Body Beast Women's Group!



  • SnowWillow
    Awesome to hear! I can't wait to start body beast. I'm going to start at the end of this round. I need to really focus on the nutrition. I completely plan to follow the Fix nutrition plan and not Body Beast's. I need the intense portion control. It allows you to eat a fair amount of calories and even has a set for the extreme beachbody workouts. Right now I have dropped into a lower range cause I find it hard to eat all the food but with doing beast I may just need to go back up to where I am originally supposed to be and I'm okay with that because I know I get results in that range.

    You Are going to love The Fix!
  • jensurr
    jensurr Posts: 23
    Hi Ladies! I'm in the middle of the 3rd week, still loving it. I did legs and shoulders on the same day this week because I'll need to skip a day due to traveling. That was rough, lol! I'm still doing a P90x3 video before BB and so far, I'm able to do both without problems.

    My weights are very similar...

    Chest..........12-20lb dumbells (on a good day 25)

    I've never heard of the 21 Day Fix, I'll have to check that out :)

    Keep going girls, we got this!!
  • freckles2002
    freckles2002 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for all your info ladies :):flowerforyou:
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    SnowWillow: That's what I plan to do too is follow the Fix eating plan while doing Beast; I know it would help me with my portion control as well and hopefully really help with those results!

    jensurr: Wow! You go girl! Doubles huh? How are you liking the results thus far? Seeing any new muscles making their debut?

    I have a busy day today and as I'm starting the 21 DF on Monday, I have kind of used this week as a rest week, but still teaching P90X too so that gives me some movement. I'm just ready to get some of this extra fat off! In fact, I might do 2 rounds of the Fix, depends on where I'm at in 3 weeks.

    Have a great day ladies and keep lifting!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    For the past 2 weeks, I have been doing the 21 Day Fix (meal plan ; portion control) along with the Beast & Jillian Michael's Kickbox Fastfix (these are only 20 min workouts). They work great with the 30 min Bulk routines. I have not had any issues at all.

    I have not weighed (told myself I wouldn't till the end of 21 days) but definitely feel like I have lost body fat (not sure if that is from the eating plan, Body Beast or both) Regardless I feel good about it and will probably do another round of 21 DF after a week of maintenance.

    Beast Up!
  • Jenniferanne22
    Hi everyone! I'm interested in ordering Body Beast but I have some questions for the ladies. Sorry if this has already been discussed but I haven't read through all the pages here yet... So here goes...

    Is Body Beast doable at the gym? And if working BB from home what are the best weights and other equipment to get while still being reasonably affordable? Also, I'm 50 years old. Any other women here around my age working BB? What is your experience and results?

    Any feedback is appreciated. Summer is coming!
  • SnowWillow
    BB is totally doable at the gym. You have all the info of all the moves for each dvd. The only issue is bringing it with you if you don't know the form yet. If you get a portable dvd player you could play it but I would talk to your gym first to make sure it's allowed although I have heard of lots of people bringing P90x to the gym. I would probably practice the moves with light weight (like 2 lbs) just to get a sense of the movement and then bring your sheets to the gym. This way you don't have to figure out where to put the player to be able to do the moves properly.

    You will need a set of light weights (for you), moderately heavy weights and heavy weights. It's all personal on what you are capable of. Example: in the video Build: Chest/Tri the first move is a chest press. 3 times, different reps getting heavier each time. for light weight Sagi uses 20 lbs. 15 reps. Next is moderate. 30 lbs 12 reps (he actually did 40 lbs cause he had no 30lb weights on his side lol).. Next is Heavy, and what's called the drop set. For him 50 lbs 8 reps, drop to 40 lbs 8 reps, right after the heavy set. The weights have to push you. Doing, 2,3 and 5lb is not going to get you the results you are looking for but on the flip side is that you should not be failing at 1 rep. you should struggle near the last 2-3 reps of a set. A little shaky but with good form. If you start to lose form then the weight is too heavy. You may try experimenting with your weight limit at the gym. So you know what you will need to buy for home.
    I highly suggest adjustable weights for home though. They are pricey on the outset but in the long wrong they are cheaper because they go from 5-55 lbs (usually) all for one price. Where each dumbbells costs roughly $1 per pound. (I priced at Walmart).
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm interested in ordering Body Beast but I have some questions for the ladies. Sorry if this has already been discussed but I haven't read through all the pages here yet... So here goes...

    Is Body Beast doable at the gym? And if working BB from home what are the best weights and other equipment to get while still being reasonably affordable? Also, I'm 50 years old. Any other women here around my age working BB? What is your experience and results?

    Any feedback is appreciated. Summer is coming!

    I am almost 53 and currently doing the BEAST. I would HIGHLY recommend adjustable weights up to 25 lbs (at least for your 1st round) Once that round is completely, look into something heavier if you wish or your addiction dictates it..haha. Xmark makes a pair of 25's for about $150 on Amazon. Otherwise you will need a pair each of 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20 & 25 lb dumbbells depending on the exercise, unless of course you have barbells. Sagi uses those on certain moves, but all can be accomplished with dumbbells. Also you will need a chin up bar or bands for certain movies.

    If you have never done weight lifting, you are in for a real treat. Beginners get exceptional results. Body composition changes like nothing cardio ever could.
  • Jenniferanne22
    Thank you so much! I'm going to look into the adjustable dumbells as I already have 2, 3, 5 and 8lb at home. Seems the XMark adjustable set would round it out nicely without breaking the bank. What about an adjustable bench? Any brand will do?
    Also, will I lose weight using BB? I could use to drop about 8 lbs or so especially in the thigh and caboose area. Perhaps a round of Brazil Butt Lift first? I'm so new at this!
  • EmmieCar86
    EmmieCar86 Posts: 83 Member
    Just finished up my first week of Body Beast and I was skeptical at first, but I think I'm going to love it! I have been sore since Monday and its awesome! Haven't lost any inches yet, but will keep updated!
  • EmmieCar86
    EmmieCar86 Posts: 83 Member
    Weights I'm using:

    Chest 15-25
    Legs - 15-340
    Back/Bis - 10-20
    Shoulders - 8-12....Shoulders were tough!!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Jenniferanne: Just like a couple of the other ladies said, you will need a good range of weights and honestly, the adjustable are the easiest and will take up less room too. I have a pair of adjustable up to 25lbs and I also have the Weider adjustable weights that go up to 50lbs each. Although, I haven't hit that 50lb mark yet! lol But, I do go up to 40's so they're good! I got lucky and found mine at Sears and it was the floor display so I got them for pretty cheap, well, cheap in the market of adjustable weights! You can totally do this!!! If you like strength training, you're going to LOVE this program!!! And you can do it at the gym. Like SnowWillow was saying, you might need to watch some of the DVD's to learn the move/form before you go. You can bring the workout sheets to help you keep track and there is also a Body Beast mobile site that you can use on your phone too. It's not an app but a website. And yes, it's definitely possible to lose weight with this program. There are two versions, a Huge and Lean. If you have any other questions, post away! We're here to help!

    EmmieCar: Nice job girl! I too was skeptical, watching my hubby do it last year but it's sooooo my soul mate workout! I LOVE lifting! Keep up the good work!

    I am getting so anxious to start my second round!!!! I start the 21 DF on Monday to lose some fat and then I'm back at it! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • jensurr
    jensurr Posts: 23
    Good morning Ladies! Let's start the week strong!!

    We've been on vacation the past 4 days. Brought my DVD's to workout at the hotel and there was no DVD player :frown: I did the best I could with some Insanity and T-25 videos off of YouTube. Gotta make due with the resources you have!

    I ate great until yesterday. Yesterday was a huge fail, lol. I guess some days you have to do it, especially on vacation. So today starts a new day and week, I'm going to tackle my workouts and clean eating hard! Who's with me?

    Ddavies919... Havent noticed much muscle growth yet. But that's because my body does not gain muscle mass easily and I still do too much cardio, I have a body type that leans out pretty easy, but doesn't grow easy. My real goal right now is to get very lean and have good muscle tone. I have a special event in 2 months that I'm working towards. After that, I'm going to cut down on cardio, increase my calories and do another round of BB (or another weight lifting program I know of) to try and gain some muscle. I'm too worried to experiment with what I know works before my event, lol.

    Hope everyone is loving the program and seeing results! If you are still considering doing it, I highly recommend it if you want to gain muscle or lose a little weight. I'm not a fitness expert, but if you are trying to lose a lot of weight, I think there are better programs out there more suited for that goal. Or maybe add some extra cardio to this one. Just my opinion :smile:
  • jag0720
    jag0720 Posts: 1
    Hey ladies,

    Just started Day one of Body Beast Lean. I just finished p90x which has been my staple over the past few years. However, at the suggestion of my brother, I'm committing to 90 days of Body Beast. I know it's cliche to say, but my upper body tends to bulk up.

    Since coming from p90x, I think I'm going to do my best to consistently add cardio to my workouts (i.e. spinning, Insanity workouts, plyo x, yoga, kenpo, BBL bum bum and cardio axe). I am excited to see the difference in results from P90x to Body Beast.

    I'll keep you posted. Day 1 done. It was GREAT to do some old-fashioned weight lifting. :)

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member

    I ate great until yesterday. Yesterday was a huge fail, lol. I guess some days you have to do it, especially on vacation. So today starts a new day and week, I'm going to tackle my workouts and clean eating hard! Who's with me?

    Hope everyone is loving the program and seeing results! If you are still considering doing it, I highly recommend it if you want to gain muscle or lose a little weight. I'm not a fitness expert, but if you are trying to lose a lot of weight, I think there are better programs out there more suited for that goal. Or maybe add some extra cardio to this one. Just my opinion :smile:

    I'm with ya girl! I think I said before, I was waiting every so patiently for my 21 Day Fix and it arrived last week so today is day 2 of that and I like it! I'm hoping to trim away some pounds of fat before I dive into my next round of Beast but you better believe I'm missing it!

    And I agree with you, if you're looking to lose 20 or more pounds, you might want to look into some other programs first and then hit Beast. Not because you won't lose weight but if the scale messes with your head, you'll definitely be gaining muscle and that can set you in a downward spiral. Or, do the Lean version of Beast and add in about 20 min extra cardio every other day.

    jag0720: Welcome! If you loved P90X, you're gonna love Body Beast! And as you mentioned, the "old fashioned weightlifting." That's exactly why I love this program!

    Also, I wanted to mention that there is a website that you can pull up on your smart phone if you're ever out of town like jensurr was that you can use for the exercises. It's not a traditional app so you won't find it for the iphone or droid but here's the site you'd use:

    Hope you ladies have a beasty day! Keep pushing play!
  • jmortel1
    jmortel1 Posts: 8
    Wow, what a great thread! I recently finished Insanity and while I definitely noticed a change in my cardio endurance, I didn't really see any of the physical changes I was looking for (inches lost, mostly). I took measurements and before/after photos and there was almost no change. I eat very healthy or "clean" as people seem to like to refer to it as in no processed foods, no refined sugar, no white/bleached starches, etc.

    Part of what I fear might be my problem is my size. I'm VERY small... I'm just barely 4.11" and weigh 100lbs (I'm also 23). So figuring out caloric intake is always a tough one for me. I don't need to lose weight (my BMI is healthy) but I do need to lower my body fat percentage. My fitness goals right now are to lean out and build some muscle, hence how I found this thread! I just bought Body Beast and am trying to decide whether or not it's the right program for me. Are there any other petite ladies out there that could shed some light on this issue? Or anyone have some advice about what program would be a good fit?

    Thank you all so much for sharing your experience. It is great to see women who aren't afraid of lifting heavy & getting strong!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Wow, what a great thread! I recently finished Insanity and while I definitely noticed a change in my cardio endurance, I didn't really see any of the physical changes I was looking for (inches lost, mostly). I took measurements and before/after photos and there was almost no change. I eat very healthy or "clean" as people seem to like to refer to it as in no processed foods, no refined sugar, no white/bleached starches, etc.

    Part of what I fear might be my problem is my size. I'm VERY small... I'm just barely 4.11" and weigh 100lbs (I'm also 23). So figuring out caloric intake is always a tough one for me. I don't need to lose weight (my BMI is healthy) but I do need to lower my body fat percentage. My fitness goals right now are to lean out and build some muscle, hence how I found this thread! I just bought Body Beast and am trying to decide whether or not it's the right program for me. Are there any other petite ladies out there that could shed some light on this issue? Or anyone have some advice about what program would be a good fit?

    Thank you all so much for sharing your experience. It is great to see women who aren't afraid of lifting heavy & getting strong!

    Welcome! I will say that there are women are every size & height doing this program and seeing amazing results! In fact, some women, this is all they do, round after round and just keep getting better results each time! I will say that by lifting heavy, you will burn off that extra body fat! You won't bulk up, you can't. Unless you're taking vast amounts of supplements. But, if you stick with the clean eating and follow the program, you'll definitely get stronger and leaner! I say do it! You'll love it!
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm considering doing this program. Currently doing x3. I got awesome results from the lifting involved with p90x, p90x3 doesn't have much lifting compared to it:(.
    Time-wise, how long do the workouts typically last?
  • jmortel1
    jmortel1 Posts: 8
    So would you recommend eating at a caloric surplus to facilitate muscle building or should I eat a maintenance/deficit level to continue losing fat?
  • ckidd311
    ckidd311 Posts: 68 Member
    Does anyone have progress pictures from their own journey with Body Beast?