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March 2015 Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2015
    3.0 miles just for the OCD running bunch. I figure at least it'll add mileage for me and help me push just a little bit more when I think I'm "done".

    I was almost creamed by a speeding 6 year old and his racing buddy. I was sure tomorrows headlines would read " 6 year old paralysis runner in head on, urine everywhere".

    I over did it Sunday cutting and hauling trees out of the ravine for 5.5 hours. I've been living on muscle relaxers and OTC pain killers since, (dumped the Rx ones, my teens think they are Pez). As i ran i was mulling over possibilities of the ever looming back surgery. For a second, I thought my decision was going to be made for me. I did have to stop to avoid him running into me.... Maybe he's the next Meb.. So I let it roll.

  • PurpleYFronts
    PurpleYFronts Posts: 344 Member
    1--- 6mi
    2--- REST DAY
    3--- 8mi
    4--- 7mi
    5--- 10mi
    6--- 7.25mi
    7--- 18.05mi
    8--- 6mi --- (Weekly total: 56.30 miles)
    9--- REST DAY
    10--- 10mi
    11--- 8mi
    12--- 8mi
    13--- 7mi
    14--- 20mi
    15--- 7mi --- (Weekly total: 60.0 miles)
    16--- REST DAY
    17--- 8mi

    Done: 130.30/200mi goal

    Magnificent running tally :D
  • akirkman86
    akirkman86 Posts: 89 Member
    @cooter_mom right there with you! I used to be convinced that I wasn't capable of running outside because it was so much harder. Now I LOVE to run outside and can't imagine going back! And ran outside all winter, although winters are pretty mild here! We have a exercise bike that I try to use on my off days from running, but it is S.O.B.O.R.I.N.G.
  • akirkman86
    akirkman86 Posts: 89 Member
    3/2 = 4.56 miles
    3/3 = 2.26 miles
    3/4 = 3.52 miles
    3/5 = rest
    3/6 = 4.51 miles
    3/7 = rest
    3/8 = 8 miles
    3/9 = rest
    3/10 = 5.02 miles
    3/11 = 3 miles
    3/12 = 4.59 miles
    3/13 = rest
    3/14 = rest
    3/15 = 6.41 miles
    3/16 = 2.03 miles
    3/17 = 5.0 miles

    Total = 48.9

    Did an awesome nighttime run tonight..... the weather was absolutely perfect.


  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    I come from the mild mannered Midwest but I definitely bang on car hoods as needed. Just a few weeks ago some lady turning right on red rolled right through the crosswalk I was in. I was yelling and waving my arms so she'd notice me before it was too late, and d*mned if she didn't pull over to the side of the road, giving me the finger and screaming expletives. Sigh. I just kept running.

    On a brighter note, I ran/hiked in a wilderness area/national forest today. This desert stuff is just blowing my mind. Came face to face with a Gila Monster cruising down the trail. That was pretty unforgettable.
    So that's 11ish miles for me (GPS wasn't working so I used an old school device... I think they're called "maps?") but I can't find my mileage on this thread anyway and I think I forgot to post the run I did with my brother, so I'm somewhere in the mid 70s for now :wink:
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    March Goal 75 miles

    3/1 rest
    3/2 2.34 run, then I lifted and carried 25 60#bags of cement to help DH build an observation deck...
    3/3 rest because I couldn't walk....see above^^^
    3/4 3.44
    3/5 3.96
    3/6 3.35
    3/7 strength training (with bar and dumbbells, not cement bags!)
    3/8 3.85 followed by a whale watching cruise
    3/9 4.12
    3/10 rest
    3/11 strength training
    3/12 3.22
    3/13 3.08
    3/14 3.36
    3/15 13.18 at Big Island International 1/2 marathon: I PR'd....for my WORST 1/2 marathon time. But, I met my goals: 1. Finish upright. 2. Don't finish last.
    3/16 rest because^^^
    3/17 3.49

    Total 47.39

    (Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)


  • johnsonnelly
    johnsonnelly Posts: 103 Member
    March 1 -Rest
    March 2 - 4 miles
    March 3 - 5.1 miles (furthest run to date)
    March 4-6th - Rest arches, I pulled them jumping rope.
    March 7 - 4 miles OUTSIDE!!! It was so warm here, I was surprised!
    March 8 - 4 miles (plus a hike on the mountain)
    March 9 - 3.1 miles (5k OUTSIDE!!, plus a 2 mile walk and weight training)
    March 10 - 2.25 miles (It was hard to run tonight....)
    March 11 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    March 12 - 3.1 miles (5k, outside and the pace was MUCH different than on the treadmill. It was 9:47 mpm versus the almost 12 that I get on the machine)
    March 13 - 2 miles (night before first 5k race)
    March 14 - 3.1 miles (5k) I feel great about most of my first race! I ran my fastest mile time so far (8:56 mpm) and was on track to *maybe* place but ended up with a side stitch right in the middle that slowed me way down for about 1/2 mile (I need to fine tune what I should eat on race mornings) so my finish time was right at 30 minutes. I *think* this is a decent time for a first 5k race?? :)
    March 15 - 4 miles
    March 16 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    March 17 - 3.1 miles (5k)

  • dfnewcombe
    dfnewcombe Posts: 94 Member
    Goal 60
    Date……Miles.…Total......Miles to go
    March 3….3.4 .……. 3.4…56.6
    March 4….2.0………5.4....54.6
    March 5…..6.2……11.6…..48.4
    March 7…..1.4…….13.0….47.0
    March 9…...3.0..….16.0….44.0
    March 10….4.0......20.0.…40.0
    March 11.…5.0…….25.0.…35.0
    March 12….8.0……33.0.....27.0
    March 15…..3.1…..36.1…..23.9
    March 16…..3.1…..39.2…..20.8
    March 17……3.1…..42.3….17.7

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    03/01.... 2.00....... 2.00 - Dog Beach run
    03/02.... 5.22....... 7.22 - Fast rain run
    03/03.... 7.88......15.10 - + Strength Training
    03/04.... 0.00......15.10
    03/05.... 4.03......19.13 - + Strength Training
    03/06.... 8.74......27.87 - Windy and so dry
    03/07.... 6.70......34.57 - Hot, hot, hot (sorry to all who are still dealing with snow and ice!)
    03/08.... 2.00......36.57 - Dog Beach run
    03/09.... 5.09......41.66
    03/10.....9.52......51.18 - + Strength Training
    03/11.....0.00......51.18 - much needed rest day!
    03/12.....4.75......55.93 - + Strength Training
    03/13.....7.08......63.01 - Hot and windy but a good run! Much better than yesterday :)
    03/14.....0.00......63.01 - pre-5K rest and travel to San DIego
    03/15.....3.10......66.11 - 5K
    03/17.....5.05......76.60 - + Strength Training


    Had to run late again today and since I can't really eat before I run it was not great. It was hot, my legs were tired and I had no energy since I hadn't really eaten. Need to give myself a cutoff - if I can't get out for a run by xx:xx then I must eat! Today was focus on legs day with my trainer so they are even more tired. Actually looking forward to my rest day tomorrow!
    @RunTimer‌ - what exactly is an original westcoast transplant? I was transplanted from Idaho to California but my family is originally from CA for multiple generations... does that make me one too :laugh:
    @SBRRepeat‌ - *GASP* a map? does anyone really know what that is?? And you saw a gila monster on your trail, Wow - I am not sure what I would do with that or more importantly what the dog would do! I did see a big raccoon today but that is pretty ordinary to a gila monster!
    @cooter_mom‌ - um... sorry we ruined the treadmill for you, but not really :) enjoy your spring and summer running and stock up on winter run gear now while it is on sale! You know you're going to need it.
    @Elise4270‌ - when is the back surgery scheduled and how long will you be rehabbing? Yay - to the next Meb, did he win his race with his buddy?
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member

    3/1 - 4 miles
    3/9 - 3.5 miles
    3/11 - 4.02 miles
    3/13 - 5.05 miles
    3/16 - 5 miles
    3/18 - 3.44 miles

    [img]http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wp4mvpr/exercise.png [\img][/img]
  • rnjcb
    rnjcb Posts: 86 Member
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    March 1 - 5K - 3rd place in my age group. Not my best time, but happy with it! 29:07
    March 2- rest
    March 3- 5.05 miles and strength training
    March 4 - 5.09 miles
    March 5 - 5.13 miles
    March 6 - strength training
    March 7 - 34 miles Biking - brutal winds today. I couldn’t keep up around the lake.
    March 8 - 71 miles biking. Beautiful day out but that was too long.
    March 9 - rest day
    March 10 - strength training.
    March 11 - 5.2 miles - knee felt fine! So thankful.
    March 12 - 5.2 miles.
    March 13- rest
    March 14 - 10K
    March 15 - 3.3 miles
    March 16 - 4.4 miles
    March 17 - Strength training
    March 18 - 5.0423 miles :)


    "The thought of later in the day having to explain to myself why I didn't run that morning is enough to get me out the door." -- Linda Johnson (Don't know who she is, but the running quotes site listed her name).
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    18-Mar: 7K
    Total for March: 63.5 miles

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    3/18 - 3.1 (indoor track). 48.06 for month.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited March 2015
    RunTimer wrote: »
    .. Have some pizza for me will you? :wink:
    I'm also an original westcoast transplant
    MMmmm what I wouldn't do for a authentic NY-thincrust-fold-in-half-burn-the-roof-of-your-mouth-of slice

    That's what I'm talking about!!

    @jorocka when I first moved here I ordered a plain pie at a pizza place and she had no idea what I was talking about "we don't sell pie we sell pizza" LOL

  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,226 Member
    Ran three yesterday up to 20/25. Ok for an old lady.
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    @cooter_mom‌ welcome to the wide world of outdoor running! You don't NEED that much winter gear but there is so much cool stuff you GET to buy! My running and biking wardrobe is now bigger than my real wardrobe
    @shanaber‌ I had never seen a Gila Monster outside of the zoo. I literally turned a sharp corner and, bam, massive lizard staring at me from about three foot away.
    Didn't have my camera out at the time but I managed to snap a picture of him as he lumbered into the bushes. wqrfhl1j5a1w.jpg
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @SBRRepeat‌ - WOW! I am pretty sure I would have screamed or something worse! He is HUGE and pretty cool looking!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @ddmom0811‌ - I don't know who Linda Johnson is either but I completely agree with her quote!
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    @cooter_mom‌ welcome to the wide world of outdoor running! You don't NEED that much winter gear but there is so much cool stuff you GET to buy! My running and biking wardrobe is now bigger than my real wardrobe
    @shanaber‌ I had never seen a Gila Monster outside of the zoo. I literally turned a sharp corner and, bam, massive lizard staring at me from about three foot away.
    Didn't have my camera out at the time but I managed to snap a picture of him as he lumbered into the bushes. wqrfhl1j5a1w.jpg

    Um no. Nnnnno. I'd rather have angry runners slam the hood of my car and flick me off than run into this dude. Holy cow.