I think my wife may hate me!



  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    You can fit bacon into a diet. Just have a couple bits, and not tons, or have low calorie foods elsewhere to make up for the extra cals in the bacon. Otherwise look into turkey bacon, or back bacon where you can cut the fat off of. If you are starving all the time, I'd also suggest either reevaluating your calorie goals, or eating some some protein and fats to fill you up.

    Dieting doesn't have to mean suffering.

    I'm not starving all the time, but miss the constant eating. Also, it is hell to try and eat a healthy breakfast when the house reeks of bacon!

    I have bacon and eggs most mornings for breakfast ... and I drink beer. I also run a lot and stay within my calorie guide of 1800 *NET* per day.

    I'm currently 85lbs down from this time last year.....
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Also found bacon medallions at 33 cals a slice. I am in the UK where our bacon is a different cut with less fat and bacon medallions are just the part with a solid round of meat and zero fat!

    I love bacon medallions so much. I hate the stringy fat you often get on bacon, it kinda freaks me out for some reason, so medallions are just the perfect form of bacon for me. I have a few of them with a sausage and a hard boiled egg for dinner sometimes, it's lush.

    This thread is making me want bacon really badly.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I read this wrong. When you said you were hungry all the time I assumed the pantry was empty except for the bacon.

    I've reversed dreams of vegetarianism in my daughter by cooking bacon. No regrets.
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    i think when starting out situations like this can seem difficult. but, once you learn how to enjoy the foods you loved in the past in moderation you will feel better. and you wont feel like everyone around is trying to sabotage your efforts because they are eating all these foods that you thought you couldn't have anymore. it will get better. now go hug your wife. best of luck to you.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Mmmmmmm now I want bacon!!!!:-0
  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    Eat Bacon. I've noticed that since logging my food bacon isn't high on my priorities because of the calories it contains. Don't let yourself get into the habit of denial. If I deny a want I generally overeat something else. Now I indulge occasionally and take an extra run during the evening to burn off the calories. Walking the dog for 24 minutes at a very brisk pace deletes the calories of a chocolate bar. I still occasionally look up tempting foods to see if my "caloric bank account" can fit it in, but generally end up not eating it because I'd rather be home after work. And BTW. My darling husband made chocolate chip cookies the other day. Hasn't ever baked them since our marriage began. I had one and sent the rest to the neighbors houses cause I hated him back. Best of luck to you in your journey.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    First World problem. *sigh*
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    edited March 2015
    I totally eat bacon. Life without bacon? Say it aint so! Actually, for lunch today, I had my bacon meatloaf leafovers...nom nom nom!!!

    I trick myself though, instead of just serving up a strip of bacon, I make it, then crumble it up, or have it in something (like my meatloaf) all the flavor, without just eating one or two slices and feeling like I havnt had enough.

    Or if I just have it alone..like Sat when I had breakfast for dinner, I cut the bacon into a few pieces. One serving, but felt and looked like a lot more...

    ETA- ON the other hand!!! I know what its like to love something and simply have to do without because of complete lack of control. I grounded myself from donuts. I cant eat just one..or two..or three. I will eat myself sick then do it all over again. So I do feel your pain!
  • kefalo
    kefalo Posts: 182 Member
    During one of my biggest weight loss periods, I had bacon almost every day for breakfast!!