Go Pro, Bro!



  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    edited February 2015
    Serious response:

    a) They might be vlogging. To some people, it's a hobby. Why do people collect stamps? It's a hobby. If you don't do it, you'll never understand. Some people actually make a living by vlogging.

    b) Insurance. Why do so many cars in Russia have dashcams? Insurance fraud is a huge thing there. You never know. Some guy might come careening down the trail, hitting them, and turning the into a quadriplegic. A video will serve many wonders in court, and makes it more difficult for insurance providers to deny claim.

    c) Along the same lines as the previous post: What if something truly amazing happened right in front of them. How many times have you witnessed something you wish you caught on camera? By simply having a camera there, recording everything, you might randomly end up with a video that will go viral (which, if you post on YouTube, can make you quite a bit of cash for some time).

    d) Some people have mental handicap that makes them unable to remember things.

    e) 20 years ago, why did people used to always go around with a camera, taking pictures of things? Why did people fill photo albums with piles of images that everyone else would consider boring and mundane? This is simply a change in technology, helped along with the massive convenience and ease of strapping a camera onto your head.

    f) Why does your sister update her twitter account every 5 seconds, letting people know exactly what she's doing? "Hanging up the laundry now." "Oops, dropped a clothes pin!" Seriously, it's like they believe people want to see this *kitten* all the time. No one cares but themselves, but that's enough reason for themselves to try to shove it down your throat.

    And g) Why the heck do you even care? Seriously.

    ETA: Just because it's called an "action camera" doesn't mean you have to use it exclusively to record "action". That's like saying duct tape should only ever be used on ducting. Really.

    Also, it can be used for personal reasons as well. You don't have to place everything you record on the internet.
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    You saw me?! Don't judge, I'm documenting relaxing adventures for the youtubez!
  • 530roman
    530roman Posts: 1,819 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    I bought one for my SO for his bday (today). I'm sorry I didn't consult you first to see if he was hard core enough to have one.

    But to answer your reposted question: we're doing several Spartans and Tough Mudders this summer. He's also in the military. He wanted one to wear to those events and his military excursions.

    I thought this was a funny response. Didn't check with me to see if it was hardcore enough... but is doing Spartans and Tough Mudders. yeah, I'd say that counts as more extreme than a leisurely bike ride.

    Thanks for the serious answers. I never considered a more leisurely ride being something worth recording b/c it could still be tough for people at lower fitness levels. This helped me to get a better understanding of why people might do this.

    For the mind your own business type answers, sorry for asking a question and trying to illustrate why it was confusing for me. I don't think you took geniune offense, I just think you like berating strangers on the internet... but just my interpretation. I hope I haven't offended your delicate sensibilities.

    OP seems a little delicate about responses being given? Don't apologize
  • Cindy4FunFit
    Cindy4FunFit Posts: 2,732 Member
    edited February 2015
    We have one. It takes great wide angle photos as well. It's amazing small sized technology, looks beautiful on a big screen smart TV, so I could imagine some folks may just want to enjoy non extreme events in this way. You should just ask these people, nicely, directly.

    Oh yeah- and hands free pics & recordings when mounted! Bonus.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    edited February 2015
    As for the calm bike rides, I'd say they do it for the same reasons people take pictures of sunsets and beach days. Adrenaline rush adventures aren't the only experiences worth documenting. Some people like to look back and relive the relaxing walk on the beach or that pleasurable bike ride they took with some pals.

    As for those experiences AND others, maybe they're vloggers. Maybe they're experimenting with a new toy before taking it on vacation. Who knows?

    I can think of many occasions where something awesome happened to me while doing something "mundane" and I wished I'd had a camera going to capture it. Go Pro cameras are lightweight and small so they're easy to have going for every darn thing. So maybe that's the reason?

    Lastly, memories fade. I think it would suck if, when I'm an old lady, the only things I will be able to remember are the major life events that were "worthy" of filming. I want to remember the sound of my husband's voice, the little silly conversations we have, the way our favorite biking trail looks on a foggy morning. If recording some of those adreline-free occasions allows me to preserve those memories and share them with future family, I'm 100% for it. I sure wish there were videos of my parents and grandparents just living life. Sure, I can see their wedding photos, but it would be fun to see how everyone interacted on a plane Jane Tuesday night. But that's just me.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    I can imagine using the video as a screensaver for my FireTV or chromecast. I live in pretty enough places when I'm hiking that it would be nice to see the gorgeous views in my living room when I'm listening to music.

    Just a thought.