I'm back, baby! (Literally. I just had a baby.)

helloooooooo mfp!

After 7 months of bed rest and the chaos of being a new mom (to an underWeight preemie ... How could my own child be underweight?!) my head is back in the game.

I've been in the gym and yoga studio here and there, but have been using Breast feeding as an excuse to overeat. And I haven't been logging faithfully either.

But here I am ready to start and lose the pregnancy weight... And another 10 I hope. I'm 5'7, and about 178 now. I was 163 prepreg, having lost 20lbs on MFP. I was 190 at delivery.

Any tips? Anyone looking for a committed friend?

I'm excited!!


  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Congratulations! My only tip is be kind to yourself. The first year is hard, I don't know if I'd choose food logging during it. But you know yourself best. Good luck!
  • linamisiute
    linamisiute Posts: 124 Member
    Heyyy! I have an 8 month boy, totally get what you are saying! My pre pregnancy weight was 195Lbs... Before giving birth i was 265Lbs! Now I am 208Lbs !!! Slowly going back on track of eating healthy and exercise!!!! You can totally add me as a friend!!! I also used bf as an excuse to eat!!! But mostly the pregnancy i ate like a family of cows! Hehe
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Congrats on your baby! You can SO do it! It's an adjustment for sure but if you want it, go GET IT!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, my little guy just turned 1! :)
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Congrats! My biggest tip is not to use baby as an excuse!! I have four including an 8 month old AND an 18 month old!! Just keep at it and don't fall into that rut!
  • avielosesit
    avielosesit Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks everyone! And Jenn, I think you nailed it. I was in a yoga class a few weeks ago thinking "I can't do this posture, I just had a baby 10 weeks ago." What a destructive mental state!! I did a mental refresh after that.
  • SarahKhristan
    SarahKhristan Posts: 134 Member
    Mazel tov on the baby! My own will be 4 months in a few weeks. Getting off the "baby fat" is harrrd, but slow and steady you will lose the weight.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Congratulations! Enjoy your bundle!
  • c613477
    c613477 Posts: 296 Member
    helloooooooo mfp!

    After 7 months of bed rest and the chaos of being a new mom (to an underWeight preemie ... How could my own child be underweight?!) my head is back in the game.

    I've been in the gym and yoga studio here and there, but have been using Breast feeding as an excuse to overeat. And I haven't been logging faithfully either.

    But here I am ready to start and lose the pregnancy weight... And another 10 I hope. I'm 5'7, and about 178 now. I was 163 prepreg, having lost 20lbs on MFP. I was 190 at delivery.

    Any tips? Anyone looking for a committed friend?

    I'm excited!!

    Friend me! I am in a similar situation here, except my baby is now 14 months. I was on bedrest and he had some health issues, but now things settled, I am serious about getting back in shape. I am 5'6.5" and 159 lbs currently. I need to lose at least 25 lbs and tons of fat.

  • amandastock
    amandastock Posts: 53 Member
    We have similar stats
    I'm 5'7" and 157, although I was ~ 180 at delivery. My babe is 4 months old. He is my 3rd babe and I've hung onto 10lbs with each one but no more. My goal is to go back to 135ish by the time I turn 30 in May which is where I was before kids. Breastfeeding is the best for losing weight!!