Stretch Mark Success Stories!



  • brandilc
    brandilc Posts: 12 Member
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    This is the best I have on hand :)


    This photo has not been altered at all and my strech marks were ridiculous! I had them all over my hips, inner thighs and on most of my stomach, they have blended in after nearly 5 years since my daughter was born and after going from 214 down to 150 at the time, forgot this was taken a while ago, and nearly 5 lbs ago :)
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    Proud mama and owner of battle scars, here. Thanks for your bravery ladies! You've made me feel a bit more confident in myself today. xoxo :flowerforyou:
  • katherinedelamater
    I wouldn't call my stomach a success just yet... Lord knows I'm certainly not quite happy with it but I'm working on it. I have reached my weight loss goal (150 lbs) but found that my stomach fat is still stubbornly clinging on so I have continued my weight loss in hopes of shaking it. (140 lbs as of today and its still there *sigh*) My stretch marks were admittedly never very dark and had faded a bit after I had my first child almost 5 years ago but I had another baby 9 months ago so they are more visible now, I'm pretty hopeful they will fade again but really my stretch marks aren't what drive me crazy. I'm much more concerned about the loose wrinkly skin and layer of fat over my abs. Anyway... Here ya go. I'm 25 years old and 5'5. My top pregnancy weight was 198 lbs both times, My highest weight when not pregnant was about 177 lbs and my current weight is 140 lbs.

    9 months ago:


    What a beautiful mommy belly. :) Great job girl! You should be proud of yourself!
  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    Ive got tons of stretch marks and im happy to show them off. My belly was home to my 3 girls (now 3.5, 2 and 9 months)

    I was at 200lbs when my 3rd daughter was born.

    1st pic 3 months post partum 163, 2nd pic 6 months post partum at 152

    Well done fab progress! what have u been doing? exercise wise etc xx
  • ambiedawnz
    ambiedawnz Posts: 108 Member
    I wouldn't call my stomach a success just yet... Lord knows I'm certainly not quite happy with it but I'm working on it. I have reached my weight loss goal (150 lbs) but found that my stomach fat is still stubbornly clinging on so I have continued my weight loss in hopes of shaking it. (140 lbs as of today and its still there *sigh*) My stretch marks were admittedly never very dark and had faded a bit after I had my first child almost 5 years ago but I had another baby 9 months ago so they are more visible now, I'm pretty hopeful they will fade again but really my stretch marks aren't what drive me crazy. I'm much more concerned about the loose wrinkly skin and layer of fat over my abs. Anyway... Here ya go. I'm 25 years old and 5'5. My top pregnancy weight was 198 lbs both times, My highest weight when not pregnant was about 177 lbs and my current weight is 140 lbs.

    9 months ago:

    We could be tummy twins!!! My top weight pregnant was 198 for my first pregnancy and 186 for my second. They were 3 yrs 10months apart. I averaged around 150lbs between the pregnancies and am 5'7 1/2" tall. My goal is 140lbs and to tighten everything I can, seems like I've lost a lot of muscle mass over the last 6 years. There's a pic of my belly from two days ago on my profile. I'm not sure if its set to private but you can always just send a friend request :)
    (Oh & I'm approx 19months post partum)
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member

    We could be tummy twins!!! My top weight pregnant was 198 for my first pregnancy and 186 for my second. They were 3 yrs 10months apart. I averaged around 150lbs between the pregnancies and am 5'7 1/2" tall. My goal is 140lbs and to tighten everything I can, seems like I've lost a lot of muscle mass over the last 6 years. There's a pic of my belly from two days ago on my profile. I'm not sure if its set to private but you can always just send a friend request :)
    (Oh & I'm approx 19months post partum)

    We are tummy twins! Our kids are almost the same age as well and get this. I went to college for graphic design... and never finished. Lol.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Here I am January 10th, 2013 (She was born January 14, 2013) 5'8" 190lbs and she is baby #2

    Here I am about two weeks after she was born. Stretch marks are sort of hard to see, but all over belly, sides, and thighs.

    And here is my stomach now.

    And the pic in my ticker is my belly a few years after baby #1. The better shape I am the tighter my belly gets, they never go completely away but they definitely get less noticeable. Tyra Banks show had a special on cream that helped them vanish. Google it, they had women who used it and showed their results on tv.
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    The stretch marks don't bother me nearly as much as my saggy skin. My boys (now 18 & 15) were 9 lb 6 oz and 9 lb 3 oz. The more weight I lose the worse my stomach looks. I don't know what to do except get a "mommy makeover" some day :(
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    My first was 8lb 3oz second was 9lbs 2oz. I have some saggy skin, but as you can see in my most recent pic it isn't much. The only thing that seems to cut down the saggy skin for me is cutting body fat. Less body fat and more muscle seems to stretch the skin and return it to it's prior form. I also use cocoa butter now and then, though my baby doc was pretty clear on preaching cocoa butter won't prevent or fix stretch marks and that they are more of a genetic trait than anything. However they do say cocoa butter helps with skin elasticity? I just know with less body fat I am closer to my goal and I am sure when I reach goal body fat % of less than 18% I will have very light lines as opposed to wide gaps. (That's how it was after my first baby)
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    this was taken about 2 months ago, at around 12-13 months post partum. I had some pretty gnarly bright red stretch mark scars, but I used Elastin 3 and it worked amazingly well.


    It was not cheap, about $50 a bottle, but by the time the bottle was empty, I looked like my profile pic. Genetics comes into play I'm sure, and they will always still be there, little silvery scars ruining my abs forever, but they are barely noticeable, and I'm really glad I used the stuff. I wish I had bought 2 bottles though, (one bottle is exactly enough for JUST the stomach) for the few stretch marks on my hips and thighs. They are still a little pink.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    2alongcame_molly can you post a before pic and a close up after pic of stretch marks to see how good the results are? I am only five months post baby, and am not unhappy with my stretch marks, but would do anything to get them back to where they were before baby #2 so pics please!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I wouldn't call my stomach a success just yet... Lord knows I'm certainly not quite happy with it but I'm working on it. I have reached my weight loss goal (150 lbs) but found that my stomach fat is still stubbornly clinging on so I have continued my weight loss in hopes of shaking it. (140 lbs as of today and its still there *sigh*) My stretch marks were admittedly never very dark and had faded a bit after I had my first child almost 5 years ago but I had another baby 9 months ago so they are more visible now, I'm pretty hopeful they will fade again but really my stretch marks aren't what drive me crazy. I'm much more concerned about the loose wrinkly skin and layer of fat over my abs. Anyway... Here ya go. I'm 25 years old and 5'5. My top pregnancy weight was 198 lbs both times, My highest weight when not pregnant was about 177 lbs and my current weight is 140 lbs.

    9 months ago:


    I looked like that when I had my baby. He is now 37 but was 10 pounds, 15 ounces when he was born. How big was the baby?
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    My first was 8lb 3oz second was 9lbs 2oz. I have some saggy skin, but as you can see in my most recent pic it isn't much. The only thing that seems to cut down the saggy skin for me is cutting body fat. Less body fat and more muscle seems to stretch the skin and return it to it's prior form. I also use cocoa butter now and then, though my baby doc was pretty clear on preaching cocoa butter won't prevent or fix stretch marks and that they are more of a genetic trait than anything. However they do say cocoa butter helps with skin elasticity? I just know with less body fat I am closer to my goal and I am sure when I reach goal body fat % of less than 18% I will have very light lines as opposed to wide gaps. (That's how it was after my first baby)

    My son was 10'15. I went to many doctors. They told me surgery. I was 24 at the time. I worked my *kitten* off. I am also 5'5/ I went down to 115 at one point. At 62 they are still here. Surgery is the only option to get rid of the skin or so I was told by doctors. Think of all those obese people on BL, they all get skin surgery. I never had the money. If I could go back I would find the money. Good luck. It has always bothered me.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I heard that peppermint was supposed to tighten skin - as in take peppermint tea and apply directly when cool. (If you apply boiling hot, then stretch marks will be the least of your worries, I suppose.)

    Perhaps taking the old teabag after you've drunk the tea and then dabbing it on your skin might work?

    (This could be broscience but what have you got to lose?)
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    2alongcame_molly can you post a before pic and a close up after pic of stretch marks to see how good the results are? I am only five months post baby, and am not unhappy with my stretch marks, but would do anything to get them back to where they were before baby #2 so pics please!

    I'm afraid I never allowed a camera anywhere near me, let alone shirtless, in the first year of having my baby, so no 'befores' are available. And my camera stubbornly refuses to focus close enough to capture what they look like now. But if you can't see them in my profile pic, it stands to reason nobody will at the pool or the beach either, because I don't let strangers get THAT close to me, lol.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    My first was 8lb 3oz second was 9lbs 2oz. I have some saggy skin, but as you can see in my most recent pic it isn't much. The only thing that seems to cut down the saggy skin for me is cutting body fat. Less body fat and more muscle seems to stretch the skin and return it to it's prior form. I also use cocoa butter now and then, though my baby doc was pretty clear on preaching cocoa butter won't prevent or fix stretch marks and that they are more of a genetic trait than anything. However they do say cocoa butter helps with skin elasticity? I just know with less body fat I am closer to my goal and I am sure when I reach goal body fat % of less than 18% I will have very light lines as opposed to wide gaps. (That's how it was after my first baby)

    My son was 10'15. I went to many doctors. They told me surgery. I was 24 at the time. I worked my *kitten* off. I am also 5'5/ I went down to 115 at one point. At 62 they are still here. Surgery is the only option to get rid of the skin or so I was told by doctors. Think of all those obese people on BL, they all get skin surgery. I never had the money. If I could go back I would find the money. Good luck. It has always bothered me.
    Yeah you were a tiny thing, a 9lb baby for me as a 5'8" female was nothing really. A 10lb baby would probably only leave a little extra skin. I find it very annoying that people that are over weight can get surgery but they do not offer such surgery to women that have had child birth and simply want to return to their prior form. I sometimes do get depressed about my stretch marks, they bother me because I know people will judge me for wearing a two piece, and some will even openly put you down (I had a female once tell me if she had stretch marks like me she'd hide her body in a one piece) and it hurts but as I've gotten older I have learned to just deal with it. I still have moments where I wonder "What did my belly look like before babies?" I don't remember, I had my first at 19, and I was never fit prior to babies, just average shape so I didn't have abs and was a few extra pounds. I just try to avoid the subject.

    Cheers to you deary, I wish they would've done something for you, many do not understand the burdens that we bare for life. Not that babies aren't worth it, but child birth is really underappreciated in society and perfection often seems to mean to many (especially those without babies, or lucky enough to have the tiger stripes from bearing them) that they can judge what you should and should not do. I realize this is just the way life is, and life isn't fair but sometimes it would be so nice if people understood.
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I looked like that when I had my baby. He is now 37 but was 10 pounds, 15 ounces when he was born. How big was the baby?

    My first one was 8 lbs even and my second was 8 lbs 1 oz. Big babies but not huge. Most of my stretch marks came from my first pregnancy. I gained way more weight than I should have (about 40 lbs) while naively thinking it would all fall right off after the baby was born. WRONG.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    2alongcame_molly can you post a before pic and a close up after pic of stretch marks to see how good the results are? I am only five months post baby, and am not unhappy with my stretch marks, but would do anything to get them back to where they were before baby #2 so pics please!

    I'm afraid I never allowed a camera anywhere near me, let alone shirtless, in the first year of having my baby, so no 'befores' are available. And my camera stubbornly refuses to focus close enough to capture what they look like now. But if you can't see them in my profile pic, it stands to reason nobody will at the pool or the beach either, because I don't let strangers get THAT close to me, lol.
    Very reasonable argument, I'm sold. I want to try it now, it's worth 50 dollars!
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I heard that peppermint was supposed to tighten skin - as in take peppermint tea and apply directly when cool. (If you apply boiling hot, then stretch marks will be the least of your worries, I suppose.)

    Perhaps taking the old teabag after you've drunk the tea and then dabbing it on your skin might work?

    (This could be broscience but what have you got to lose?)
    I read creams with caffeine will tighten the skin and also for a quick fix hide cellulite by tightening (drying) the skin.

    and it's also been said on various beauty sites (like redbook and cosmo) not sure how valid it is. I use self tanner on butt thighs and belly and it does look better though.
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