Morning work outers



  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    I have a sunrise simulator lamp, and it starts warming up at 5:30 am. By the time the actual alarm goes off at 6, the room is lit and I'm ready to get up and going.
  • mzjenn2u
    mzjenn2u Posts: 78 Member
    I used to wake up at 445 a few years back....I slacked off....but last week I started again....I am waking up at 445am and doing Asylum at home then work from 745 til 3 and hit the gym for's really something youve just got to do....mind over matter!!!
  • dmoppy
    dmoppy Posts: 45 Member
    I am up between 4:40 and 5:10 depending on my first meeting at work and the length of the work-out. I have my gym clothes laid out the night before and have a some caffeine and half a protein shake with creatine & 25g of banana mixed in before I head out to the "Y" to lift and do little HIIT. It does mean I fall asleep on the couch watching TV with the family some evenings so I should probably hit the hay a little earlier most evenings.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    knitapeace wrote: »
    What's more depressing than getting up early is getting to the end of the day and realizing you don't have the time or energy to devote to a workout. (I know, that's not everybody but it's me BIG TIME.) I get up at 5:00 and just do it. It's been 2 years now and it's a natural habit that feels awesome, and not at all depressing. :)
    My problem is more so that I just don't have time in the evenings. By the time I leave work and pick up my son it's almost 6pm then I have to make dinner and so many other things. Morning is the only time that makes sense for me to work out but I hate getting up early! I just need to get over it.

    That's me too! My kids are older (if I can go by your profile photo) but they aren't driving yet, so my evenings are spent as Taxi Mom. I'm not saying I jump out of bed and cheer every morning, but it definitely gets easier and I often find myself looking forward to a workout. Plus there's that bonus of having it all out of the way and done while many people are still holed up wasting the best part of the day!! LOL!! (I'm a real drag on the weekends at 9am trying to get people to get out of bed and do stuff because I've been awake for HOURS already!!)

  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    My alarm goes off at 4:45am, and I'm working out by 5:00. It took some time to get used to it, but the feeling of regret for not having gotten my workout done was worse than actually getting my butt out of bed.

    Lay clothes out the night before, and set up whatever you need for the workout - if at home, equipment, DVD in the player or online vid ready to go. If to the gym, bag packed and by the front door.

    Go to bed a bit earlier - after a couple of days of getting up so early, bed time will come easier. :smile:

    And then enjoy the fact that you got your workout done first thing in the morning - now you can rock the rest of your day having already conquered the workout. B)
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    4:30 AM Monday-Friday without fail. My advice? Get your butt out of bed and just do it. Oh, and go to bed early, because sleep is important, too. My husband and I are in bed by 9:00 every night.
  • Diet_Soda
    Diet_Soda Posts: 124 Member
    It depends on how cold it is. If it's really cold I get up at 3:30am and run out to the garage and turn the heater on. I then come back to bed until 4:30am. Get up have some coffee, and start workout around 4:50am. I am generally done by 6am.
  • troutrouter
    I get up at 3am and at the gym by 3:30.
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    I'm up at 4:30 every morning. My coffee pot is set to auto brew @4:25, so I have motivation to drag myself into the kitchen. I make breakfast and a protein shake the night before and pack my gym bag with my clothes for work so all I have to do is enjoy my coffee.
    Plus, as a lady at the gym always tells me, no matter how terrible your day gets, at least you know you got your workout in. Which is ringing pretty true right now because my day was miserable and I've been arguing with myself over whether or not to run tonight for the last 3 hours... I'll be honest, all signs point to no. At least I got strength training in this morning.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I'm up for the gym at 4:45am and at the gym at 5am. It sucks, but I just have to do it. Once I got into the routine of it, it became pretty easy. I set 3 alarms and the silent alarm on my fitbit.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    I'm up at 4:30 every morning. My coffee pot is set to auto brew @4:25, so I have motivation to drag myself into the kitchen. I make breakfast and a protein shake the night before and pack my gym bag with my clothes for work so all I have to do is enjoy my coffee.
    Plus, as a lady at the gym always tells me, no matter how terrible your day gets, at least you know you got your workout in. Which is ringing pretty true right now because my day was miserable and I've been arguing with myself over whether or not to run tonight for the last 3 hours... I'll be honest, all signs point to no. At least I got strength training in this morning.
    the auto brew is a good idea. I'll have to try and figure out how to do that on my coffee maker
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    I had my coffee maker for two years before I discovered that auto-brew option existed, but it is the greatest thing ever. My bedroom is next to the kitchen, so being able to smell the coffee when I wake up makes me much happier to be awake.
    My grandpa used to wake up early to bring my grandma coffee every morning and my dad does the same thing for my mom, so it's like that, only better, because I don't have to be married...
  • impromark
    impromark Posts: 119 Member
    Up every day at 5am. Bio break comes first, then I'm downstairs to work out by 5:30 (sue me, I'm a guy). Cardio and/or weight and/or treadmill work follows. Hard stop at 7:00; then back upstairs to shower & change. In the kitchen before 7:30 to do brekkie duties with wife and kid. Out the door to drop off kid by 8:00.

    Rinse and repeat. And yes indeedy, JUST DO IT. The early AM workouts really do give me energy to get through the whole day... Before, I'd be nodding off by mid afternoon - and now I'm awake and aware through the whole office slog. And I'm not a coffee drinker. ;)

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I don't get up every morning, but I'm aiming for 2-3 times a week, I get up at 5:20 to start working out (at home) at 5:30 for 30 minutes. (and no, I am NOT a morning person lol)

    It has to be a workout you really like. I will not get out of bed to go jogging outside, nor will I get up to drive 20 minutes to the gym. However, I LOVE doing these Combat workouts, so I'll get my butt up because they're fun.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I want to get a gum membership but I'm not going to spend the money until I can prove to myself that I'm committed to getting my butt up in the mornings
  • s1rGr1nG0
    s1rGr1nG0 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a morning exerciser! I've noticed that I absolutely DREAD getting up early, especially when the bed is all warm and cozy, but after I get my workout in I feel great and I'm in a great mood!
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    I have to do it in the morning - all I want to do is have a beer once I'm home from work.
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    I work out in the morning religiously. If I save it for the afternoon, I dread the afternoon when I get home from work. My kids kind of govern when I work out....if I want a peaceful workout, I'd better do it first thing in the morning, before they wake up.
    Alarm is set for 5:00, usually I'm out of bed by 5:20. I work out at home with DVDs. Workout clothes are laid out the night before. Water bottle prepped. DVD prepped. All I have to do is get up, change, and push play. It's never easy to get up in the morning, but I'm a morning person (and I tend to wake up easily being a light sleeper) so it's easier for me than some.
    You just have to decide that's what you're going to do, and do it. Go to bed a little earlier, too. That always helps me.
  • cliffodom1
    cliffodom1 Posts: 57 Member
    I travel all over the world and wake up at 3:00am in Hawaii wide awake and have a hard time waking up by 7:00am in Germany. Why because the time is different depending on where in the world I am. Time is an artificial construct of humans. I mean 5:00am or 7:00am. If it was a true science then we would not be able to do daylight savings or leap year. If you normally wake up at 6:00am remember it is 6:00am somewhere every hour, just pick the 6:00am you want to wake up in. Pick a time zone and wake up in it. I wake up at the 6:00am that would probably be in Bermuda (4:00am Central time).