i feel like im ugly



  • RicaFit
    RicaFit Posts: 38 Member
    Sinistrous wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    When people aren't liked, it's not usually because of their appearance. It's usually because of their attitude and how they portray themselves. I have lots of "ugly" friends that have lots of friends.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition



  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    elsongo wrote: »
    I feel so ugly, like noone likes me :/

    Uhmm...I think you should stop worrying about your health and go see Dr. Phill.lol

    Yeah, why not tell her to start listening to Dr. Oz while you're at it o.o
  • HannahMaeCabe
    RicaFit wrote: »
    armgyo wrote: »
    Sinistrous wrote: »

    You got some srs issues if you really believe that you are ugly unless this pic states the real thruth !

    That is very true. We can get so messed up with body imagine (looks, size) that it can consume us. Imagine if you really were ugly. Many people have to accept they are just simply ugly. There is no reason, no matter what we look like, that we cannot have happiness, families, great times, fabulous memories and joy. We can be happy despite the sterotypical imagine. So basically, so what if you are ugly? So what if you are pretty? Young or old? Life is great regardless. It is not all about looks. Actually I find some of the ugliest people are happiest. They are not consumed by all the image. I am on here to be healthy. Not pretty. Not skinny. Just healthy. Then again.. I am getting old :)
    Lol, i like what ur saying. I also understand where ur coming from. Thank you for the advice, i will surely think about that.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    What's a DUFF?
  • HannahMaeCabe
    spade117 wrote: »
    What's a DUFF?
    Depressed ugly fat freak
  • ladd_alvy1986
    From the pic I would say you are absolutely beautiful! But aside from that if you start veiwing and telling yourself you are amazing, beautiful, strong, succesful and just being positive every day I honestly think you would see a turn around in thinking!! You can do it we are all here for you!!
  • JackKopCh
    JackKopCh Posts: 8,042 Member
    If you are ugly then Jesus Christ I don't wanna know what I am..... O_o
  • HannahMaeCabe
    From the pic I would say you are absolutely beautiful! But aside from that if you start veiwing and telling yourself you are amazing, beautiful, strong, succesful and just being positive every day I honestly think you would see a turn around in thinking!! You can do it we are all here for you!!
    aw, thank you!

  • HannahMaeCabe
    JackKopCh wrote: »
    If you are ugly then Jesus Christ I don't wanna know what I am..... O_o

  • Oops_Myhaloslipped
    Oops_Myhaloslipped Posts: 3,892 Member
    spade117 wrote: »
    What's a DUFF?
    Designated ugly fat friend. Basically when people use unattractive people to hang out with so they look better.
  • 530roman
    530roman Posts: 1,819 Member
    spade117 wrote: »
    What's a DUFF?
    Depressed ugly fat freak

    I thought it was designated ugly fat friend?
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    The problem isn't that you're ugly... The problem is that you're bored and think too much. :)
  • Oops_Myhaloslipped
    Oops_Myhaloslipped Posts: 3,892 Member
    530roman wrote: »
    spade117 wrote: »
    What's a DUFF?
    Depressed ugly fat freak

    I thought it was designated ugly fat friend?
    I said that!
  • HannahMaeCabe
    530roman wrote: »
    spade117 wrote: »
    What's a DUFF?
    Depressed ugly fat freak

    I thought it was designated ugly fat friend?
    I said that!

    hmmm, i think there are diiferent ways people interpret it.. idk anymore.

  • 530roman
    530roman Posts: 1,819 Member
    This thread is depressing. OP if you think you're ugly, go to a thread where there are a bunch of GIFs. You'll feel better, promise.
  • HannahMaeCabe
    530roman wrote: »
    This thread is depressing. OP if you think you're ugly, go to a thread where there are a bunch of GIFs. You'll feel better, promise.
  • Oops_Myhaloslipped
    Oops_Myhaloslipped Posts: 3,892 Member
    530roman wrote: »
    This thread is depressing. OP if you think you're ugly, go to a thread where there are a bunch of GIFs. You'll feel better, promise.
    Either you're catfishing or you are fishing for compliments because the girl in the profile pic is beautiful. So which one is it OP?
  • ladd_alvy1986
    Survey says, Gorgeous all around!!
  • Athos282
    Athos282 Posts: 405 Member
    Survey says, Gorgeous all around!!

    QFT and just have to add:


  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    is this a joke? from your picture you are gorgeous