Welcome any ladies over 50



  • bhealthy1516
    bhealthy1516 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all, I just joined today. Need to lose at least 50 lbs. Ideally more like 70 lbs.
    I'm 57 years old. I did calories a month ago, writing everything down, lost about 4 lbs in 3 weeks, then when, I felt like I wasn't losing more (I had a cheap scale, since then bought a digital scale, and have found the 3 to 4 lbs I had lost, and added a few more).

    Would Welcome friends, buddies, support. I don't know how to add a friend yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

    Loving this site so far! I was tempted to join WW again for the hundredth time, but can't really afford it, would rather spend the money on switching to more organic fruits and veggies, for my green drinks.

  • syranara1
    syranara1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm 61. Am I the oldest here?

    I put on nearly 2 stone when we moved away from UK and my health plunged as working from home meant I had hardly any exercise.

    Moving back to UK in a couple of months time after a cataract op and want to be more like my old self.

    Tried numerous other ways - low sugar/low carb, counting calories but now come back to MFP and am hoping to finally find a way to be the weight I am happy at.

    Anyone need a buddy?

    Thanks :D
  • minmom24
    minmom24 Posts: 1 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    I'm 56 years old. I am 5'3" and need to lose 30-40 pounds. I've done FP before and have been successful. Aging, menopause and depression meds have led me to this point. Here I go again! :) [/quo

    Same here! Described me exactly! Let's do this! :)
  • alpinekleins
    alpinekleins Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all! I am 55 and recently discovered MFP. So far so good, I'm really enjoying how easy they make it to track food and exercise, and sum up my daily nutrients for me. I remember when I turned 50 I was right where I wanted to be from a weight and fitness perspective . . . my how things can change in a few years at this age . . . I want to lose about 20 pounds to get down to a desirable weight once again! Would love to participate in the group. Best wishes all, Kristin
  • eydiemarie62
    eydiemarie62 Posts: 30 Member
    syranara1 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm 61. Am I the oldest here?

    I put on nearly 2 stone when we moved away from UK and my health plunged as working from home meant I had hardly any exercise.

    Moving back to UK in a couple of months time after a cataract op and want to be more like my old self.

    Tried numerous other ways - low sugar/low carb, counting calories but now come back to MFP and am hoping to finally find a way to be the weight I am happy at.

    Anyone need a buddy?

    Thanks :D

  • eydiemarie62
    eydiemarie62 Posts: 30 Member
    I'd love to be added as a friend for this journey. We can do it!
  • eydiemarie62
    eydiemarie62 Posts: 30 Member
    minmom24 wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    I'm 56 years old. I am 5'3" and need to lose 30-40 pounds. I've done FP before and have been successful. Aging, menopause and depression meds have led me to this point. Here I go again! :) [/quo

    Same here! Described me exactly! Let's do this! :)
    Hi all, I just joined today. Need to lose at least 50 lbs. Ideally more like 70 lbs.
    I'm 57 years old. I did calories a month ago, writing everything down, lost about 4 lbs in 3 weeks, then when, I felt like I wasn't losing more (I had a cheap scale, since then bought a digital scale, and have found the 3 to 4 lbs I had lost, and added a few more).

    Would Welcome friends, buddies, support. I don't know how to add a friend yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

    Loving this site so far! I was tempted to join WW again for the hundredth time, but can't really afford it, would rather spend the money on switching to more organic fruits and veggies, for my green drinks.

  • eydiemarie62
    eydiemarie62 Posts: 30 Member
    Glad you're on board! I have a long journey ahead also (need to loose about 100#) let's encourage and enjoy it together! Good luck
  • georgygirl
    georgygirl Posts: 104 Member
    Hi I'm 52 got around 40 lbs to lose, feel free to add me
  • dwhite1201
    dwhite1201 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I turned 54 started going thru menopause and gained 20 lbs in 12 months. Bad thing is I was around 20 lbs overweight before the past year added 20 more so I now have a total of 40 lbs to lose. I gotta say this quick 20 lb increase has me scared. I ate the exact same way I was before but now it suddenly isn't enough to keep me at the same weight. I've been dieting since I was about 10. I've been on thyroid meds since I was 16. I could use some real advise on what and how to eat to lose this weight. I'm miserable with myself. Can anyone give me advise on what to eat. I've stayed on a 1200 calorie diet but still continue to gain. I know a big part of the problem is I'm very sedentary. work at a computer all day long (10+ hours a day) then come home and sit on the couch before I go to bed. I need an eating plan as well as exercise plan that I can really do. I've tried several workout dvd's but hate them so much I can't bring myself to do them again.
  • eydiemarie62
    eydiemarie62 Posts: 30 Member
    dwhite1201 wrote: »
    Hi I turned 54 started going thru menopause and gained 20 lbs in 12 months. Bad thing is I was around 20 lbs overweight before the past year added 20 more so I now have a total of 40 lbs to lose. I gotta say this quick 20 lb increase has me scared. I ate the exact same way I was before but now it suddenly isn't enough to keep me at the same weight. I've been dieting since I was about 10. I've been on thyroid meds since I was 16. I could use some real advise on what and how to eat to lose this weight. I'm miserable with myself. Can anyone give me advise on what to eat. I've stayed on a 1200 calorie diet but still continue to gain. I know a big part of the problem is I'm very sedentary. work at a computer all day long (10+ hours a day) then come home and sit on the couch before I go to bed. I need an eating plan as well as exercise plan that I can really do. I've tried several workout dvd's but hate them so much I can't bring myself to do them again.

    I was in the same battle of work and increasing weight. Talk with your doctor, but most have said it is often dangerous to go below 1200 calories. Is there an activity you enjoy that doesn't trigger that you're exercising? I found if I stopped at a bigger store and walked quickly after work I had a lot more energy and felt positive. Emotional and mental exhaustion can disguise as physical sense of tired. If you can find away to interrupt your trip to the couch with something fun it will help your body's adjustments through menopause. Good luck :-)
  • ccam99
    ccam99 Posts: 119 Member

    Unfortunately you can't eat the same way now that you are going thru menopause. You need to change the things you eat and should be doing some sort of moderate exercise. It's hard to get moving if you don't really want to but you need to force yourself so that you miss it when you don't do it. Walking is a great way to start. Is there somewhere you could walk before or after work? Walk your neighborhood. Walk your yard. Just start walking. As mentioned above, maybe try to do something physical before you get home to break the couch potato habit. Then you need to address your eating. 1200 is too low even though you are sedentary. I would eat 1400 calories as your lowest. Everyone is different when it comes to what you can and can't eat at this age. For alot of us we can't eat carbs like we used to. Try cutting back on them (not cutting out) and adding more protein and vegetables. Use MFP to track what you eat for a while and you will be surprised how much junk stands out in your diet. Visibly seeing it helped me to change some things I ate. I myself prefer a gym where I can weight train or take classes. If that's an option for you try to check into it.
  • kwilson51
    kwilson51 Posts: 10
    So nice to see that other ladies are in the same place I am. 51 (52in a few weeks) and used to eat whatever and not gain anything.....NO more. Need to get 20+ off. So here I am. Lots of great advise here. Thanks.
  • jkrause9005
    jkrause9005 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi to all the other over 50 ladies! I am interested in expanding my network of friends. I will provide support and encouagement and would hope to receive the same.

    I just turned 57 a few weeks ago. I've been on my current weight loss journey since October 8, 2014 when my husband was diagnosed with Type II diabetes. I knew it was a wake up call for both of us.

    I started at 230 pounds. I lost 18 pounds by Jan 1 when I joined MFP. I've lost another 41 pounds since then. It's not coming off fast, but it's consistently moving in the right direction. I have another 21 pounds to lose to achieve my initial goal.

    Please add me if you too would like another weight loss friend.