Lose weight by eating more?



  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Bukawww wrote: »
    what are u doing to burn 4000 cals a day? thats pretty excessive. weight loss is not linear. if u lost 5lb the previous week and the next week was one that still averages 3lbs a week. thats more than is even recommended for healthy long term weight loss. i think u know what ur doing is not the healthiest approach and most people here would not recommend losing more than 2lb a week

    Yes I do realize that...I weigh 225lbs. I am trying to lose a wee bit faster than I should so I can complete my Ragnar in April more efficiently. I am not necessarily aiming for 3-4lbs lost, but when you spend as much time exercising as I have due to training, etc, you lack time for eating or the desire to. I love food...love to eat. Once I hit 199, I will strictly adhere to the recommended 2 pounds/week.

    So then...what *do* you do that burns 4000 calories? ETA: oh, sorry, I see you gave an explanation above. I understand you're being very physical, but still...really 4000 calories? In a day? In addition to whatever your base calories are?
    Yup, seems like an overestimate. I can understand burning 4000 for your entire maintenance needs (i.e. TDEE) if you also have an active job (e.g. work on your feet 9hrs a day doing manual labour) on top of all of this AND 4000 is your estimated maintenance, but otherwise seems suspect. And if you're not losing while only eating 1000 calories it's because either a) you are not logging properly - just because you weigh it doesn't meant he entries are right; b) you are holding onto a lot of water weight because you are doing TOO MUCH, like damn slow down.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Bukawww wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Also, 2200 in exercise, OP must be working out for like 3 hours a day.

    Yes, sometimes more...mostly walking at 3.2-4.0 on my treadmill while I watch Netflix series, etc lol.

    I walk at that speed for an hour and hit around the 450 at the most...and i am sure that is right i got a full test done not long ago. ( heartrate monitor and VO2 test etc)

  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited March 2015
    Bukawww wrote: »
    Can I just piggy back this discussion: I have been meticulous with weighing my food by grams. I have been under 1000 cal on some days (I know), I have been burning up to 4000 calories/day. By my calculations, I should have lost 4lbs this week but only lost 1. That is frustrating. Albeit this is only for one week...the previous week I lost 5lbs.

    I am hoping that extra 3lb will catch up at some point? Maybe a chick issue regarding hormone fluctuating, etc?

    Yer funny.

    I'm running 50 to 60 miles a week these days. At least two half marathons (13.1 miles), a 10-miler, a 15k (9.3 miles) and various short recovery runs each and every week AND doing P90X every day ... and I don't come even remotely close to a 4k-a-day burn.

    I'm laughing over here ....
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited March 2015
    btw i am a special snow flake i think
    When i eat more calories i GAIN weight.

    But well that is me, strange bird it seems

  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Bukawww wrote: »
    Can I just piggy back this discussion: I have been meticulous with weighing my food by grams. I have been under 1000 cal on some days (I know), I have been burning up to 4000 calories/day. By my calculations, I should have lost 4lbs this week but only lost 1. That is frustrating. Albeit this is only for one week...the previous week I lost 5lbs.

    I am hoping that extra 3lb will catch up at some point? Maybe a chick issue regarding hormone fluctuating, etc?

    Yer funny.

    I'm running 50 to 60 miles a week these days. At least two half marathons (13.1 miles), a 10-miler, a 15k (9.3 miles) and various short recovery runs each and every week AND doing P90X every day ... and I don't come even remotely close to a 4k-a-day burn.

    I'm laughing over here ....

    yes i find it very high too. Its even above Olympic/ athletic standards...maybe check your devices?
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    Bukawww wrote: »
    Can I just piggy back this discussion: I have been meticulous with weighing my food by grams. I have been under 1000 cal on some days (I know), I have been burning up to 4000 calories/day. By my calculations, I should have lost 4lbs this week but only lost 1. That is frustrating. Albeit this is only for one week...the previous week I lost 5lbs.

    I am hoping that extra 3lb will catch up at some point? Maybe a chick issue regarding hormone fluctuating, etc?

    Yer funny.

    I'm running 50 to 60 miles a week these days. At least two half marathons (13.1 miles), a 10-miler, a 15k (9.3 miles) and various short recovery runs each and every week AND doing P90X every day ... and I don't come even remotely close to a 4k-a-day burn.

    I'm laughing over here ....

    Are you 225lbs too? Did you see that that number includes my BMR? Keep laughing, dude. Its real, no matter how hilarious you think you are lol.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Bukawww wrote: »
    Can I just piggy back this discussion: I have been meticulous with weighing my food by grams. I have been under 1000 cal on some days (I know), I have been burning up to 4000 calories/day. By my calculations, I should have lost 4lbs this week but only lost 1. That is frustrating. Albeit this is only for one week...the previous week I lost 5lbs.

    I am hoping that extra 3lb will catch up at some point? Maybe a chick issue regarding hormone fluctuating, etc?

    Yer funny.

    I'm running 50 to 60 miles a week these days. At least two half marathons (13.1 miles), a 10-miler, a 15k (9.3 miles) and various short recovery runs each and every week AND doing P90X every day ... and I don't come even remotely close to a 4k-a-day burn.

    I'm laughing over here ....

    yes i find it very high too. Its even above Olympic/ athletic standards...maybe check your devices?
    Or maybe even just stick to the ONE device -- why THREE? Seems like overkill. Maybe overkill is resulting in wrong readouts.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    Bukawww wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Also, 2200 in exercise, OP must be working out for like 3 hours a day.

    Yes, sometimes more...mostly walking at 3.2-4.0 on my treadmill while I watch Netflix series, etc lol.

    I walk at that speed for an hour and hit around the 450 at the most...and i am sure that is right i got a full test done not long ago. ( heartrate monitor and VO2 test etc)

    you look a lot smaller than me...I am 5'5" and 225lbs. I burn about 600-700 calories for one intense hour of fast walk alternating with running, which includes a pretty gnarly 1 mile hill. I suppose all the calculators could be wrong lol. I've lost 30lbs since Christmas. Thats a little less than .5 lb a day in 63 days. So my average burn must be slightly on target to achieve a 1750/day deficit....I did mention several times that I only burn 4000 TOTAL about twice a week. I'm also not that upset with the one pound loss this week. I realize hormones and water retention most likely play a factor.
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Bukawww wrote: »
    Bukawww wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Also, 2200 in exercise, OP must be working out for like 3 hours a day.

    Yes, sometimes more...mostly walking at 3.2-4.0 on my treadmill while I watch Netflix series, etc lol.

    I walk at that speed for an hour and hit around the 450 at the most...and i am sure that is right i got a full test done not long ago. ( heartrate monitor and VO2 test etc)

    you look a lot smaller than me...I am 5'5" and 225lbs. I burn about 600-700 calories for one intense hour of fast walk alternating with running, which includes a pretty gnarly 1 mile hill. I suppose all the calculators could be wrong lol. I've lost 30lbs since Christmas. Thats a little less than .5 lb a day in 63 days. So my average burn must be slightly on target to achieve a 1750/day deficit....I did mention several times that I only burn 4000 TOTAL about twice a week. I'm also not that upset with the one pound loss this week. I realize hormones and water retention most likely play a factor.

    Okay so you're happy with your burn calculations and weight loss, we get it. Maybe we get back to the OP and you can start your own thread?

    My personal situation was in direct context to what the OP was asking about - I was hoping any words of wisdom offered to me would also be helpful in figuring out why calories in might not always equal calories out properly. But hey, thanks for the warm words of encouragement :). Always a pleasure. I'll go lie to myself some more about how many calories I'm not burning and cry myself to sleep lol.
  • Drewlssix
    Drewlssix Posts: 272 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    You're burning 4000 calories?? How?

    That's what I was thinking!!!

    I mean is this using the new "carry a refrigerator tied to your back uphill against a strong wind while battling zombies" method? :disagree:

    I possibly burned similar numbers about a year ago when I worked at a moving company, ten thousand pounds of other people's stuff loaded then unloaded from a truck often up and down three flights of stairs on one or both ends of the move while moving at a jogging pace to ensure a solid tip at the end. I can say if you are burning those kinds of calories in a day the equivalent of a Big Mac with fries ain't going to cut it, you will likely find your self laid out in short order. I would eat two or three bowls of cereal in the morning snack on candy all day n long usually hit the Chinese buffet for 3 loaded plates plus dessert for lunch a couple gas station hotdogs between jobs and typically fast food or something massive for diner. Probably 4-5 thousand cals a day and I was still losing weight and packing on muscle.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Bukawww wrote: »
    Bukawww wrote: »
    Can I just piggy back this discussion: I have been meticulous with weighing my food by grams. I have been under 1000 cal on some days (I know), I have been burning up to 4000 calories/day. By my calculations, I should have lost 4lbs this week but only lost 1. That is frustrating. Albeit this is only for one week...the previous week I lost 5lbs.

    I am hoping that extra 3lb will catch up at some point? Maybe a chick issue regarding hormone fluctuating, etc?

    Yer funny.

    I'm running 50 to 60 miles a week these days. At least two half marathons (13.1 miles), a 10-miler, a 15k (9.3 miles) and various short recovery runs each and every week AND doing P90X every day ... and I don't come even remotely close to a 4k-a-day burn.

    I'm laughing over here ....

    Are you 225lbs too? Did you see that that number includes my BMR? Keep laughing, dude. Its real, no matter how hilarious you think you are lol.

    There's a reason you're not losing the weight you think you should be ... and I am, right? One of us isn't calculating burn rate in anything other than fantasy land.

    I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out which one of us it is.

    And ... yeah - I'm laughin' even harder now.

  • composerman88
    Over training the same exercise will give you false numbers for weight loss. Your body gets very efficient a lot quicker than you think. Make sure you mix things up. :) I would suggest more weight training and core work. That will boost your run time dramatically.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited March 2015
    I weigh 195 pounds. I started out at 220 pounds. My calculations definitely do not add up to anywhere near that amount with walking fast alternating with running and I'm pretty sure they didn't even approximate those amounts when I was 220.

    A poster above gave the bottom line. Barring some sort of extreme and extraordinarily rare biological issue, that means you're expending less than you're eating. That's what it means for pretty much all of us.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Yabbut REST DAYS

    Just leaving that here for our over-exercising friend
  • mommysandoval
    mommysandoval Posts: 8 Member
    I have been researching weight loss and came across YouTube's freelee banana girl. She did have some valid opinions, and facts. But for me, I need protein because if my workouts. I do eat more fruit since watching her on YouTube and veggies, but still incorporate fish and chicken and my protein shakes.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Bukawww wrote: »
    Bukawww wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Also, 2200 in exercise, OP must be working out for like 3 hours a day.

    Yes, sometimes more...mostly walking at 3.2-4.0 on my treadmill while I watch Netflix series, etc lol.

    I walk at that speed for an hour and hit around the 450 at the most...and i am sure that is right i got a full test done not long ago. ( heartrate monitor and VO2 test etc)

    you look a lot smaller than me...I am 5'5" and 225lbs. I burn about 600-700 calories for one intense hour of fast walk alternating with running, which includes a pretty gnarly 1 mile hill. I suppose all the calculators could be wrong lol. I've lost 30lbs since Christmas. Thats a little less than .5 lb a day in 63 days. So my average burn must be slightly on target to achieve a 1750/day deficit....I did mention several times that I only burn 4000 TOTAL about twice a week. I'm also not that upset with the one pound loss this week. I realize hormones and water retention most likely play a factor.

    i am 5.5 and was 260 pound
    i walk and run and lost 70 pounds since 1st of October.
    So that is in 130 days

    So not smaller at all

  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    but doesnt matter and off topic for the OP

    I am just surprised about people who dont lose weight believe the fact to eat more calories to start to lose. Thats all