5'3 women,how many cals are you eating?



  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    SW: 171
    GW: 125

    When I was losing I ate about 1400 calories after exercise. My gross was always between 1700-1900 on exercise days.

    Now that I'm maintaining I gross 2200 calories on exercise days to make my net around 1800.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My MFP activity level is very active and that results in a baseline of 1970 calories

    SW: 155
    CW - 127
    GW: 126-129

    I lost on 1450 a day + exercise using an HRM, not MFP's estimates.
  • KathleenCora
    KathleenCora Posts: 160 Member
    SW: 213lbs
    CW: 168.8lbs
    GW: 140lbs

    I'm eating between 1500-1700. I just hit overweight rather than obese! Wahoo! I have never been at a healthy weight as an adult so my first main goal is just barely in the healthy range. I might readjust when I get there.... But for now I'll be thrilled worth 140. I don't eat calories back and I workout 5 days a week.
  • 5'4 height. Current weight 127lbs, goal weight 110lbs. Lost 10 pounds already by cardio 4 days a week and low cal (1200) day diet.
  • 5'3
    22 YO
    Current weight: 103-104 lbs/47kg
    Normal weight: 97 lbs/44kg
    Goal weight: 99 lbs (to be honest I don't care much, I just want to 'look it')
    I am a student and get stress weight, lack of sleep and not the healthiest food, so I gained 3kg over the past 3 years!
    I'm eating 1600-1800 calories a day, but I don't exercise.
    I go through these phases where I would go to the gym 2-3 times a week but I can't stick to it because of deadlines/exam etc :(
    It says that I should be eating 13xx calories a day, but if I exercise more I can eat more so that's fine.
    My bone mass is only 2kg though, and I bloat a lot.
    I would say it is relatively easy for me to go from 47 to 45-45.5kg but not easy to keep it that way!
  • 1971MLJ
    1971MLJ Posts: 137 Member
    43 yo
    Started at 155lb
    CW 126
    Been at maintenance since March 2014. Eating between 1590 (sedentary) and 2000 (very active) calories, normally around 1800 daily.
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member

    omgcarlie wrote: »
    5'4 height. Current weight 127lbs, goal weight 110lbs. Lost 10 pounds already by cardio 4 days a week and low cal (1200) day diet.

    That's the same plan I'm following- cardio (eliptical and bike) Fri,sat,sun, mon aiming for a 400 cal burn each time and eating 1200 with some of my exercise cals added in.
    - SW 146.6
    - CW 137
    - GW 120
    - I'm 34 and 5'4

    Still a ways to go but it's good to see other's successes!
  • glutenfreechic
    glutenfreechic Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 5.3, 62kg and goal weight is 58-60kg.
    My first mfp goal to lose 1/2kg p/wk was in the 1200's, to lose .5kg per week. Too low to fuel my workouts, 6-8hrs pr/wk vigorous/strenuous les mills gym sessions, pump, combat, attack and one weights workout per week. I absolutely love working out and give it my all. I'm also a busy mum with 3 kids. On just over 1200 cals I could manage for approx 10 days then I'd eat everything in sight and feel like a failure, despite eating back some of the exercise cals, and I'd also barely lose if at all each week.

    After a lot of reading on mfp I've dropped my goal down to the lowest on the mfp scale to .25kg per week which has bumped up my cals to 1480. Far more doable tho I'm very concerned I'll just maintain or gain, but I'm trying it anyway in the hope it avoids the failure and overeating that the lower cals seemed to induce. It's all such a balancing act and I don't feel I've got it right as yet but I'm trying! Not much to lose so that's probably the tricky part but I've made good progress swapping fat for muscle so that's still a positive
  • crepesuzetteorange
    crepesuzetteorange Posts: 128 Member
    I'm 5''4
    current weight is 130.4lbs
    goal weight is 115lbs
    MFP is allowing me 1240 cals in order to lose 0.5lbs a week.
    I haven't lost any weight since joining but can see the reason why
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" 44y.o. disabled veteran.
    Cals: 1100 (sedentary) 1250 (active)
    SW: 171
    CW: 139
    GW: 130

    Ideally, I'd like to be at 115, but due to age and (dis)ability, 130 seems to be about 'safe' to my body. We'll see how it goes.

    Also, contrary to my lame-photo-taking abilities, I'm actually "fine boned" (combined with the sedentary lifestyle) I don't really require 1200+ calories...at least that's what my doctors say.
  • kristenlarkin
    kristenlarkin Posts: 235 Member
    I don't count calories. I'm eating low carb and stay under 20g

    Started July 21, 2014
    GW: 135ish
  • Datarn
    Datarn Posts: 79 Member
    5'2.5" CW151 Goal wt 125 Sedentary with exercise - 1200 cals - but usually more since I exercise most days.
  • tgoila
    tgoila Posts: 10 Member
    SW 176 lbs (80 kgs)
    CW 143 lbs (65 kg)
    GW 130 lbs (58 kgs).

    I dont count calories and try to eat by intuition and hunger. So far I have lost ~15 kgs...lost more inches and went down several dress sizes. When I started, I logged for a few days and came out to be between 1500 and 1600 calories.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    edited February 2015
    SW 148
    CW 136
    GW 120
    Calories 1450
    set to lose .5/week

    I will be 50yo next week!
  • ZhaoWei76
    ZhaoWei76 Posts: 37 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm a little over 5'2", 38 years old...

    SW: 250+
    CW: 182
    GW: Not specific, but let's say 130 to 140?

    I strive for 1250 per day... Been having a hard time of it this past month, since going off the rails around the Holidays (not going super crazy, but having days where I'm over)...

    So it's going more slowly this year so far...

    Edited to add: Sedentary... Hardly get any exercise in...
  • kimoyu
    kimoyu Posts: 1 Member
    I am a 55 year old who has been trying since 2001 to take off 20 unwanted steroid induced pounds. I am trying again by eating around 1000 calories/day. I read that trying to keep your sugar intake to 30 grams a day really helps with weight loss/maintenance. So far after 11 days on MFP and maintaining low cals/sugar the weight is dropping faster than ever.
  • swaistle
    swaistle Posts: 119 Member
    GW: 130lbs-ish give or take. I wanna hit the high end of my healthy weight range basically then adjust from there :)

    I have it set to 1410 cals :)
  • newknoxchick43
    newknoxchick43 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'3
    current weight is 170
    my goal weight 155
    and I'm eating 1,200 calories
    I already lost 12 pounds in 41 days
  • jmnicholas
    jmnicholas Posts: 58 Member
    5'3" (1.6m), just about 38 yo (birthday this week).
    SW 73kg
    CW 62kg
    GW 59kg

    Currently aim for 1340cals (net). Actual intake varies a bit, and loss tends to be stalled completely for weeks at a time, then I'll drop a kilo in one go. As I'm so close to GW, and am within the healthy BMI range, I'm rethinking what my goals are- and whether the number on the scale is really important to me or whether I'm more concerned with my shape.
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 432 Member
    SW- 212 (just after having baby #2)
    mfp SW- 189
    CW- 169.4
    GW- 150
    I'm 5'3" and I got down to 147 once, but 150 is my ideal weight. I eat between 1200 and 1400 calories a day. I also exercise 4-6 times a week. If I don't exercise for at least 45 minutes 4-6 times a week and eat between 1200 and 1400, I don't lose weight. I don't eat back exercise calories either, I wouldn't lose any weight if I did.