The most ridiculous diet tips you've ever heard?



  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member

    You know you're posting this on MFP, right?

  • arizonahiker
    arizonahiker Posts: 40 Member
    Anything that comes out of the mouth of Dr. Oz....

    This ^^^
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    edited February 2015
    2000 calories works for everyone
    100 grams of carbs is ideal for everyone
    eat clean to lose weight..
    paleo for weight loss and being healthier..

    I can keep going...
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Everything that comes out of Freelee and Durianrider's mouths.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    2000 calories works for everyone
    100 grams of carbs is ideal for everyone
    eat clean to lose weight..
    paleo for weight loss and being healthier..

    I can keep going...

    Or you STARVE!

  • monkeystikx
    monkeystikx Posts: 40 Member
    At work, we have a lot of really thin Asian ladies. They claim by drinking hot water with their meals, that it melts the fat in their bodies to help stay thin.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    edited February 2015
    Plexus and It Works..

    Especially the It Works body wrap.. I mean seriously that is ridiculous and extremely temporary considering it only lasts a day or 2

    Anything that is not sustainable really. If it is a pill, drink, or some other quick fix that the minute you give it up and go back to your old ways then you gain the weight back.. not worth it.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member


  • jennycina93
    jennycina93 Posts: 127 Member
    The 2000 calorie post that was on here a few days ago. Apparently 2000 calories is good for everyone regardless of sex or height. And you will starve if you eat below that.
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    Diet Pills!

    I love how they come with that disclaimer about "eating right" and getting "plenty of exercise" ...
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    Anything that comes out of the mouth of Dr. Oz....

    that's one doctor i would not take advice from
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    a juice diet to jump start fat loss

    clean eating for weight loss

    gluten/dairy/egg free for weight loss

    blueberries will burn belly fat

    a low carb/low fat diet

    eating less than 1000 calories a day

    meal replacement shakes
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    The other day a girl said that losing weight has nothing to do with calories, instead it's about counting the fat content only. U wot?

    Also I recently heard about a "chocolate mono diet" where you eat ONLY 200-400g of chocolate each day for one week and drink only water. Again...what?! Surely that would make you gain 394789325 pounds? Wow!

    What are the most stupid diet tips/advice you've heard? I need a laugh.

    Actually- 100g of chocolate is about 500-550 cals depending on the brand and dark vs milk. So 200-400g would be about 1000-2200 cals. So you would still be in a deficit for most people, therefore causing weight loss . Not advocating this though, just pointing it out.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    a juice diet to jump start fat loss

    clean eating for weight loss

    gluten/dairy/egg free for weight loss

    blueberries will burn belly fat

    a low carb/low fat diet

    eating less than 1000 calories a day

    meal replacement shakes

    I think this covers it.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    "Magic" foods that either cause you to lose or gain fat beyond their caloric content.

    As in: Blueberries will melt your belly fat, but they are made of carbs and ergo evil and guaranteed to make you fat, oh, no, help me, I'm stuck in the BROSCIENCE LOOP OF DOOOOOOM
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    no eating after 6 o clock
    no eating after 8 o clock
  • atorina21
    atorina21 Posts: 65 Member
    Eat more bacon--run less. It was a book advertised on I believe channel 5 recently. I believe it is "ridiculously interesting" personally.
  • preciousIam
    preciousIam Posts: 27 Member
    It was a diet plan where you would eat anything you wanted one day and the next day eat nothing except a handful of supplemental pills and so forth.
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    A nutritionist ate nothing but Twinkies as his sole calorie source to see if he could lose weight. The truth is he did. But the fact remains his Twinkie caloric intake was set at 1800 days and 700 calories less than he had previously consumed. The moral of this diet is: reducing calories results in weight loss, eating Twinkies doesn't. (
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited February 2015
    "Breatharianism frequently involves sungazing in the dubious belief that nourishment can be gained directly from the sun's energy through the eye, even though it is not a photosynthesising organ. This is likely to be just a woo-based explanation of "energy", which has little or nothing to do with real definitions of energy as a state-function of what can perform work. As with most supposed techniques of its type, proponents claim that the arts of breatharianism take years to master - usually this sort of excuse allows proponents to ignore evidence based on people trying and failing at the technique. It clearly requires a great deal of courage and self-discipline to be able to keep a straight face while talking about staring at the sun as a viable solution of the world's starvation problems."

    Woman Dies of Starvation While on an All-Sunlight Diet

    "She spent a week eating and drinking nothing — not even her own saliva — while consuming only sunlight and air. She stopped for a few weeks at the behest of her children, but eventually resumed.

    She was found dead in her home last winter; the cause of death was ruled to be starvation.

    At least three other deaths have been attributed to the pseudoscientific practice of breatharianism since prominent advocate Ellen Greve (AKA Jasmuheen) began touting "pranic nourishment" in the 1990s."

    Seattle woman stops eating and goes ‘breatharian’ for FIVE WEEKS in attempt to survive on water and light

    "Plants live on light, then we eat plants," she wrote on Facebook May 3. "Are we simply not accessing our inherent ability to live on light? ... After hearing of the possibility that this might be true, I received a 'calling' from within, from the Universe, to find out if it is so.

    But she also makes note on Facebook of unpleasant-sounding side effects such as weakness, throwing up bile, dizziness, and frozen hands."