Lose weight by eating more?



  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    what are u doing to burn 4000 cals a day? thats pretty excessive. weight loss is not linear. if u lost 5lb the previous week and the next week was one that still averages 3lbs a week. thats more than is even recommended for healthy long term weight loss. i think u know what ur doing is not the healthiest approach and most people here would not recommend losing more than 2lb a week
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    So I heard that you can up your calorie intake and lose weight. Has anyone tried that? I read about Audrey Johns. She says by eating All Natural foods, the weight flew off. Has anyone tried this?
    That's the opposite of the truth. You lose weight by eating less, not more.

    It was a trick question. She asked if she can up her calorie intake and lose weight. The answer is yes. :)

    That being said I'm thinking she meant can she lose MORE if she ups her calorie intake and in that case...no....like you said
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    No, but I do find that when I eat at a smaller deficit, I don't feel the need to freak out and binge, so ultimately, I do lose more (since I don't bounce back up due to binges).

    But eat more than my TDEE and lose weight? No, that has never made me lose weight.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Bukawww wrote: »
    Can I just piggy back this discussion: I have been meticulous with weighing my food by grams. I have been under 1000 cal on some days (I know), I have been burning up to 4000 calories/day. By my calculations, I should have lost 4lbs this week but only lost 1. That is frustrating. Albeit this is only for one week...the previous week I lost 5lbs.

    I am hoping that extra 3lb will catch up at some point? Maybe a chick issue regarding hormone fluctuating, etc?
    The numbers will never, ever, ever add up perfectly. There are WAY too many variables and factors at work. Also, how did you arrive at 4000 calories burned. I should point out that wearable fitness tech is far from flawless.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    You're burning 4000 calories?? How?
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    You're burning 4000 calories?? How?

    That's what I was thinking!!!

    I mean is this using the new "carry a refrigerator tied to your back uphill against a strong wind while battling zombies" method? :disagree:

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    That's pretty much false. "Eat more", but how much more? How much exactly?

    I think it can be done to eat at maintenance or above maintenance if you significantly increase your output by doing lifting, cardio, etc.

    This would essentially make your caloric deficit off of exercise calories. Bear in mind, you MUST burn more calories than you need to maintain your weight in order to lose. But you know what they say "you can't out-exercise a bad diet".

    It is so much easier, less stressful, and effective to create your caloric deficit by eating less.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    Its called working my damn booty off all damn day lol. I realize its an estimate but I use a combination of a Garmin FR15, FitBit, AND a BodyMedia armband on a daily basis. I walk an average of 20k steps a day, sometimes as many as 35K (I have a treadmill in my living room - also I'm training for a Ragnar Relay and a Disney half using C25K). I practice my Ragnar legs once a week (so 4.3m in the morning, 4.1 miles in the evening, and then 3m the next morning. My pace right now is 15min miles.

    I am literally beaten and exhausted by the end of each 4000 cal burned day, ending with a magnesium bath and a massage (best.hubby.ever). I do have 2800 cal burned days as well, but aim for 3000 burned minimum. Like I said, I did the math for last week and should have ended up with 4 pounds lost. Obviously give or take.

    I eat under 1500 calories 6 days/week and under 2000 once a week. Food doesn't enter my mouth until its been on the scale.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    what are u doing to burn 4000 cals a day? thats pretty excessive. weight loss is not linear. if u lost 5lb the previous week and the next week was one that still averages 3lbs a week. thats more than is even recommended for healthy long term weight loss. i think u know what ur doing is not the healthiest approach and most people here would not recommend losing more than 2lb a week

    Yes I do realize that...I weigh 225lbs. I am trying to lose a wee bit faster than I should so I can complete my Ragnar in April more efficiently. I am not necessarily aiming for 3-4lbs lost, but when you spend as much time exercising as I have due to training, etc, you lack time for eating or the desire to. I love food...love to eat. Once I hit 199, I will strictly adhere to the recommended 2 pounds/week.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited March 2015
    Bukawww wrote: »
    what are u doing to burn 4000 cals a day? thats pretty excessive. weight loss is not linear. if u lost 5lb the previous week and the next week was one that still averages 3lbs a week. thats more than is even recommended for healthy long term weight loss. i think u know what ur doing is not the healthiest approach and most people here would not recommend losing more than 2lb a week

    Yes I do realize that...I weigh 225lbs. I am trying to lose a wee bit faster than I should so I can complete my Ragnar in April more efficiently. I am not necessarily aiming for 3-4lbs lost, but when you spend as much time exercising as I have due to training, etc, you lack time for eating or the desire to. I love food...love to eat. Once I hit 199, I will strictly adhere to the recommended 2 pounds/week.

    So then...what *do* you do that burns 4000 calories? ETA: oh, sorry, I see you gave an explanation above. I understand you're being very physical, but still...really 4000 calories? In a day? In addition to whatever your base calories are?

  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    No, including my BMR. So I am burning an additional 2200 calories on those days. My BMR is 1800. Really...at least according to multiple devices and calculators (NOT the exercise equipment or MFP numbers lol). I have 2 4000 calories a day each week. 3500 2-3 days in that same week, 1 lazy day of 2500-2800, and a 3000 calorie day. Those numbers all include my BMR so maybe thats more believable now lol?
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    cerad2 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    In the words of a great man "that's highly illogical Cap'n"
    Flawless analysis as always Mr Spock. Which is why your answer that eating more can never result in weight loss is wrong.

    I think the problem here is that many believe that if you are stuck and not losing, you can start losing if you increase calories. This poster is saying that is not how it works.

    Obviously if you increase calories but are still in a deficit, you will still lose weight. But it won't increase weight loss.

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Bukawww wrote: »
    No, including my BMR. So I am burning an additional 2200 calories on those days. My BMR is 1800. Really...at least according to multiple devices and calculators (NOT the exercise equipment or MFP numbers lol). I have 2 4000 calories a day each week. 3500 2-3 days in that same week, 1 lazy day of 2500-2800, and a 3000 calorie day. Those numbers all include my BMR so maybe thats more believable now lol?

    Oh, okay, I see.

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    edited March 2015
    Bukawww wrote: »
    No, including my BMR. So I am burning an additional 2200 calories on those days. My BMR is 1800. Really...at least according to multiple devices and calculators (NOT the exercise equipment or MFP numbers lol). I have 2 4000 calories a day each week. 3500 2-3 days in that same week, 1 lazy day of 2500-2800, and a 3000 calorie day. Those numbers all include my BMR so maybe thats more believable now lol?

    The issue with this approach is that it must be kept up EVERY day in order for this to be feasible. This means no rest days, or you risk overeating.

    I dont know.. for most people they would probably slip up and do some damage. I think it's just easier to control the calorie equation by reducing how much you eat instead of trying to up your activity.

    I am speaking to the OP. Btw, i know you were talking about something else. But my opinion is that you are probably eating more than you think and burning less than you think. You are probably also retaining some water if it's that TOM (you mentioned hormonal).
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    I agree, Rainbow - I certainly don't plan to lose all of my weight this way. Its really important to me that I don't let my Ragnar team down...or myself. I do keep it up every day. I have done so since December 26th, 2014 (not that long I suppose lol). Once the Ragnar is complete, my training focus will be on the half marathon (not till September) and less on the intense deficit. I absolutely do not recommend what I am doing to anyone. I am looking forward to meeting a moderate deficit at the end of April (my typical, normal daily activities being a homeschooling mom of 4 with my own soap manufacturing business, day)...this yields about 2500-3000 burned each day. I will be eating around 2000 calories at that time and focusing a lot more on the badass power rack I have in my garage lol.

    Super sorry to the OP for hijacking the thread...was just wondering what people had to say since it was a similar situation. I was shocked to see only 1 pound lost. I am going to be patient, keep doing what I do, and hopefully prove to myself that its nothing but a thang lol.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member

    MrM27 wrote: »
    Also, 2200 in exercise, OP must be working out for like 3 hours a day.

    Yes, sometimes more...mostly walking at 3.2-4.0 on my treadmill while I watch Netflix series, etc lol.

  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    I burned my treadmill motor up, actually...waiting on a new one as we speak. I'm bummed but it got me to train more outside (which I didn't realize I missed so very much) as well as toning it down for now since I am limited by circumstances (for instance, its raining, husband is in bed due to early work schedule, and 2yr old must be supervised, therefore I cannot put my hoodie on and go for a walk/run right now lol).
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    So I heard that you can up your calorie intake and lose weight. Has anyone tried that? I read about Audrey Johns. She says by eating All Natural foods, the weight flew off. Has anyone tried this?

    Didja ever run out of gas in your car by filling up the tank faster?

    Yeah. It kinda works like that.