Considering Pizza

Considering pizza tonight for dinner. Two slices, plain cheese, Little Ceasar's deep dish. It will not take me over my sedentary calories, nor any of my macros. I've eaten healthy today and worked out. Yet I feel afraid. It just feels forbidden. Too yummy for what I am trying to accomplish at here. Not sure if I should just go with the steak and veggies I planned on originally.


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Meh! Get the pizza. You might save more room if you don't get the deep dish. When I'm a good girl and want pizza on a Friday night, I get it. And it's amazing.
  • TheVogonVegan
    TheVogonVegan Posts: 75 Member
    If you eat the pizza and satisfy the craving and it doesn't put you over any of your goals, why not? A lot of weight loss plans fail if you never let yourself eat -anything- that you want.
  • moose_mama
    moose_mama Posts: 32 Member
    Go for it! I had pizza for dinner tonight with a big serving of steamed vegetables.
  • iamaprincessx
    iamaprincessx Posts: 78 Member
    If you've been good treat yourself !!!! You deserve it. Its no harm done if your not above your calories :) Its better to have little treats every now and then than restrict yourself to the point where you explode and have an enormous binge.
    I love an occasional bit of pizza too but I do myself a mini one made with half a pitta bread toasted, then healthy tomato sauce (pureed tomato with basil) then cheese (low fat feta or mozzerella) mushrooms, red onions and chicken or prawn or whatever then oven it until its all crispy and melty. If I have the time I will even just make pizza dough using cauliflower instead of flour so its completely carb free and still delicious x
  • ssigmond
    ssigmond Posts: 13 Member
    Yep! If you can fit it into your macros do it! I ate a whole large pizza last night. so I could carb load for today's lift!!! I do half the amount of cheese to cut a lot of fat out but still delicious!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Pizza is a perfectly healthy food choice. I do not, for the life of me, understand why it's ever on the "unhealthy" or "forbidden" list for people.

    If it fits, eat it - and enjoy the crap out of it.
  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    Go for it! I make my own pizza (50% white 50% WW flour) @ 374 a slice with 3 cheeses, mushrooms, turkey sausage, and pepperoni. Shoot me an IM if you want the recipe.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    edited February 2015
    If it fits, it sits, right? I had pizza just the other day GUILTY FREE cause I was walking around for hours before that. It definitely fit. And - I stepped on the scale the next morning and still lost some weight!
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Part of changing your body into fit and healthy is mind set.

    The longer you think of foods as forbidden the more difficult it will be for you to achieve your goals and maintain them.

    If the shoe fits................
  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    Awesome advice all around. Thanks much! I think part of the fear was the thought of ordering a whole pizza and having enough discipline to stop at two slices. I'll just go for a mini like some of you suggested. Thanks again:-)

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Absolutely !
  • slodawnc
    slodawnc Posts: 8 Member
    I have a really good pizza recipe with the meat being the crust (I use ground turkey or chicken). About 111 calories per slice. If anyone would like the recipe, let me know. It is a really simple one.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    slodawnc wrote: »
    I have a really good pizza recipe with the meat being the crust (I use ground turkey or chicken). About 111 calories per slice. If anyone would like the recipe, let me know. It is a really simple one.

    ...Did someone say meat crust?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    emily_stew wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    slodawnc wrote: »
    I have a really good pizza recipe with the meat being the crust (I use ground turkey or chicken). About 111 calories per slice. If anyone would like the recipe, let me know. It is a really simple one.

    ...Did someone say meat crust?

    Whaaaa?? This beats cauliflower crust (gag)

    Definitely beats cauliflower crust.
  • slodawnc
    slodawnc Posts: 8 Member
    yes...I use a ground turkey or chicken for the crust. Definitely beats a cauliflower crust
  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    slodawnc wrote: »
    I have a really good pizza recipe with the meat being the crust (I use ground turkey or chicken). About 111 calories per slice. If anyone would like the recipe, let me know. It is a really simple one.

    Oh. My. Gawd! That is freakin' brilliant. Hell yes, I want the recipe!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    slodawnc wrote: »
    yes...I use a ground turkey or chicken for the crust. Definitely beats a cauliflower crust

    Gimme recipe please.

    I've never asked for a recipe on here. Not once. I hate cooking and I hate people's recipes but I'm gonna make this.
  • slodawnc
    slodawnc Posts: 8 Member
    I have never done recipe so hope it is okay to just put it here in the discussion
  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    Yes. Yes. Yes.