Over 40 crowd



  • versuga
    versuga Posts: 130 Member
    47 here. Lost 12lbs so far and about 10 more to go!
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    Hi I am 45and took off 25 pre menopausal pounds. Took up running about 3 years ago and love it!
  • arkham_ma
    arkham_ma Posts: 62 Member
    42, just re-committed to getting my weight down & improving my health. Been struggling with weight all my life, complicated by having PKU-requiring a low-protein diet.

    Have lost 6 lbs in the past month and have about 45-50 lbs left to lose.
  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    Hi, 43 single mom of 2 preschoolers, working full time in a sedentary office job.
    Joined in Jan 2015 trying to learn and remove all the weight lose myths I have learned throughout the years. I would like to lose between 50-80 lbs.
  • Redbeard333
    Redbeard333 Posts: 381 Member
    Hey there :smile: 43 years old here and finally committed to losing some weight permanently because I'm tired. I'm tired of sweating all the time in the summer. I'm tired of having to take high blood pressure medication. I'm tired of having to use a CPAP machine every night like I have for 10 years. I'm tired of my students likening me to Peter Griffin. I'm tired of having to look at a chair and think "is this going to support me?". I lost 20 pounds 12 years ago, but gained it all back, so I know I can do it.

    I weighed myself on 1/13/15 and was shocked to see the scale read 288 pounds (at 5'11"), so I began my journey. Since then, I've lost 16 pounds by diligently recording everything on MFP, and just bought a FitBit Charge off eBay to keep better track of my activity. I am a high school science teacher and work 60+ hrs/week, so making time to hit the gym or do a bunch of walking is a struggle, but I'm committed to taking this weight off.

    Maybe your story is like mine, maybe not, but I'm a friendly guy and am trying to keep a positive outlook. I wish you well in your journey, too!!
  • trying4real
    trying4real Posts: 113 Member
    I am 44, working on losing about 80'ish pounds, anyone is welcome to add me.
  • mowales
    mowales Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone ,
    I'm 46 joined this time last year so far i have lost 51lbs have not been on for a few months but back now to get myself back on track still got to lose another 50lbs . :)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm 48, and hope to drop from 260 to 220 by the end of the year. I'm 6' 5" so I think 220 would be a good weight for me. I was down to 220 several years ago and unfortunately let myself get right back up there. When (not if!) I hit my target weight, I'm going to treat myself to one of my bucket list items, going sky diving.

    My motivation is that i want to be here for as long as possible for my three kids and, eventually, my grandkids. My second motivation is that I want to be in good shape when I retire. I hope to do a lot of traveling and sailing and being fit will allow me to do more.

  • 503ecc
    503ecc Posts: 82 Member
    Realizing after 40 that diet alone won't do it... Facing up to the reality I need all the help I can get.