beach body is a fail. suggestions?

ive considered trying beach body but was so put off by the "coaches" that i never gave it much thought. ive yet to meet a "coach" who seemed genuine and like they really wanted to help. the ones ive talke to, a few tell me if didnt by the products (like every new product that came out) i would fail and ive had others tell me if i couldnt afford the products, i didnt deserve to lose the weight, etc.

recently i found a "coach" (completely by accident) that isnt AS bad and so today i looked into the work out DVDs. $100+ for ONE no thanks. i cannot justify spending that much on a DVD. the main thing that drew me to beach body is having someone to be accountable to.
MFP is great but its easy to slip through the cracks and have no one notice. i wish i had friends near that were on the same path as me that way theyd help keep me on track but no such luck.

anyways. i need to find some kind of work out program/DVD. any suggestions? preferably for a beginner (yes i want to be challenged but no i dont want to feel like its way too hard and i cant do it- i know itll just make me quit.) maybe something that is easily modified and then i can do the harder version as i get stronger.


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    My mind completely shuts down/off when I see "beach body", "jillian michaels", "30 day shred", "pwhateverx90"-so I don't really know what all the hoopla is about.

    Are you not wanting to join a gym? What are your fitness goals?

    I like the stuff on for at home body weight workouts.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    If you are into kettlebells, check out live fit revolutions website. Fitness blender on youtube offers free videos for exercises. Check out Oxygen or Strong Fitness magazine for some workouts, you may need to drop the weights used until you get stronger but they usually have at home workouts to try. Netflix if you have them, or their streaming service, used to offer fitness DVDs. These are some options you could try.
  • Grubworm1943
    Grubworm1943 Posts: 50 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    My mind completely shuts down/off when I see "beach body", "jillian michaels", "30 day shred", "pwhateverx90"-so I don't really know what all the hoopla is about.

    Are you not wanting to join a gym? What are your fitness goals?

    I like the stuff on for at home body weight workouts.
    were 45 minutes to an hour from the closest gym. so its not practical.
    mainly my goal for now is just to lose weight and tighten up some areas.

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I fail to understand what the existence of beachbody coaches has to do with the efficacy of the beachbody workout videos
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I love Body Beach. You don't need a coach or the supplements to do the workouts. I don't.

    Anyway, Youtube Fitness Blender, their workouts are free.
  • snagel1102
    snagel1102 Posts: 19 Member
    if you can read, you don't need a coach. Read the manual, put in dvd, do coach required
  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    There are also heaps of programs and videos online.....
  • Grubworm1943
    Grubworm1943 Posts: 50 Member
    edited March 2015
    i dont need the coach to tell me what to do. i know the dvds would explain just fine (though im still not willing to send $100 on a DVD). my understanding though is that you check in with them like a group and they motivate and support. thats what ive heard anyways. thats the only thing that made me want to try it. but with that kind of price its not worth it for me
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    There are tons of free exercise videos on YouTube. Probably every type you could imagine. I like doing dance fitness/Zumba so I make my own playlists. I also use different videos to check form for body weight and lifting exercises. Did I mention it is free and I don't have to leave my living room?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Are you sure it's $100 for one DVD, or $100 for one workout plan? I did Turbo Fire and it was $126 for like 15 different workouts on 10 different DVDs.

    Not that I'm a huge fan of Beach Body. I hate the MLM part of it, but the workouts themselves aren't bad especially if you don't have the option of a gym.
  • dshepard81
    dshepard81 Posts: 6 Member
    Check out Leslie Sansone walk at home videos. That's the ones I started with because they are broken down into segments so you do what you can and work your way up to the entire routine. No pressure and the moves are fairly basic. Plus they only run about $10-12 per DVD.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones is a decent intro to circuit training. You can use weights from 3-20 lbs. If you want support, I'm pretty sure there are Jillian Michaels groups you could join on here (and other groups for whatever other DVDs or programs you might want to do).
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    My mind completely shuts down/off when I see "beach body", "jillian michaels", "30 day shred", "pwhateverx90"-so I don't really know what all the hoopla is about.

    Are you not wanting to join a gym? What are your fitness goals?

    I like the stuff on for at home body weight workouts.

    yeah mine too.

    go for walks. do C25K (couch to 5K), find videos on youtube, shoot, do jumping jacks and running in place and sit up for X amount of time a day. Plenty of things you can do without paying anyone a single dime. The only money i spend is on my zumbas classes ($5 per class, i take one class a week). I go to the gym (usually 3X a week) with my neighbor on her membership. And when the roads aren't icy (please spring hurry up, i can't take it much more!), I walk anywhere from 1.5-3 miles a day.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited March 2015
    There are plenty of things free on youtube or fitnessblender.

    The $100 sets are generally a full workout program and not just a single DVD. I have Rockin' Body (bought from Amazon for under $30) and while it's only 2 DVD's, there are 7 different workouts. I've never really associated with any "coach". I'm thinking about getting Insanity, but the Xbox One version which is like $60 (if I remember correctly) for the full program compared to over $100 for the DVDs.

    If you want a full body program, you might want to consider X-TrainFit. XTFMAX is their newest set (I did X-TrainFit @ Home), but the program has several modification levels and the workouts are shorter than the at Home one (which was ridiculously long at up to 1hr 20 mins and some days you doubled dvds). It runs around $30 for 12 workouts.

    Or you can go up to walmart and there is a set called Ruthless for $20 with 10 DVD's/2 workouts per DVD (20 total). I wouldn't consider this a complete beginner program. It's definitely a challenge for me, but the one bonus is it's a 20 min workout. The easiest way to put it is a workout where you push yourself as hard as you possibly can for 20 mins.

    edit: Until the beginning of this month, I didn't have a gym membership. I recently got one because it will make working out a bit easier since it has a daycare to watch my boys (3 yrs and 9 months). Oh and I can't deny the bonus of a pool. Or that classes are free with my membership. But, I lost a lot of weight while working out at home.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I like beach body products but I suck and sticking with working out at home so a gym is a must for me. You don't need a coach. Search Amazon. I really like Physique 57. Seems in line with your goals.
  • brendajsharp
    brendajsharp Posts: 1 Member
    I like 21day fix workout tapes everyday is a diffrence workout Cardio fix, upper fix,lower fix, pilatesfix, flat Ads fix, Yoga fix
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    These programs are all pretty much the same. Just go to YouTube and find something you like.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I go to the gym but I also have a variety of DVD's for when I just want to do something different at home. I have a couple of Beach Body sets (P90X and TurboFire) but I bought both of them off Craigslist for less than half the price of ordering them through a coach. I just made sure I had a player with me to test the discs and they were all fine.

    Another option is your local library. I like to try new things without committing to them so checking them out from the library is perfect.

    Accountability is only going to be what you make of it. I go to a gym, I have friends who work out and I have a good friends list here on MFP but ultimately, it's me who has to be motivated to do this. I'm sure you could find at least one MFP friend who you could agree to accountability with and it wouldn't cost you a thing. :smile:
  • Geekymonkey99
    Geekymonkey99 Posts: 63 Member
    You don't need a Beachbody coach or Beachbody products. I personally don't trust them, because they're way too hyped up about everything since they get commission. I love and swear by P90X, but I do it with friends, and we keep each other accountable. The products and the coaches just feel too scammy to me, and that's even with personally knowing a couple coaches.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I love FIRM and Denise Austin (esp. Body Boot Camp and Power Zone) dvds. I found them at the library and using their inter-library loan program. You might want to look into that or see if you can find some videos on youtube. Then you don't have to spend any $$ trying some out:)