Jillian Michael's 30 day shred

I am starting the 30 day shred today! Anyone want to join me??
I'm going to Mexico first week of April and need to get more fit!!


  • AshZie
    AshZie Posts: 49 Member
    I'm actually about to complete 30 day shred on Tuesday and all I will say is don't give up!! It's awesome and I will probably continue it except now that I am capable of all 3 levels, I will rotate them for more variety. I also go to the gym about 3 times a week on top of the shred DVD. Once I do my final weigh in/pics/measurements I will share my results :) good luck!
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Just did Day One Level One today! Going to a convention in April and I want to wear a skimpy little Star Wars outfit. o:)
  • gretch23
    gretch23 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm almost done with level 2! Keep it up! It kicks my butt!
  • alibububs
    alibububs Posts: 9 Member
    I have been inspired to start tomorrow and now I have posted this I have to right! I have never passed level 2 so this will be my challenge (to complete 30 days) and I will do it every day - no breaks - I will be getting up at 6:30am to do this so wish me luck!
    Torifaris I will keep you posted on my progress - we are now in this together
    Have you took your starting measurements...will be interesting to see the inch loss as well as weight :-)
  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    I just bought this DVD last week but haven't used it yet. How are you guys logging it here, out of curiosity?
  • torifaris
    I am so sore from it! I also ran 2 mi yesterday at well. I'm logging it as interval circuit training I believe.

    Yes I'm so happy to have some support! I did take my measurements. I measured my arm at the widest, thigh also at widest, waist, and right under my belly button. I'll share my befores once I have afters so I won't be as ashamed! Lol!!!

    Id love to see pix ashzie! And congrats

    I'm in a lot of pain today. I need motivation to do day 2.
  • ConnorsMomJenn
    ConnorsMomJenn Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in too. Just got my DVD in the mail today. Let's do this! !! :)
  • torifaris
    Great!!! I just complete day two yesterday! Wowza my calves are sore!!!
  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    its hard but you get great results if you stick it out. i've done it a few times through now, each time with heavier weights, and get great results - stronger, more muscle tone especially in my shoulders, and lost 3 inches off my waist. now i just do the workouts now and then in between running days to keep my strength up.
  • ConnorsMomJenn
    ConnorsMomJenn Posts: 9 Member
    Day one down. Not as hard as I expected. But still a challenge. Definitely excited about seeing the results everybody raves about. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Sh3rl0ckH0lm3s
    Sh3rl0ckH0lm3s Posts: 10 Member
    OP I'm on day 26 and started because I too am going to Mexico the first week of April! Funny coincidence...Good luck and happy holidays/vacation!
  • nlo_
    nlo_ Posts: 7 Member
    I have done it before and am looking to start another round! Cruise May 3rd!
  • torifaris
    For those who have done it before or near finishing, what were your results?
  • torifaris
    I need to brag on here and know that it doesn't have to do w Jillian micheals but I ordered some shorts from old navy that came in the mail today. I was a size 8 so I figured I'd get a six since I'm losing weight... Turns out they're way too big! I need a 4!
  • Conquer14
    Conquer14 Posts: 53 Member
    I started today. I actually tried to do it about a year ago. I got through the first day of level 2 and hurt myself. Took a week for the pain to go away and by then my motivation was gone. I had lost a total of 6 inches all over during tnoe 11 days. I have gained so much weight and so out of of shape now, I need to finish this time. Good luck to us!
  • ConnorsMomJenn
    ConnorsMomJenn Posts: 9 Member
    Great job Torifaris!
  • torifaris
    You can do it!!
  • torifaris
    6 in in 11 days!?! That's so motivating! Were you doing anything on top of the shred? I'm running 2-3 mi 3-4 times a week and taking in 1200 cals a day.
  • khaleesi815
    khaleesi815 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started this today too! I'm really excited to see what kind of results I get.
  • torifaris
    Day 3 complete! This was was hard for me. My legs kill. Also struggled thru 2 mi... Bleh!
    I hope this isn't what skinny feels like...