No Weight loss doing insanity



  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    The all-caps makes us believe your opinion more...
    Actually... MY PROGRESS does... I'm not the one with the issue here and searching for answers... I'm just trying to give PROVEN FACTS that can be helpful... BUT the fact that the first and ONLY post YOU have to offer @ibamosaserreinas‌ is a negative one and non-productive at all tells me that you dont have a CLUE as to how to help our friend here, yes?

    @mahoganybrowne‌ You aren't going to last very long here…
  • SashleyA
    SashleyA Posts: 122 Member
    It's been about -8 degrees going outside of my 'dusty' house to run isn't happening.

    QFT. Running outside is not an option here until the weather warms up and the snow and ice are gone... so like April or May. I'll stick to my indoor workouts.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    It is -47 here today. Running ain't happening.
    How much does Insanity video cost anyway? Didn't think it was enough to be a deal breaker?
    Workout videos are awesome if that is what fits your life. Not my cup of tea but there is nothing wrong with the workouts if they get you sweating and you enjoy them.

    Keep doing what you are doing and eating at a slight deficit and you will get there.

    Good luck OP
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    @ChillyUk We're about the same way in! Tomorrow is my last workout of Recovery week and than month 2! Good luck!
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    edited February 2015
    The all-caps makes us believe your opinion more...

    Haha! :D (they really need a "like" button.)
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    Has your fitness level improved? Are you keeping up with and logging the fit tests? I think he says to do them every two weeks.
  • Vincisomethng
    Vincisomethng Posts: 149 Member
    edited February 2015
    It could depend on a number of factors:

    1. Not drinking enough water/ water retention.
    2. Eating too many calories.
    3. Eating too few calories (eating way too less can damage your metabolism. This is why fad diets don't work because once you start eating a higher amount of calories, you'll just gain all your weight back. It's kind of like your metabolism going, "WAIT, I WASN'T READY!")
    4. Just an overall poor diet. Too many cheat days, not enough nutrition...
    5. Overestimating how much you burn. I use this site since I don't have an HRM.
    6. Underestimating how much you eat.
    7. Not putting in that much energy or focus in your work outs.
    8. Are you taking progress pictures? In my experience, pictures and measuring tapes are way more accurate than the scale. If it wasn't for pictures or tape measurements, I wouldn't have seen the difference. If I just used the scale and I gained a few pounds, I definitely would've been bummed.

    I did insanity and lost about 5 pounds. I wasn't 100% perfect throughout the process, though. I am currently doing T25 and I just finished with Max:30. I have been working out 5 - 6 times a day (and so far no cheat days!) and I definitely see a difference since finishing max:30 (especially in my arms :)). And to those saying that you need weights- NO YOU DON'T! You don't need the gym membership! It's simply your body, strength, cardio, and a good diet.
  • retailwizard1
    retailwizard1 Posts: 84 Member
    Omg dvds definitely work!! I did 2 every day for over a year and my problem tummy waist shrunk to nothing (did Jillian Michaels and a pilates) problem I have is I can't get motivated to do it anymore and my lil tummy is back so thought maybe this place might motivate me somehow!
  • Meliwu
    Meliwu Posts: 2 Member
    Measure your body fat, not your weight. As a female, some days you will annoyingly retain more water but that's natural and your body can be very reluctant to get rid of the fat that it's known for so long. Keep in mind that you will be doing a lot of body weight exercises with Insanity so you will be building muscle (and I know you've heard this a million times but muscle weighs more than fat). I did my first round of insanity years ago and I probably lost 2 lbs but i went down 4 dress sizes and my abs looked better than they had in my entire life.

    But honestly the scale is not allowed in my house. I can pass for 40lbs less than I actually weigh because I lift heavy weights (courtesy of dvds). Hell, when I go to the gym to change up the cardio routine every now and then, people ask me for advice on what to do.

    As for the very vocal commenter, running outside is not for everyone. Some people find running very boring (that's why there's plenty of other alternatives), it is tough on the knees (not like Insanity is any easier, just remember that form is very important with plyometrics), and it is -5 degF where I am right now so just no. I work out at 5am before work and dvds are much more convenient and provide a much better variety of exercises if you're putting the effort into it. Many times I burn more calories during a P90x workout than when I was training for a 5k. Trust me, unless you absolutely LOVE running, you will get bored soon. The point of any workout routine is making is last even after you lose the weight so variety and finding something that you enjoy is key.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I see your progress and I like it, impressive... but for women, losing weight is different. We have to do much more cardio than men. But you're looking good tho...

    The thing is you don't have to do any cardio. Cardio benefits your heart, lung. etc...

    Losing weight is not different for genders. Weight control is done through your calorie intake.

    You can do cardio all day, BUT IF YOU EAT MORE THAN YOU BURN YOU WILL GAIN fat & possibly muscle if you are doing resistance training.

  • mahoganybrowne
    mahoganybrowne Posts: 88 Member
    Oh guys... I'm no longer in this conversation, I forgot about it days ago and really dont care about your responses. I'm good over here. My body looks amazing, anyone will tell you that. And I'm entitled to give my advice which wasn't meant for any of you... it was meant fot @‌ChillyUK the rest of you jusr seem to want to argue with me about things I could care less about...

    Anyway... GOOD DAY!
  • mahoganybrowne
    mahoganybrowne Posts: 88 Member
    Again, @ChillyUK‌ , good luck hun, I hope you figure out something that works...
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    I see your progress and I like it, impressive... but for women, losing weight is different. We have to do much more cardio than men. But you're looking good tho...
    I would like to wholly disagree here. Women who lift heavy can change their body composition more effectively than they can through cardio. I've done Insanity, and it's very cardio based, so I'm not sure where you are even going with that point.