I don't even know how to dress myself anymore...



  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    So, what did you buy???

  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    yup, congrats. it is an amazing feeling isnt it?
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I can absolutely relate.

    I will keep wearing the larger sizes as long as they are still in the house, so I've started donating them when I notice they are too big on me. I even have a bin of smaller clothes that were handed down to me and I still wear stuff too big. I've started forcing myself to try on the smaller clothes once a month. When one of those pants fit, another larger pair has to go.
  • lovematthewchristopher
    First of all, congrats on the weight loss. Good luck with the interview too. Second, i was just having this exact conversation with someone today. My clothes are getting looser and looser, even my undergarments dont fit properly anymore. I know i will have to go and buy new clothes, sooner or later, but i am not looking forward to it. I have lost 30 pounds,since being on MFP, but 40 pounds since my journey began. Although i still have a long way to go to get to my goal, people say i look great because of all the weight i have lost. I feel it in my clothes, see it in the scale, but when i look in the mirror, i still see the old overweight me. When will my brain and eyes catch up to the rest of my body,i dont know. All we can do is take one day at a time. Good luck in your journey.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss and good luck in your interview!
  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    I have a hard time as well. I cleaned out my closet and dresser. I now need to sort through the boxes (yes BOXES...I love clothes, even when I was 63lbs bigger) and decide what is good enough to take to a consignment shop and what to just donate.

    I have found that if I buy clothes that actually fit they look better on me than ones even just one size too large. It is still a foreign concept to me to look for clothes in Medium and single digit sizes, although I am still size 10 in jeans.

    Also, I still have about 15 lbs to lose so while I am still losing I have been doing my shopping at a really nice consignment shop. They are very picky about what they will take. On my first trip I got 2 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of dress slacks, 2 shirts, 2 jackets, a skirt suit and 2 pairs of shoes for just over $100. On my second trip I got another pair of jeans, another skirt suit, a cute skirt, another shirt and jacket and a pair of shoes (ok...I found the shoes then had to find something to wear with them), and a leather jacket for about $100 but...they were having a half off sale to clear out winter clothes and make room for spring so I only paid about $50. Last weekend I got 2 more pair of dress slacks, a cute sleeveless dressy top and a sweater to wear over it for work as well as a Ralph Lauren jacket for around $75. I may just keep shopping there even after I reach my goal.


    Congrats on the weight loss! Now...go rock that interview. Good luck!
  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    First: Congratulations on the loss! You must be looking great!

    It is hard for me, too, but I think that is natural. I still start to head to the +sizes, but it is getting easier. Frankly, I don't think that a personal shopper or stylist idea is a bad one. I have actually thought of it as a final reward. I wonder if along with a new me, I should have a new style. It is hard though, to get out of our comfort zone of tunics and black slacks.

    What about buying something you really, really want? Although, I have had to buy work clothes, as I have lost weight, for me the difference was just this week when after years and years of buying elasticized waist jeans in a 22WP and not buying any jeans since I started this journey, I bought a pair of perfectly fitting, straight-legged, fly-front, 10P jeans. Oh, what a different image I had of myself! (Now I just need the boots!)

    I'm not quite done yet. I would like to see those jeans in a 6P, but for now, I'm in 7th Heaven!

    Buy the boots!!! ALWAYS BUY THE SHOES!!! Even after cleaning out my closet I have 28 pairs of shoes, not counting sandals (they don't count as shoes, right?). My BF told me I need to buy more shoes so I have a pair for each day of the month. He really knows me and that's yet another reason why I love him...he encourages me to shop :smiley:
  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    First of all, congrats on the weight loss. Good luck with the interview too. Second, i was just having this exact conversation with someone today. My clothes are getting looser and looser, even my undergarments dont fit properly anymore. I know i will have to go and buy new clothes, sooner or later, but i am not looking forward to it. I have lost 30 pounds,since being on MFP, but 40 pounds since my journey began. Although i still have a long way to go to get to my goal, people say i look great because of all the weight i have lost. I feel it in my clothes, see it in the scale, but when i look in the mirror, i still see the old overweight me. When will my brain and eyes catch up to the rest of my body,i dont know. All we can do is take one day at a time. Good luck in your journey.

    I have the same problem when I look in the mirror. I see the loss when I have on my new clothes but once I strip down, all is see is the stretch marks and what is still there. Which to be honest is probably not as much as my brain thinks is there. I am working with the Employee Health and Wellness Nurse at work and we have discussed this problem. In fact, it is the topic for the group meeting next week.

    I feel better physically and can do things I was unable to do before. When I first started I couldn't make it past the 3rd floor on the stairs at work. Now I go from the basement to the 4th floor (double flights of stairs) twice, do an hour on the treadmill at 4mph then do 2 more trips up and down the stairs. My lab work is well into the normal range and my BP great. I just thought I would feel differently on the outside...I don't know how but I thought I'd feel SOMETHING. Ya know?