Have you hit rock bottom?



  • Fitmom120811
    Fitmom120811 Posts: 260 Member
    dfranch wrote: »
    I hit the bottom when I hit 262 a year and a half ago. I lost 98 lbs over the next year +. Now I'm actually trying to add muscle, so I'm up a couple of pounds. You can do it if you're dedicated. I was heavy my entire life, and I'm finally at a healthy BMI.

    What type of fitness did you get into to kick it back in gear?
  • Fitmom120811
    Fitmom120811 Posts: 260 Member
    jennbo83 wrote: »
    I hit rock bottom in the fall. I am ready to get rid of the weight and be healthy!

    jenn I woud love to hear your story
  • Fitmom120811
    Fitmom120811 Posts: 260 Member
    Greenbomb wrote: »
    Yep. I am getting divorced, and on Sunday I stepped on the scale and it was 164. I can only blame the stress of divorce for so long. I am 5'3" and the most I've ever weighed in my life is 159. I swore I'd never be over that. So...I am now getting very serious. Bootcamp twice a week and following the calorie plan. My goal is 135. I am 50, so I know I'll never be my tiny 122 pounds again, but 135 puts me in a size 6-8 and I feel fantastic. I can do it!!!!!!

    Yes you can!!!! Sounds like your super motivated!!! I cant imagine how hard that would be on someone.