fast metabolism and trying to gain weight

Can anyone help me overcome this, I have been 9st 4Ibs since high school and have never been able to gain a pound, so am looking to bulk up a little and healthily.
Thank you.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Eat more....

    Are you actually tracking your intake or are you just assuming you're eating a lot and have a fast metabolism? I find that in the vast majority of these kind of cases, people simply aren't eating all that much...they think they are, but they're not.

    When I was in my early 20s I was one of those people as well...I just though it impossible for me to put on weight...come to find out I wasn't eating anywhere near enough to actually gain weight and barely enough to maintain. I'm 40 now and I just finished a bulk (note that my profile pic is a throwback to 2.5 years ago when I was fat) and I was eating a solid 3200 calories per day or so just to put on a couple of pounds per month.
  • Well my intake says am consuming over the limit required, could the fact I have an active job be a downfall to this ?
  • Nickers5405
    Nickers5405 Posts: 32 Member
    To be honest you're eating exactly the same amount of food a 9 st 4 lbs would eat.

    If you were eating more then that you'd be bigger.

    Check out the JM Blakely diet. That'll solve your problem.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Well my intake says am consuming over the limit required, could the fact I have an active job be a downfall to this ?

    You have to account for it for sure as well as any other exercise you do. When I did my bulk in the fall I was putting on about 2 Lbs per month eating around 3200 calories and I have a desk job...I cycle a lot, but I cut my cycling way down as well so that all of that energy could be better utilized for putting on a little meat to help me blast through some lifting plateaus.

    What's your calorie intake like? With an active job, you're gong to have to eat a lot of calories to put on weight.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Well my intake says am consuming over the limit required
    What does this even mean? If you're not gaining weight, you're not eating enough.

  • Thanks for all your replies I went to see a nutritionist and has gave me a good diet plan, just needing to sort out my workout plan and I will be ready to go!! Goodbye lankey old hello tall and slighly meaty new me haha
  • joneallen
    joneallen Posts: 217 Member
    Open up your diary to the public. I can bet you money you're not eating enough.

    Men should not have a problem gaining weight. Trust me.
  • Av just started it offically today but yeah sure thing, but thats a bit biased to say men shouldn't have that problem because believe it or not their is people that have fast metabolism
  • joneallen
    joneallen Posts: 217 Member
    edited February 2015
    I was just making a joke.

    If you're not lactose-tolerant, try more dairy. That packs a punch when I'm trying to add easy calories. Or any complex carb.
  • Ohh I don't know if you will see what I have done for today but still to have my last meal as well at 10pm
  • Ohh I see haha my bad.

    Yeah was told to eat/drink full fat milk, eggs, creams and stay away from artificial sugars and more natural sugars, av ordered red meat, chicken, mackerel, whole grain pasta, whole grain rice, cream, milk, granola, eggs, cheese and few other things I can't remember but yeah hopefully it will be good along with a non cardio exercise
  • joneallen
    joneallen Posts: 217 Member
    Holy smokes! Nice food intake. I'm jealous!

    Looks good to me. Try and slow down on any extra cardio, and just be consistent.
  • Hahaha hopefully it should work bud!

    Yeah think for maybe the first month avoid cardio completely and focus on weights, not looking to go arnie build just a bit more bulkier than built like the side of a £5 note hahaha
  • joneallen
    joneallen Posts: 217 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race! All the best man!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Um, your chorizo burger sounds amazing. Good idea...
  • Correct indeed cheers bro!
  • Hahaha must admit was pretty decent audii,

    Yeah bud just when you think your consuming enough your actually not so yeah av definitely found the best way to do it am just eating every 2 hours obviously my main courses (breakfast, lunch, dinner) but on top of that am having mid morning and snack then after lunch a mid afternoon feed with snack then after dinner am having pudding then before bed a good snack so am consuming well more than enough pushing 4000kals a day near enough if I keep doing what am doing
  • nesian_twin
    I dont mean to minimise your problem but I'm jealous! I would love to have your problem!
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    My husband easily eats over 3500 a day (we checked by tracking his food for a few days), has a desk job, and literally does no exercise. He is very slim and never gains any weight. Some people are just really lucky! He said that when he did gain weight in the past, he had to drink a lot of protein shakes, eat double what he eats now, and lifted weights. He really struggled to get bigger. Even then, he gained maybe 10lbs over several months. I don't mean to make it sound discouraging, but it is an issue for some people.

    Hopefully the plan you got helps!