Ladies help !

As Mother Nature sends us a gift every month how do you control the urge to over eat & lots of the wrong food ?? Any tips please


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I haven't been coping with it too well. It slows down the losses, but it is what it is. Hopefully, someone else will be more helpful. Good luck. :smile:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I have read in a lot of fitness books that during that time women do need to consume 300-500 more calories to maintain energy levels. However, they should be healthy alternatives to the fats and salts we crave. I found that eating things like full cream yogurt and putting lemons in my water really help.

    Good luck.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Self control, just like every other time of the month.

    Oh, and there's no such thing as "wrong" food. All food is right.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I eat at maintenance at the height of TOM. I'm already uncomfortable and b!tchy, so I'm going to eat an extra few calories (not over my maintenance calories) for a day or two and heaven help you if you don't give me chocolate.
  • MezaEza
    MezaEza Posts: 267 Member
    I'd recommend some gentle exercise like yoga, or a walk to help distract yourself from the cravings and sometimes it helps with aches and cramps and the like.
    As for the cravings themselves I try to allow for them where I can, but instead of having a whole bar of ordinary chocolate I'll maybe have one or two squares of quality chocolate.
    Also things like fresh fruit help you get the sugar hit without all the calories.
  • sunandstars2
    sunandstars2 Posts: 56 Member
    During that time of the month or any time, I try to stock foods that I know will be a better choice if I choose to eath the WHOLE BAG, like carrots instead of chips. A whole bag of anything is usually not a good choice, but I figure each individual choice counts. I just have to force myself to make the best choice, as often as I can. Nobody is perfect and I eat chocolate for dinner once in a while ;) .... but you have to be accountable for your own will power. If you cave in to an urge and over eat, it is what it is. Just try to make a better choice next time!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    The day before they arrive I feel like a bottomless pit!! I ate a whole cheesecake last month :grumble:
    Thus far it hasn't affected my weight loss. The only solution is to find some super human willpower around that time...
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I eat what I want within my calorie goals?
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I find that the better I eat (and even more...the better I keep myself hydrated) the less issues I have with cravings that time of the month. My issue is chocolate...Ive been known to bake brownies at 3am cause MUST HAVE THEM! lol But over the past 2 months, I havnt had any cravings at all.

    I notice I want to eat more sweets when I havnt been drinking as much water as I should. That seems to be the biggest thing for me.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    My hormones make me super hungry for a few days around that time, so (when I'm losing weight) I generally eat at maintenance then instead of at a deficit. It's easier to do that and up it by a few hundred calories than to be so hungry and end up scarfing a pint of Hagen-Daaz and half a pizza in a moment of weakness.
  • saramatthews919
    saramatthews919 Posts: 161 Member
    Thank you for the tips got fruit stocked up & ready with my walking shoes weather permitting :D
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I wouldn't really call my period a gift every month lol! I feel like a whale, I get a lot more hotter and can be right moody hahaha!

    I crave carbs, crisps and chocs badly around this time. But I find eating good fats ie Peanut butter curbs this craving for me. Love a peanut butter sandwich. There filling too so keeps you fuller for longer being protein. I would say stock up on lots of fruit, greek yoghurt, cottage cheese etc, these things should help. Snack on nuts when peckish... Almonds : )

    Good luck
  • saramatthews919
    saramatthews919 Posts: 161 Member
    Couldn't think of a polite way to put time of month lol
    Thanks for the tips
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,902 Member
    Beef jerky, small amount of good dark chocolate and my glass of red wine. Usually once I have that I'm fine the rest of the time. I actually had my red wine night last night. Had 4oz, skipped the chocolate this time. I think I'll make it with out taking a chain saw to anyone. Lol
  • luckypony71
    luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
    It's not always easy for me. I try to stick to good choices. If I go over in calories I might add an extra session or two of cardio on the days that I would normally skip.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Move more.
  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    It's not easy to ignore those cravings. When I'm "on va-cay", or shortly before I go, I crave food & junk something fierce. Trying to drink more water helps me alot. I had one bad day this month and I was able to correct it with a work-out when I got home. I keep a medium bag of M&M's in my desk at work and I eat no more than 20 M&M's a day. It has been quite helpful and has kept me from things like cookies, cakes, doughnuts, and the crazy foods I usually eat. If I eat something not so good, I try to add in extra exercise to help stay within my calorie count. If I miss, then I just pick my self up, dust off, and try again the next day.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I enjoy dark chocolate.
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    I make sure to track my water and drink when I'm feeling a craving, I also continue my workout routine regardless of my cramps because it actually helps them (although I do have to back off a bit sometimes) and I get a dark chocolate lindt bar and allow myself 2-3 squares at night with green tea to help the chocolate craving. If I am REALLY craving salt - I make a small bag of popcorn because it is really filling and isn't too hard on my calorie goal.
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    I eat around maintenance or sometimes a bit more and don't workout for the first two days, and if I want chocolate, I go get some real chocolate instead of that diet chocolate that does noting to soothe cravings. I learned from experience that trying to stick to calorie restriction those days leaves me a weepy mess who cannot function and is a great way to make sure I'm going to binge.