I'm curious how many military people we have here. Active, reserve, or spouse.

I wanna know your resaons for getting "fit" or joining MFP


  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    I am a military mom....my only son is in the Air Force since 9/2014, so still pretty new to me! That was a huge reason for me...I want to be able to travel & spend time with him wherever the USAF takes him. Plus, I want to make him as proud as he makes me!
  • Thats an amazing reason @Jenibethbu
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    I'm none of the above, but I worked in DoD civil service for the Air Force for a decade. I've always had some level of healthy eating and fitness, but I kicked it into high gear in my late 30s. I just look better and feel better when I'm physically fit.
  • so far not so many
  • danielabe1985
    danielabe1985 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Active, serving in the Australian Navy, joined to meet new people and challenge myself
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Veteran Marine Corps. Just in case the world needs saving
  • danielabe1985
    danielabe1985 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Thank you for your service
  • cnadiger
    cnadiger Posts: 168 Member
    wellsjr79 wrote: »
    Veteran Marine Corps. Just in case the world needs saving

    Love it! I spent 5 years in the AF then transferred to the Army as a Logistics Officer. But that was back in the dark ages of the FIRST gulf war.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    I love all my brothers and sisters that served
  • danielabe1985
    danielabe1985 Posts: 1,582 Member
    utmost respect for those who serve and sacrifice, to the families as well
  • Marine 07-11 here
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    Thanks to all who serve their country. We owe you so much!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Navy spouse here. I started here to lose weight for my wedding at the same time my husband was losing weight for basic training.
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Army Reserves vet here. Also the wife of an Air Force National Guard Vet, daughter of an Army vet, and the sister of an Army hero (he was killed in Iraq in June of 2003 :'( . My 16 year old says he is Marines bound as well!
  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
    edited February 2015
    checking in AD, I'm here for the motivation to stay in shape
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Guess I forgot to add why I am here......it's because I have become literally two of me over the past years and am on a mission to get my old body back and be healthy again!
  • BFit2night
    BFit2night Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2015
    Navy Chief here. Reserve, but just got back from Afghanistan and boy am I glad to be back. I imagine the bad guys don't have MyFitnessPal to keep them busy! Joined this because I had a fellow Shipmate have amazing results with this site and thought it would be a great motivational tool for me and others.
  • spike90 wrote: »
    Guess I forgot to add why I am here......it's because I have become literally two of me over the past years and am on a mission to get my old body back and be healthy again!

    Lol me too. Well my first two years in the Marines I was honor guard and I was quickly introduced to body building. Within 6 months I increased my pull-ups from 10- 23 and grew from 190 to 225lbs. While all this increase I was still able to run a 20min 3 mile. Once I completed this duty I went to Pendleton to my line unit and I was a saw gunner and had to keep my strength and cardio x10. After getting out of active duty I couldn't see myself losing what I worked so hard for. I currently stand at 6''1 230lbs. I'm here to chat with awesome people and get or give motivation.
  • CrownThisBitch
    CrownThisBitch Posts: 90
    edited February 2015
    MrTomIII wrote: »
    spike90 wrote: »
    Guess I forgot to add why I am here......it's because I have become literally two of me over the past years and am on a mission to get my old body back and be healthy again!

    Lol me too. Well my first two years in the Marines I was honor guard and I was quickly introduced to body building. Within 6 months I increased my pull-ups from 10- 23 and grew from 190 to 225lbs. While all this increase I was still able to run a 20min 3 mile. Once I completed this duty I went to Pendleton to my line unit and I was a saw gunner and had to keep my strength and cardio x10. After getting out of active duty I couldn't see myself losing what I worked so hard for. I currently stand at 6''1 230lbs. I'm here to chat with awesome people and get or give motivation.

    Now I am excited to see you!
  • thank you for your service