Ive lost 23lb and it doesnt show.....



  • Queenofthezoo
    Queenofthezoo Posts: 69 Member
    I felt the same way for a few weeks I was right around a 20 lb weight loss and I just couldn't see it, even in pictures. No one even commented at all. But now I really haven't lost anymore in the last two weeks, but 4 different people have stopped me in the last three days to tell me they can't believe how much weight I must have lost in the last few weeks and that I look awesome.

    It's almost like even though the scale showed the weight loss, it took a couple weeks for any of it to show.
    Even still, part of the problem is that I haven't lost the weight in the areas that I would like. My bra size is down, and my rings are now too big, but my waist and stomach area, as well as my face still feel just as large.

    Just keep plugging away, hopefully body will catch up with the scale, and the scale will keep going down in numbers.
  • k8ermarie
    k8ermarie Posts: 204
    Check places you wouldn't think to lose weight in. Face, neck, fingers, ankles....or just try not to focus on the mirror....

    For now, in order to not lose your motivation, be happy that the scale is showing a loss of 23 lbs. That's awesome. Congrats!
  • JeffersJJ
    JeffersJJ Posts: 58 Member
    You see yourself every day. You're probably not noticing because you're sort of comparing your "now body" to your "yesterday body".

    Did you take a before pic? I recommend taking pictures of yourself on a bi-weekly basis.
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Dont get discouraged! keep on going, you will see the results at some point. the scale is going down, thats already a good point no? :smile: Also, take pictures for your progress like others suggested.
  • JAEGAmom
    JAEGAmom Posts: 39
    I have been having the same problem. My husband has lost 50 pounds, while I've lost about 25. With him losing all in his belly, you can see it so much! It is amazing! But with me, I think I have so many places to lose from, I don't see it. But other people have commented a few times. Give it time! We didn't gain this in a matter of days/weeks, we're not going to lose it that fast either! It's hard to keep up and not see any change. But the scales are moving... give it some time! Don't obsess over measuring and weighing! I started out weighing every morning... It was driving me crazy!!! Keep up with your good habits and the change will come!!! Best of luck to you!!! I know how hard it is, but take it one day at a time and try not to get discouraged and down on yourself!!! Stay postive and focused... good things will come!!!
  • JAEGAmom
    JAEGAmom Posts: 39
    Not even a bit. I measure the same, look the same ! Where the hell has the 23lb gone from then ??

    Its actually ruining my motivation as although the scales are going sloooowly down I appear to have stayed the same physically ?

    Any advice ?

    I'd like to see comparison pics. YOU may not see it like other people do.

    I have definitely found that other people see it before I do... We are our harshest critic for sure!!!