Deadlifts - Sumo or conventional



  • QuikDogs
    QuikDogs Posts: 194 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    body mechanics are funny, as usmcp mentions, in sumo, I can barely pull 72% of my 1RM, and when I do it, the pain in my hips is truly amazing.

    I have weak hip flexors and sumo is just awkward (I took a video once for laughs).

    I think there is a calculator out there that you input your measurements and it tells you if you are built for sumo or conventional.

    It's funny, I tried sumo last May when I got back into lifting. I didn't like it then, it felt awkward to me to. But my form's so much better now. I tried it mostly on a dare (took some plates off first, I am not stupid!), but it felt very fluid. I was really surprised.

    Then my buddies got a ruler and measured how far I have to lift sumo vs conventional. They are all tall (well taller than me) so they were just cracking up. :)

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I like both. Sumo is nice for focusing more on my hamstrings, conventional works my back more - only causes back issues if I'm lifting too heavy (i.e. fracks up my form). I also like RDLs for squat days because I cannot squat and DL on the same day but this still allows me some type of DL movement at a lighter weight.

    FWIW I don't think that you should base your choice on your body type and proportions.... becuase that's kind of stupid. Just try both out, go with what feels good. But make sure your form is correct (I had tried sumo before and was apparently doing it wrong once I double checked the form). And you might want to actually incorporate both, rotating between them. I'm thinking of switching back to sumo for a while again.

    Sumo for me just feels less strenuous on my body though in general, still takes work but it just feels easier. I have long arms btw. I do not feel strain in my knees from sumo DLs.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    body mechanics are funny, as usmcp mentions, in sumo, I can barely pull 72% of my 1RM, and when I do it, the pain in my hips is truly amazing.

    Conversely, I added like 80lbs to my DL when I switched to sumo. With better form and less pain. Never looked back.
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    I alternate between the two every 3-4 weeks, but prefer sumo. I easily added 20 lbs to my 1RM when I started doing sumo. I've been doing conventional for the last 3 weeks, and couldn't believe how much harder it seemed after doing sumo for about a month. I am so ready to switch back next week!

    I also did deficit deadlifts for the first time today. While I get the purpose behind them, they aren't my favorite to do. I am sure I will work them in here and there, but not on a weekly basis or anything.