking app is more popular and widely used and it was a biking buddy that convinced me to try it. I like it, but there are a couple of major caveats. One is that it does not do the voice updates during the run (MapMyRun will tell you each mile what your pace is) and the other is that until you upload the run it is not very accurate. Once uploaded, it is insanely accurate as it recomputes everything. I like the level of analytics I see on line for free with it and I like that it is part of the community that includes biking friends (that last part is a big part of it).

    If you don't want to upload your data and you want instant accuracy and updates during your run, use MapMyRun and you should be happy with it.
  • Ritesh_Pandey
    Ritesh_Pandey Posts: 25 Member
    I use Runtastic from last 4 months and it is good. Either hold your phone in your hand or in a holder that will help your phone to receive proper GPS signal.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I use map my run. I've got no issues with it currently, but on my old phone as my battery was nearing its life expectancy, it started to get less and less accurate. I've been using it with my new phone (samsung note ii) and it works great.
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    +1 for Endomondo... Best one out there for all kinds of activities, including running, works well on all phones, GPS solid, Syncs nicely with MFP.
  • jeda1231
    jeda1231 Posts: 63 Member
    I use Map My Run for my iphone 4s - the only thing is that i live in a big city so sometimes the GPS freaks out from time to time with all of the buildings in the way. When I make my way to the water/outskirts it is very accurate. A word of advice - turn OFF the wifi when using a running app so it doesn't constantly search for a signal and just consistently uses satelitte to track it. Good luck!! I downloaded RunKeeper too but didn't attempt to use it.

    For example, I just ran my first half marathon and my phone told me I ran 13.8 miles when I stopped the timer at 13.2 after I had passed the finish line. The timing, however, was accurate for that half marathon just added some mileage so I just know to run around .5 more miles each time just in case the GPS goes crazy :)
  • cbeckl
    cbeckl Posts: 79
    I've been using Runtastic for almost a year and it has been fairly accurate for me. There was a period where it decided to stop tracking or not pick my GPS right at the beginning of the run. I changed the GPS settings on my phone and we're back in business. I run & bike and it's tracked all my activities and is also fairly accurate on the calories burned as well~ I confirmed this with my HRM.
  • katy_ziats
    katy_ziats Posts: 9 Member
    I became a very serious runner and ended up buying a GPS watch. It was the Nike with TOMTOM GPS, and it works better than any app I had on my smart phone,

    My phone would distract me too much as I was running, so now just using that watch my workouts have felt more enjoyable and more productive.

    It was not as much as a lot of the GPS watches out there, but if you walk/run frequently I highly recommend it.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    That's a good app. I would give it another chance. Perhaps it paused by mistake in your bra.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    That's a good app. I would give it another chance. Perhaps it paused by mistake in your bra.

    You reminded me of one other difference between Strava and MapMyRun. Strava requires you to slide a lock to unlock it. I like that because I did accidentally pause MapMyRun and once even discarded the current run just by chance fingering getting the phone out (I keep it in a holster for added protection). But again, in case you didn't read my review, if it weren't for popularity in the cycling community I would probably not consider Strava purely for running unless I only wanted to log and analyze later - it is very good for that. It is not accurate on the phone. It uploads the raw GPS tracking info and it is recomputed and in your on line log it is extremely accurate.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Bump to read later
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    I use runtastic, runkeeper and Zombie Run

    yes...all at the same time.....if one fails I have 2 others as a backup lol.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    I downloaded Runkeeper onto my phone today so I could have some sort of indication of how fast and how far I was actually running. But for some reason it only logged the first 0.1 of my mile :grumble: I did keep it in my sports bra though...would this have affected the results?
    Can anyone recommend another running app, preferably one that's free and will log my whole run!

    I am so glad to hear others having similar problems with Runkeeper. I've kept mine in my hand, armband, bra, jacket pocket and had similar issues.
    Someone else said it sounded like an issue with the GPS on the phone itself, but I've had the app on three different phones now and it makes no difference.
    I am saving my pennies for a Garmin.

    ETA I have the paid version of Runkeeper too!
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    I use CardioTrainer. Sometimes it's a little slow to pick up the GPS signal (when it's really overcast), but I just give myself an extra couple of minutes to fiddle with it (usually just do a task kill and then restart the app, and it's good to go....had to reboot my phone once though)....otherwise no issues whatsoever. Great for running, biking and hiking. :)
  • susieoj
    susieoj Posts: 181
    loved map my run, now i love map my fitness because it works with my UP band too :)
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I used to use Runkeeper, but the logging (GPS) wasn't accurate. I don't run on roads so being on trails, it would get confused. When I looked at the map after a run, it would have some crazy path that was pretty far off-route for some spots. I switched to MapMyRun, and I love it! It tracks my pace the whole time so I can look at it later, and it actually maps where I run instead of jumping around like Runkeeper did; I haven't had it go off-course yet.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    That's a good app. I would give it another chance. Perhaps it paused by mistake in your bra.
    Agree. I like RunKeeper.

    Unrelated note: OP is hot. :)

    Good luck!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Runkeeper has always worked fine for me, maybe try again? I've been using it for a year and a half!
    If you want RK friends you can add me, my username is determinedbutlazy :D
  • Sweetsugar0424
    Sweetsugar0424 Posts: 451 Member
    I tried Runtastic and it was never able to get a GPS signal (I use an arm band for my phone) so I've switched to Nike+ and have used it a few times. So far so good.
  • balticzar
    balticzar Posts: 2
    Best advice I think is to try ALL of the free ones available (considering you're looking for a free one). Give each one a week and then settle on the one you prefer. I have an Android phone and I have tried Cardio Trainer, RunKeeper, Endomondo and Runtastic. I even also bought a MotoActv watch (an Android-based GPS fitness watch).

    I ultimately settled on Endomondo and then bought their Pro app (the free one is great too). It all depends on your preference. While we all want accuracy there are also the aesthetics of the app and then for me the online community was important as well. , Endomondo, for me, has the best online community. Some people may feel differently. Which brings me back to my first point: There are many free ones, give each one a week and then make a decision.

    As far as that sportsbra approach I think you should either pick up an armband for your phone (plenty inexpensive ones on ebay) or a waist pouch designed for running/jogging/cycling. I tried the armband also but was always 'hiking' it back up with my other hand which was quite annoying so I went with a waist pouch and bluetooth headsets. Took some trial and error but that was my ultimate jogging solution combo (Endomondo / C25K app / and Pandora blasting away in my bluetooth headsets).