if you plateau do THIS



  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    Good for you being able to eat at maintenance without logging. 6 months off without gaining is awesome. I leave for 6 months and gain 12 pounds. I've done that twice. I think I have to be a lifer even through the inevitable plateau.
  • hidee14
    hidee14 Posts: 110 Member
    TOBEADIME wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    A plateau will end if you are eating at a deficit. The fact that you changed your exercises or changed your underwear has noting to do with it.

    But....clean underwear.

    First this^^^^ hahahahahahaha, you are awesome. second, a break can be good, a day or even two, but back to the original post, 6 MONTHS???? And you are relying on MFP people to HELP you???? You are the only one that van hold yourself back. You Are in control of your body. You cant blame people on this site for your plateau. But Good on you for getting back on track and getting to where you want to be.

    I never blamed mfp. I was upset that no one was helping me, i know I'm in control. it wasn't mfp who made me plateau, and it wasn't mfp who got me out of the plateau.
  • hidee14
    hidee14 Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks for the advice, I have been stuck at 158 for 3months now cant get the scale to move. will try this.

    good luck!
  • hidee14
    hidee14 Posts: 110 Member
    4theking wrote: »
    Diet and exercise breaks are always good when you hit a plateau.

  • blessybuva
    blessybuva Posts: 44 Member
    I took a break during the Christmas holiday and when I got back at it the beginning of January I lost some more weight. Losing weight is not just a physical thing, it's a mental thing, and, yes, sometimes we need a break. For some, losing weight is a real challenge. I worked my *kitten* off last year, literally. I desperately needed a break!

    Now that I'm close to my goal, it's getting harder to lose. I keep going up and down with my weight, but I haven't had a significant breakthrough in weeks. I also get really frustrated when I see people on here say, "If you're eating at a deficit you'll lose. Period." Nope. Not true. At least, not for everyone. I constantly eat at a deficit, and the scale has not budged in about a month. And, yes, I work out. I used to have a Bodymedia armband so I know how many calories certain activities burn. Now that I don't have it, I estimate, and I always estimate on the low side for my calorie burn, just to be safe. And, yes, I measure. My measurements have not changed either. No, I don't weigh my food, but when it comes to portions, I sometimes log a greater amount, just so that I'm not logging too little.

    I'm hoping it's just my winter fluff, and the last of my flab will go away when the weather warms up. *fingers crossed*

    At any rate, you just have to learn to take any advice on given on here with a grain of salt. Weight loss is not a one size fits all type of deal. Our bodies are different and our lifestyles are different so what works for some might not work for others. Glad you found something that helped you. It helped me too, and it might help someone else out there struggling.

    Its like you've described whats happening to me! unreal. your words really struck a chord. i eat at a deficit, diet is 90% clean and exercise 4-5 times a week but weight still hasn't moved, measurements are the same, I still can't fit in those jeans etc. its a nightmare. what made you get through your plateau? send me a pm if you want. also, ignore the comments on here, I havent' posted on MFP for months just because everyone thinks they know everything.

  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    I don't think that there is anything wrong with taking a little break, whether it's a weekend or a few weeks. I think what matters is how you see it as you get through it. You have to be able to get back into it after and pick up where you left off so you don't end up away for 6 months, or worse, quit altogether.
  • MeganFlanagan16
    MeganFlanagan16 Posts: 136 Member
    I've always been told if you plateau that you can up your calorie intake for a day or two and then go back to what you were consuming to lose weight. When you up your calorie intake for that day though you still should eat healthy. Jump starts the metabolism. I don't think quitting for six months is necassary though.
  • hidee14
    hidee14 Posts: 110 Member
    xmarye wrote: »
    I don't think that there is anything wrong with taking a little break, whether it's a weekend or a few weeks. I think what matters is how you see it as you get through it. You have to be able to get back into it after and pick up where you left off so you don't end up away for 6 months, or worse, quit altogether.

    Thats a very good point I forgot to talk about. I wanted to start losing again about 4 months in when I plateaued and I knew how to start, I just couldn't get myself motivated to be accountable and to cut back again. A few weeks ago I was feeling angry and upset because I started to think that my weight would never move again. From the beginning I prayed and told God that I did not want to do this if at some point I would just stop losing and that was exactly what was happening at the time in my mind. I had been praying the hole time but I finally went to my mom and asked her to pray for me. 2 days latter the scale started moving again! Im not one to push christianity but I truly believe with all my heart that God is the only reason I've been able to do this. I owe this hole experience to him.