HELP! not loosing any weight



  • You're not logging accurately. Stop picking 'homemade' and random options, get a food scale, weigh your ingredients. And eat more consistently. Plus, Coco Pops with no milk???!

    No I am not a fan of milk !
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    Dude, you simply aren't doing that. There's loads of 'Homemade' and 'Eurest' in your diary, also random 'prawns' and other things. And you can't guesstimate with a lot of things, e.g. rice, some veg, milk, etc.
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    You're not logging accurately. Stop picking 'homemade' and random options, get a food scale, weigh your ingredients. And eat more consistently. Plus, Coco Pops with no milk???!

    No I am not a fan of milk !

    I can't imagine eating that much cereal dry!
  • You're not logging accurately. Stop picking 'homemade' and random options, get a food scale, weigh your ingredients. And eat more consistently. Plus, Coco Pops with no milk???!

    No I am not a fan of milk !

    I can't imagine eating that much cereal dry!

    It's actually not that bad, I do like my chocolate but have been restricting myself !
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Dude, you simply aren't doing that. There's loads of 'Homemade' and 'Eurest' in your diary, also random 'prawns' and other things. And you can't guesstimate with a lot of things, e.g. rice, some veg, milk, etc.

    What is Eurest? I've seen that a few times
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Op here is what you need to ..

    get a food scale and weigh all solids and as many liquids as possible
    eat to the number the MFP gives you. Also, you should be netting that number and eating back about half of exercise calories. If you get 600 for a burn eat back if MFP tells you to eat 1600 and your burn is 300 then you eat 1900 - 300 = 1600 net calories
    I would suggest that you get on a structured lifting program like strong lifts, new rules of lifting for woman, or starting strength.

    Finally, you can't really lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. if you are a newbie to weight lifting then you may get some newbie gains, but those eventually peter out..

    so you have two options..

    1 - eat at maintenance and do a slowwww recomp over time. This takes about a year or more to see any results.
    2 - do a bulk/cut cycle. So you cut down to 18 to 22% body fat and then you do a slow bulk of say .5 pound per week gain…

  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    If a scale seems to much for you drag out your measuring cups....that's all I use and it dos help. I was surprised what 2 tablespoons of salad dressing looked like...or what a tablespoon of peanut butter is when spread on bread.

    Your workouts seem fine just don;t believe the calorie burn estimates you find on MFP they are often too high. Really nail down what you are eating and you'll start to see more results.
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    Get a scale. Don't use measuring cups or spoons. I just weighed out a serving of dry cereal for the first time ever today and it was much smaller than I had been eye-balling in my measuring cup. Seriously, wow. You can underestimate a lot when it comes to measuring grains and carbs if doing it by volume and not by weight.

    Also, I just saw your diary before you closed it. You are eating fairly healthy but new studies have shown that people who up their protein intake lose weight faster than those on a same calorie high carb diet. So yeah it's not all the old calories in and calories out crapola we have heard for years. Up your protein intake and eat a few more veggies rather than fruit.

    Keep up the good work.
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    I suspect the closed diary means OP is not happy with being told her efforts are inaccurate!
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    On a similar note I have to tell you that I'm not even interested in eating cereal anymore after seeing how fing small a serving actually is. Damn it's like two handfuls if even that. Also don't listen to people who tell you to eat more.
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    I still like cereal a lot but sadly porridge is far more filling, though less interesting!
  • nlonsbery
    nlonsbery Posts: 1 Member
    Don't give up! You can do this! I have really seen results using my elliptical. Another trick is greek yogurt. 80 or 100 calorie.
    Be careful about eating to much fruit. There is a lot of sugar in some of them. I have found apples to be very beneficial for weight loss. Good Luck! uote="charliedavis995;10097405"]I have been trying to lose weight now for just over 3 weeks, I have dramatically changed my lifestyle, I am really active and go to the gym 4 times a week whilst also playing football twice a week. I can see a slight difference in my legs but more to do with muscle definition and not weight loss. My stomach is the main area I want to work on but everything I try seems to be not working. I am working so hard by changing my diet and fitness plans but it seems nothing is paying off and I am not seeing results. HELP
    A basic run down of my diet consists of:
    Breakfast: homemade smoothie
    Snack: fruit
    Lunch: egg white omlette or salad
    Gym and recovery shake
    Dinner: meat/fish rice/ sweet potato and veg

    Really need some help before I get so angry that I go back to the rubbish I was eating before.
    Does anyone have any ideas about what to do?[/quote]

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    On a similar note I have to tell you that I'm not even interested in eating cereal anymore after seeing how fing small a serving actually is. Damn it's like two handfuls if even that. Also don't listen to people who tell you to eat more.

    so eating under 1000 calories is OK …did you even look at OPs food diary???
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    Sugar in fruit is not anyone's enemy. Overeating or undereating is.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member yes a scale is better than measuring cups...but measuring cups are better than eyeballing it or nothing at all. baby steps here people!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    On a similar note I have to tell you that I'm not even interested in eating cereal anymore after seeing how fing small a serving actually is. Damn it's like two handfuls if even that. Also don't listen to people who tell you to eat more.

    Lol I don't know how anyone would be satisfied with those piddly cereal servings!
    I have 135g of sultana bran. If I'm gonna eat it, I'm gonna do ir right :smiley: which is why I don't have it often...

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Another case of inaccurate logging likely resulting in eating more than you think while burning less.
  • jeannee1566
    jeannee1566 Posts: 1 Member
    I highly recommend that you open up your diary, if you want specific advise.

    With the little info you've listed, it could be a number of things. Your best bet is that it's only been 3 weeks so give it some time! If you are noticing muscular definition, then you are on the right track. Try taking measurements instead of relying solely on the scale.

    Keep it up! It's not a race! :)

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Another case of inaccurate logging likely resulting in eating more than you think while burning less.
    Really? I could have sworn this time the answer was starvation mode. I've been foiled again.

    wait, its not sugar for 500?????