Eating more and losing weight?



  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Sometimes when you increase calories it causes you to release some water weight. It's called a "whoosh"-- you already lost the fat but water retention was hiding the scale loss.

    The whoosh fairy. :smile: I loved when she visited.

    ETA: haven't read your link yet, just commenting on the whoosh.

    I need the whoosh fairy to visit, I have 10 bucks under my pillow for her!

    I've been thinking of bribing her too. :D

    Does bribing work? I had the anti-whoosh fairy visit me this week. Either a combination of DOMS and TOM, or I need a new battery in my scale, or I sleep-ate an extra 35,000 calories Thursday night. The only food that seemed to be missing was from the cat bowl, and I don't think I'd stoop that low, physically or metaphorically.

    Surely, that is a typo. :)

    Nope. Not a typo. :) According to my scale, I gained ten pounds between Thursday and Friday. That's why the scale and I aren't good friends. I like going by measurements, photos and how clothes fit instead.

    Okay, no offense, but how could you even stomach 35,000 extra calories in a day? This sounds like an exaggeration to me, as in you could be overestimating your calorie intake.

    I guess I should have used the sarcasm sign. ;)


    I was simply stating that since the scale showed an increase overnight that didn't match up with what I'd been eating, the totally non-logical explanation was that I had been eating in my sleep.

    It is more likely that I had a combination of inflammation from exercise and bloating from my period (and even that seems excessive) or that my scale is broken.

    Seriously. I know there's always people on here who cry and moan when the scale goes up. Am I really the only person to ever joke about it?!

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited February 2015
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Sometimes when you increase calories it causes you to release some water weight. It's called a "whoosh"-- you already lost the fat but water retention was hiding the scale loss.

    The whoosh fairy. :smile: I loved when she visited.

    ETA: haven't read your link yet, just commenting on the whoosh.

    I need the whoosh fairy to visit, I have 10 bucks under my pillow for her!

    I've been thinking of bribing her too. :D

    Does bribing work? I had the anti-whoosh fairy visit me this week. Either a combination of DOMS and TOM, or I need a new battery in my scale, or I sleep-ate an extra 35,000 calories Thursday night. The only food that seemed to be missing was from the cat bowl, and I don't think I'd stoop that low, physically or metaphorically.

    Surely, that is a typo. :)

    Nope. Not a typo. :) According to my scale, I gained ten pounds between Thursday and Friday. That's why the scale and I aren't good friends. I like going by measurements, photos and how clothes fit instead.

    Okay, no offense, but how could you even stomach 35,000 extra calories in a day? This sounds like an exaggeration to me, as in you could be overestimating your calorie intake.

    I guess I should have used the sarcasm sign. ;)


    I was simply stating that since the scale showed an increase overnight that didn't match up with what I'd been eating, the totally non-logical explanation was that I had been eating in my sleep.

    It is more likely that I had a combination of inflammation from exercise and bloating from my period (and even that seems excessive) or that my scale is broken.

    Seriously. I know there's always people on here who cry and moan when the scale goes up. Am I really the only person to ever joke about it?!

    :D Go figure.

    I should have caught on by your profile picture with the cute but goofy glasses.

    Sometimes it takes me awhile to catch on.

    Thank for the smile. :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Sometimes when you increase calories it causes you to release some water weight. It's called a "whoosh"-- you already lost the fat but water retention was hiding the scale loss.

    The whoosh fairy. :smile: I loved when she visited.

    ETA: haven't read your link yet, just commenting on the whoosh.

    I need the whoosh fairy to visit, I have 10 bucks under my pillow for her!

    I've been thinking of bribing her too. :D

    Does bribing work? I had the anti-whoosh fairy visit me this week. Either a combination of DOMS and TOM, or I need a new battery in my scale, or I sleep-ate an extra 35,000 calories Thursday night. The only food that seemed to be missing was from the cat bowl, and I don't think I'd stoop that low, physically or metaphorically.

    Surely, that is a typo. :)

    Nope. Not a typo. :) According to my scale, I gained ten pounds between Thursday and Friday. That's why the scale and I aren't good friends. I like going by measurements, photos and how clothes fit instead.

    Okay, no offense, but how could you even stomach 35,000 extra calories in a day? This sounds like an exaggeration to me, as in you could be overestimating your calorie intake.

    I guess I should have used the sarcasm sign. ;)


    I was simply stating that since the scale showed an increase overnight that didn't match up with what I'd been eating, the totally non-logical explanation was that I had been eating in my sleep.

    It is more likely that I had a combination of inflammation from exercise and bloating from my period (and even that seems excessive) or that my scale is broken.

    Seriously. I know there's always people on here who cry and moan when the scale goes up. Am I really the only person to ever joke about it?!

    No but it's a lot rarer, unfortunately. ;)
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    Anyway, OP, I didn't mean to derail the thread. ;)

    Yay for eating more! For me, I don't think of it as "eating more" so much as "eating right." When I eat too little, I have so little energy that I don't burn off as much calories. I go to bed earlier, sleep later, walk the dog less, the laundry piles up, etc... When I'm eating right, I'm as hyper as a thousand caffeinated gerbils. It's not that eating more makes me lose more weight, but I'm more active in my normal daily life.
  • SammyBlz1
    I remember you, OP - I'm so glad you're eating more! You had me concerned for your health. I'm proud of you for recognizing that you needed to make changes, and then making them.
    Thank you! That means a lot. I'm trying. Yesterday was my "binge" day and i went to my required calories plus 200 more so i hit about maintenance.
    Todays been filled with guilt and not much food but im working on it.

  • SammyBlz1
    Anyway, OP, I didn't mean to derail the thread. ;)

    Yay for eating more! For me, I don't think of it as "eating more" so much as "eating right." When I eat too little, I have so little energy that I don't burn off as much calories. I go to bed earlier, sleep later, walk the dog less, the laundry piles up, etc... When I'm eating right, I'm as hyper as a thousand caffeinated gerbils. It's not that eating more makes me lose more weight, but I'm more active in my normal daily life.
    It hasnt ever been like that with me. I have insomnia and was getting about 5 hours of sleep a night and barely eating. Gym twice a day plus all the normal experiences of walking around a huge college campus. Then going to the gym in the early am. I like eating more because it makes me feel like im not dying so thats nice.