What do you do when someone gives you diet advice (that you never asked for) you disagree with?



  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    I smile and nod, especially when it's my 60something year old aunt who always has some new suggestion on how to lose weight. This time it's "only eat corn once a week, because starch is bad!"
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    I have had this Halle. To me with a coworker. Sometimes, she's giving me the "you gotta do a detox juice for a week/if you put lemon in that water it helps metabolism/you can't have that coca cola if you wanna lose weight!" Other times, she's offended that I don't want her homemade crock pot meal she brought in, and opt for my salad. I could fit her yummy food in if j wanted, but I do better with my calories mostly at night, since I'm a grazer at home.

    I have started saying a simple "no thank you" to her potluck meals.

    When I get the silly advice, I listen for a while. I have told her that low carb gluten free or unicorn poop or whatever might benefit someone with certain medical conditions, but for me, a calorie deficit is what works. She debunked the idea, saying flat out I was wrong. I told her I feel it works, as I've lost 24 in about 2.5 months. She became interested then lol...but said that MFP and calorie counting took too much time. Lol!