Strong women are intimidating



  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    by any chance does your brother have a small p#nizz??


  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Strong women are awesome. Ignore him and be confident in your goals, your accomplishments, and yourself.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    tufel wrote: »
    How are you going to carry a kid for nine months and push him out if you aren't strong? How are you going to carry a kid on your hip -- maybe two -- if you aren't strong?
    Sorry. Couldn't resist...

    Did I miss something?

    Person is trying to be funny. And failing epically.

    OP,good job on the 200# deadlift!! Youre brother is a moron. You'll find a guy (or girl if its your thing lol) who thinks you're awesome. I'm jealous of your deadlift number
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    helen8328 wrote: »
    I think men who are intimidated by strong women are just insecure and would probably be a nightmare in a relationship anyway. I lift weights and I'm happily married with 3 kids as are most other female bodybuilders I know.

    Also I find it quite amusing when men get intimidated. There was a guy showing off on the squat rack I was waiting to use today, and when it was my turn I warmed up with his top weight of 60kg. He looked furious with me for showing him up in front of his friends it was hilarious haha

    Hahaha I would have loved to have seen that!
  • jimmy979
    jimmy979 Posts: 14 Member
    Inkratlet wrote: »

    Having just been told by my younger brother that basically I will die alone because being able to deadlift 100kg (220#) as a woman is not a good thing. It's intimidating and scary, so I'm told. Lots of good men will run away from me because I can lift. He's just completely ruined my happy PB mood :'(

    So, here I am, looking for proof that it is not true and that not every man on the planet wants a girl who is just about able to lift a teacup. Tell me not to listen to negativity because being able to deadlift 100kg is awesome and I am awesome.

    I've had more negativity from my family than from anyone else. It's demoralising in some ways, but the defiant spirit in me now wants to try for 105 next weekend and then wave it their faces. I am doing this for me, not to be attractive to the opposite sex. But it's always good to know that my strength choices won't ACTUALLY mean I will die alone...

  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    What a load of crap. My girlfriend is an avid lifter and can squat more than most guys in my gym. I love a strong, smart, and independent woman.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    Maybe it's because I live in a farm town, but it really isn't a big deal for women to be strong where I live. Men are more impressed, not intimidted. That has been my experience anyway.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Strong women are intimidating... yes but only to physically and mentally weak men (little boys?)and I'm guessing they aren't the type of men you're interested in.

    For the record, my boyfriend isn't intimidated at all but he lifts more than me accross the board

    Congrats on your PR, keep lifting
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    I'm assuming you're not looking to attract your little brother so his opinion is invalid.
  • FullOnBurn
    FullOnBurn Posts: 43 Member
    He's right, and you should get married to the HS football star (right after high school), be a good housewife and mother. Oh and while we are at it, women shouldn't be allowed to drive or vote.

    Just kidding if you didn't get the sarcasm. Strong women are totally sexy. I wish more women would get over the fear of "I'm going to bulk up and look like a man" Nothing gets me going more than lady alpine ski racers and long track speed skaters, those legs and glutes :p
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Hey, can work out with me! I love to see how much a woman can deadlift. Wouldn't intimidate me, actually would motivate me more to keep up!
  • Tallawah_
    Tallawah_ Posts: 2,474 Member
    NikonPal wrote: »
    It’s not even worth responding to him.

    “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” – Sarah Cook


    I've always loved strong women and I know plenty of guys who think likewise...ignore your brother.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    I think its hilarious little bro feels a need to give big sis advice in the romance dept myself. Just curious why he felt the need to put you down. Perhaps his own luv life is lagging sorely. Honestly OP, I used to run a pretty brutal chain saw & wield a double-head axe. And not on the trees already on the ground, either. My BF at the time thought it was freakin' awesome. He still opened my jam & pickle jars tho and treated me like a helpless princess on our dates. Its not about lifting, its about how one presents themselves. If and whenever you wish to have a guy in your life, tell your brother to butt-out.
  • HazelBug1987
    HazelBug1987 Posts: 30 Member
    My best friend could bench press me (and heavier things) and she's never had trouble getting a date.
  • Pupslice
    Pupslice Posts: 213 Member
    Sounds like you can lift more than your brother, he knows it, and it bugs him.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Strong is sexy. Rhonda Rousey was one of Maxim magazines sexiest women last year, and she's an MMA fighter (and looks it!) Some men like skinny, some thick, some muscular, etc. But anyone worth your while will like the confidence and dedication that strong muscles create!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Strength is sexy. Ignore the idiot.


    Tell your brother that his jealousy is showing.
  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I have to say in all my first, second, and third dates I have ever had, I never asked a woman "How much could you dead lift?"

    Attraction is so much more than looks to begin with. Personally, athletic woman tend to be attractive IMHO. If a woman can deadlift more than I can (which wouldn't be hard with the shape I'm in now a days), kudos to her.

    I am married, so obviously I am not looking for another woman. However, if I found myself single again, I would care less what a woman could dead lift and I would not find an athletic woman any more intimidating than any other woman.