gaining weight the first month

I just came back to this site about 3 weeks ago, I have started really watching what i eat and exercise about 5-6 days a week with hiking, jogging and things like situps and planks. i lost 10lbs the first week then gained 4 back and the scale wont budge. i have 1 semi cheat meal a week but really have been staying pretty on track. is it normal to stay the same weight a few weeks? makes all the avoiding the office treats really not seem worth it somedays :( i feel like a work really hard for not a lot of payoff but iy has been only 3 weeks


  • jfrederick72
    jfrederick72 Posts: 1 Member
    Not sure if this will help - but my scale was stuck for about 2 months but I went down in pants size. My scale just started moving again. Don't give up yet!
  • holly77az
    holly77az Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks, I can tell my energy level is up and I feel better eating healthy so that keeps me going :) plus I'm starting to really enjoy exercise.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Definitely don't give up! There are all sorts of reasons to keep going, even if the scale never moved again.

    But also, weight fluctuates based on a ton of things. Your cycle, your sodium intake, your hydration, your sleep, stress, time of day you weigh, how your digestion is moving. And the first... month or so of a new exercise program also often causes some water retention. So don't take it to heart too much!

    You are logging your semi cheat meal though yes? It is really easy to kill the week's progress if not.

    And since no one has asked yet... if you're not using a scale, get one. Read these if you haven't:
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Assuming you went from couch potato to six days of exercise, that's fairly typical -- you're regaining some muscle mass you lost when you weren't doing anything. Try on a few pairs of something that didn't used to fit -- they're probably looser than they were. Keep with it, and the scale will follow (although, frankly, how well your clothes fit is a far, far better measure of how you're doing).
  • WaterGurrl
    WaterGurrl Posts: 5 Member
    The scale can really mess with your head. I also use a cooking scale like futuremanda. That helps a lot. Portion size estimates can be tricky without it.

    Keep at it! I suspect a "whoosh" of weight will be coming to you soon. I get that. Weight stays steady and then "whoosh", gone. Crazy.
  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the post. I am in the same boat. I have gained 4 lbs in the first 3 weeks, but I am beginning to see my muscles emerge! Keep going :)
  • subversive99
    subversive99 Posts: 273 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm not an expert, but I've recently been told that if you start a vigorous exercise routine, your muscles will retain a fair bit of water at first. This can easily mask any losses for a few weeks or a month.
  • holly77az
    holly77az Posts: 17 Member
    I'm new you the posting part of this so don't really know how to respond separately so I'll try and remember from each post :) ok, yes I do log everything even my semi cheat in which those meals are because my family goes to eat mexican food every Saturday which is my love so I've been skipping chips until my food comes so I don't just eat the whole bowl and I've moved from the amazing fried foods to the more chicken fajitas or soft tacos so really trying to make even my cheat meal not so bad. Actually the pants I'm wearing at this moment are the ones that made me realize I've gained weight, I've always been one to hike but noticed I was skipping allot or half assing my hikes plus I was drinking more since an old friend came back into my life so the last 6 months I gained 30 lbs ugh still makes me sick but the pants in wearing button again whereas a month ago they didn't so I know I'm making progress and shouldn't rely on the scale but it does get discouraging some times. I have also heard your body saves water when you first start exercises so I'm hoping it will all start dropping off soon. I've really kicked it up the last couple weeks so hopefully soon it will show.

    Thank you for all your encouragement.
  • margolinville
    margolinville Posts: 127 Member
    holly77az wrote: »
    I just came back to this site about 3 weeks ago, I have started really watching what i eat and exercise about 5-6 days a week with hiking, jogging and things like situps and planks. i lost 10lbs the first week then gained 4 back and the scale wont budge. i have 1 semi cheat meal a week but really have been staying pretty on track. is it normal to stay the same weight a few weeks? makes all the avoiding the office treats really not seem worth it somedays :( i feel like a work really hard for not a lot of payoff but iy has been only 3 weeks

    Get a new digital scale weigh yourself in the morning before you eat or drink with out clothes.
    Stop cheat meals. Tell your brain no a lot more!
    Make No your friend.

  • holly77az
    holly77az Posts: 17 Member
    Oh am I used to saying no lol since the day I decided to watch what I eat (I dont like to say diet) We have had donuts, pastries, breakfast burritos, cupcakes.. you name it and its been in the office and I have not once endulged but when it comes to family time either I have to not join them anymore or have my semi cheat meal. There is no way I can sit at a mexican restaurant and watch them eat the yummy goodness of spicy foods. But like I said, I do watch more carefully what I eat while out.. and stopped drinking soda when out which was a big step.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Take some measurements and see if those are changing. It's highly doubtful you're putting on much muscle mass since you're not really doing a lifting program. It's probably water weight from moving from the couch to the gym.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Your Saturday Mexican restaurant night sounds great! I think you're doing really well, and of course you should be able to go out to eat your favourite foods with the family from time to time.

    It does sound salty though so you may get weight fluctuations throughout the week, every week. Weigh, log it, so you get the data over time, but just don't put your emotional stock in the numbers. How you feel, how your clothes fit, taking measurements, progress pictures, fitness milestones, etc are better things to focus on. Your Friday morning weigh-in might be the most accurate, as well. (TOM aside.)

    Also, make sure you're not under-guesstimating your Saturday night calories. It can be hard to log restaurant stuff, so I always go for pretty high items from the database to be safe. Don't take the numbers TOO seriously if they are over, since they are inaccurate.

    And I don't know if you guys like to cook, but as an idea: an at-home Mexican night where you guys make your own versions of some of your favourites that you order, might be really fun. It would involve everyone picking what they want to try making, then finding some recipes, and shopping. And prep! But it would be fun, it'd be an activity, and you'd know better *exactly* what's going in it (you can weigh the ingredients, you'd have labels, etc). And once you do it once, would be easier to do again. Could do it once a month instead of the restaurant.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    That first week when you lost 10lb, did you eat mostly veggies and hardly any carbs? When I do low carb a week with a lot of exercise I lose 10lb no problem... as soon as I hit the carbs again most of it comes straight back. That first enormous loss is mostly water, and your body will try and get some back.

    If I read it correctly you lost 6lb in 3 weeks,..that's a decent loss. Don't get discouraged because it was all at ones,.. your weight will do that. I often have no loss for weeks and then drop 3 to 5 lb out of no where.

    Also,..try to log that "cheat" meal as best you can. Now it's part of your diet and no longer a cheat, because you account for the calories. (you can offset it the rest of the week if you want)
  • holly77az
    holly77az Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, the week I lost the 10lbs I barely ate any carbs. you're right tho, I guess it is a good amount of weight loss and i'm just focusing too much on it. It all takes time to learn what works best for you.

    Thanks for all your input!