Help me!



  • sk1nnyf0rm3
    sk1nnyf0rm3 Posts: 110 Member
    KylaDenay wrote: »
    KylaDenay wrote: »
    You either want it or you don't. You will have to stop giving in to temptation and practice more self control. Maybe try and find something to keep you busy or occupy your time more so that you are not thinking about eating.

    If you were ready and really wanted to lose weight....then you wouldn't have eaten over 2000 calories a day in junk and would not be gaining weight. It's all in your head.

    I see where you're coming from, but I literally can't stop myself when I start eating. Like, I don't have control anymore. I just go, go and go. And can't stop. It's like something else is controlling my feet and hands and mouth and making me eat and get up to go to the kitchen and get more junk. I can't control it...And I hate myself so much for how much I'm eating. But I can't stop. It makes me just wanna rip all the fat off my body. But then I just can't stop myself from eating more and more junk
    Oh I understand. I am the same way as long as there is junk in my home, I will eat it. Then I realized that I must not want to lose weight if I'm doing that. It is hard for some people, but you have to ask yourself what is more important. Being overweight and the feeling of hating yourself....or losing weight and feeling good about yourself. Really are those calories worth it??

    Don't deprive yourself. If you can manage to just eat less of those things and stick to your goals you will lose weight. If you can't do that then you have to keep it out of your house. If you can't do that, then you really just aren't' ready for this yet.

    Stop hating yourself. Learn to love yourself first. I think you have to get your mind right. You can do this!!

    The only thing is that I live at home with my mom and sister. Both of them have no issues with junk food. Note I just say no issues loosely. They can overeat it and not care. So it keeps coming in the house. And then my moms say I've 'eaten nothing' if that's all I've had all day so I really don't know how to keep it out of the house, to be honest. I try to ask myself that question, but then it's like someone else takes over my body and eats it all. I don't even remember eating sometimes and the food just appears in my diary
  • sk1nnyf0rm3
    sk1nnyf0rm3 Posts: 110 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Change your habits. Change your routine. Need a little more info, but can you NOT turn on the TV in the morning and workout first? If you're eating that much junk, can you stop buying it in the first place? Or, if it's in the house for the rest of your family can they store it elsewhere?

    Ultimately, you'll need to teach yourself that NOT eating it feels better than filling up on unhealthy foods. It really is worth it and you'll feel so much better about yourself. You can do this!

    My family encourages me to eat it. Like, if I say 'no thanks' they just keep pressuring me or just plop it in front of me and keep going until I eat it. I can't workout around my family or anything like that. They won't let me
  • sk1nnyf0rm3
    sk1nnyf0rm3 Posts: 110 Member
    pplastics wrote: »
    For me, healthy food did not taste as good until I stopped eating the junk.

    My doctor had me do the following, and it helped a lot: I ate as much as I wanted of lean proteins (yogurt, chicken, turkey, fish), fruits (one to two servings a day), and unlimited veggies for about a week. Then, I slowly started re-incorporating other foods in, but stuck to eating the bulk of my calories from lean proteins, fruits and veggies. That is how I eat almost every day now. I have lost 48 pounds since May 27 2014. I exercise 6 days a week so I can eat more food. I make the choice everyday, every meal, every snack.

    The only person who can make this change is you. Make a plan and set a calorie goal. Stick to it more days than you don't. Wake up, eat your calorie limit, go to bed, repeat. It becomes that simple if you let it happen.

    I think I'll try that. Then I'll have options, but they'll be healthy. Thanks!
  • sk1nnyf0rm3
    sk1nnyf0rm3 Posts: 110 Member
    rnjcb wrote: »
    I'm not an expert, but if you don't realize all that you eat, and it is a very large quantity of food, you may need help and support outside of this forum.
    I'm not trying to be rude or ugly, please understand I've done this myself and it's helped me gain much better control of the "mindless" eating I used to do.
    Over Eaters Anonymous, which is a free support group, has many branches in many cities/towns. You can Google a local chapter. There are other support groups if this is not a type of therapy you are interested in.
    Habits that are self destructive come from somewhere, you need to honestly look at what's motivating you to continue with self-destructive behavior.
    I sincerely wish you the best of luck, and remember, it's a day to day journey.
    Keep strong!!

    Ok. Thanks for the info. I'll look it up and see where it goes
  • sk1nnyf0rm3
    sk1nnyf0rm3 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, just curious to ask how much are you trying to lose?

    I'm still deciding entirely. But probably somewhere between 20 and 30 lbs
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi, just curious to ask how much are you trying to lose?

    I'm still deciding entirely. But probably somewhere between 20 and 30 lbs

    What are your current stats?
  • sk1nnyf0rm3
    sk1nnyf0rm3 Posts: 110 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Hi, just curious to ask how much are you trying to lose?

    I'm still deciding entirely. But probably somewhere between 20 and 30 lbs

    What are your current stats?

    I'm 5'3/5'4 and my weight has been all over the place lately