30 Days of Yoga Challenge



  • Shy_Yogi
    Shy_Yogi Posts: 101 Member
    Sent out invitations to the ones who were interested :D If you dont get one or would like me to send you one, let me know :)
  • laurafresh
    laurafresh Posts: 15 Member
    I am interested!
    I am a hot yoga fan but also do vinyasa style, yoga sculpt (with weights) and more alignment based practices. I have been practicing for almost 30 years ... started my own business last summer and my daily practice is now a weekly one (sigh). This would be a great way to get back on board...especially with my business now running more smoothly and me needing to get back in shape before a summer sojourn to SE Asia to visit temples in Thailand, Cambodia and practice yoga on the beaches in Koh Samui!
  • Shy_Yogi
    Shy_Yogi Posts: 101 Member
    @namaste622‌ So glad to have you :smile: and slightly jealous, too lol. I would LOVE to practice yoga on the beaches of Koh Samui!!!
  • snookey16
    snookey16 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm interested in joining. Have never done yoga but have been wanting to try it for awhile now. I sent a request.
  • Shy_Yogi
    Shy_Yogi Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome @snookey16‌!!! So glad to have you. Please don't be afraid to ask any question you like! And don't worry if you struggle a little with the workout...we all started somewhere and we've all struggled with the same poses.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    Hi, I sent an invite to your group but it was from my phone so i am not sure it went through..I would love to join your group
  • Shy_Yogi
    Shy_Yogi Posts: 101 Member
    Good job on today's routine :-)