Went over calories



  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    Nah, it's just one day. Forgive yourself and do better tomorrow <3 You're fine!
  • DeeTee68
    DeeTee68 Posts: 198 Member
    I like all these replies now I can have that bottle of red wine ive been saving, thanks peeps
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yeah eating at a deficit to make up for a bad day is a slippery slope, believe me! You probably won't see the difference.

    For your vacations, personally, I would cut down 100 calories a day until then, then maybe for a week or two afterwards and enjoy myself there - I mean, still make good choices, but not feeling guilty if there is something you really want that has more calories.
  • daniebanks
    daniebanks Posts: 179 Member
    1 day won't matter, just get back on track the next day :smile: .You'll go crazy if you deprive yourself of everything
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited March 2015
    After a weekend away, where I found an amazing GF bakery / restaurant and ate way too much yummy stuff that I never get (cinnamon buns x 2, nanaimo squares x 4, carrot cake, lasagna, and a sloppy joe, though all items were very small, except carrot cake), I came home to a birthday lunch for in-laws at a fine dining restaurant, including appetizer (roasted beets, goat cheese, and some other yummy stuff), entree of pork chop, polenta (left most), asparagus, rhubarb sauce, and Pavlova for dessert. Weighed myself Tuesday and was up .2 of a pound... and it was worth every ounce! I did watch what I ate at my other meals, and did my best to track the calories though. Now back on track in maintenance.
  • runnrchic
    runnrchic Posts: 130 Member
    I average a set goal limit monthly. And I want my monthly averages to be below 2000 by the end of the year. I'm beginning of thinking of changing it to 1900 though since I look a little more cut at that level. Saturday I ate over 2800 calories which included 1000 calories of taco bell and beer! I'm still 5'6" 119 and my average for march is around 1850 which makes room for another Saturday meal of normally off limits food!
  • paradi3s
    paradi3s Posts: 343 Member
    I never went over calories but if I did, I would just log it in. It took me a year and a half to lose all the weight, I deserve a milkshake! And one milkshake won't bring back all the weight I lost haha relax and get back on it tomorrow! :-)
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Sometimes when I get the craving for a milkshake, I'll go to Costco and pick up a Mocha Freeze (320 cals) and split it with my husband or kid. Or may drink it all if it is late and I have extra cals to blow, but I find them really filling.
  • KBmoments
    KBmoments Posts: 193 Member
    If you just logged it and move on with your maintenance calories, that would mean that you're going to gain, right? I mean, gain hardly anything to worry about... but if you don't make up for it, how are you expected to keep maintaining? If you're on a deficit, I would understand not worrying about since you had been in a deficit the whole time, so you wouldn't gain..but I would think maintenance calories would be different?.... Not debating anyone, just curious.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    KB, I think for most of us, maintenance calories aren't a flat line, just like weight isn't, it's a range. One day you're over a bit, one day you're under. Otherwise, maintenance would be pretty stressful. If someone felt they truly could never ever go over their calories I would worry about them developing an eating disorder.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    KB, I think for most of us, maintenance calories aren't a flat line, just like weight isn't, it's a range. One day you're over a bit, one day you're under. Otherwise, maintenance would be pretty stressful. If someone felt they truly could never ever go over their calories I would worry about them developing an eating disorder.

    This. It's easy to get obsessed being super-precise about calories, carbs, fat, etc. when you're trying to lose... but that's not real life; that's not how maintenance should work. We're supposed to be out of the danger zone now and be able to breathe free, at least a bit. We have a bit of wiggle room now. Think of it this way: If you pig out one day as extremely as you can, the most you'll gain is a pound (3500 calories = 1 lb). One day of oopsies can be knocked out easily. Stop stressing. We're flying now! (As long as we don't make a habit of bad behavior.)

    Micromanaging every calorie is no way to live life after you've reached your goal range. If I had to do that the rest of my life, I'd rather just leap off a cliff. There's a better way.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I guess I completely disagree with all the early answers. No, I certainly wouldn't worry about going over for a day by 500 calories. But I would definitely try to hit my weekly goal by taking an extra hour long walk or being a little under for the week. Some days you're over and some days you're under, but if you don't average your goal over the week, you'll gain weight long term. That's how it works.

    In maintenance that's even more important than in weight loss, because in a deficit if you go over, your weight loss plateus. When you're maintaining, if you go over, you gain. That's WHY so many people regain their weight.

    Bottom line: hit your weekly goals. Don't sweat every day.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    KBmoments wrote: »
    If you just logged it and move on with your maintenance calories, that would mean that you're going to gain, right? I mean, gain hardly anything to worry about... but if you don't make up for it, how are you expected to keep maintaining? If you're on a deficit, I would understand not worrying about since you had been in a deficit the whole time, so you wouldn't gain..but I would think maintenance calories would be different?.... Not debating anyone, just curious.

  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    edited April 2015
    An extra exercise class like Spin or Zumba or something will cover most of that 500 cals :)

    Do plenty walking for sightseeing and get up on the floor dancing when you're on your hols too and you'll earn loads of extra calories that way.

    Have fruit for breakfast and snacks a lot too, the fruit in sunny holiday destinations is usually gorgeous and fresh, pink grapefruits in the UK are never as juicy and succulent as the ones in Spain and the Balearics! x
  • KBmoments
    KBmoments Posts: 193 Member
    KB, I think for most of us, maintenance calories aren't a flat line, just like weight isn't, it's a range. One day you're over a bit, one day you're under. Otherwise, maintenance would be pretty stressful. If someone felt they truly could never ever go over their calories I would worry about them developing an eating disorder.

    This. It's easy to get obsessed being super-precise about calories, carbs, fat, etc. when you're trying to lose... but that's not real life; that's not how maintenance should work. We're supposed to be out of the danger zone now and be able to breathe free, at least a bit. We have a bit of wiggle room now. Think of it this way: If you pig out one day as extremely as you can, the most you'll gain is a pound (3500 calories = 1 lb). One day of oopsies can be knocked out easily. Stop stressing. We're flying now! (As long as we don't make a habit of bad behavior.)

    Micromanaging every calorie is no way to live life after you've reached your goal range. If I had to do that the rest of my life, I'd rather just leap off a cliff. There's a better way.

    Thank you!
  • crackers8199
    crackers8199 Posts: 10 Member
    the way i've found to fight this myself (mentally) is that even though i'm in maintenance mode right now, i still have MFP set to lose 0.5 lbs per week...that way if i go over occasionally (which happens), i'm still right around maintenance. on days where i run, i'm usually under by 500-1000 calories...so it all usually balances out over the course of a week.

    YMMV, of course...do what works for you - but definitely don't stress over a single milkshake.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    I chose to never go over, I think that will bring me back to the evil side - and I'm always ~100 cal below every day. but one day is certainly not making any difference. just make sure it doesn't become an habit. in the end is all about self control, and it's much better that "it happened" than planning "binge days", I really don't see the point of it
  • Jacqueline_Conley
    Jacqueline_Conley Posts: 26 Member
    hey! Hope ur vacation is awesome :) So I go over my limit all the time and i refuse to beat myself up. I losr 6 pounds in two weeks from my techique. I made peace with my eating habits. I realized that before mfp i would eat 2000 or 3000 calories a day without realizing it because i ate till my heart desired! but not tht i realize what im doing ... going over 1650 calories a day is NBD because its waay less. just be cautious dont limit urself or ull break down and eat! ANYONE NEED ADVICE MESSAGE ME:)
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I go by weekly goals. If I go over one day, I make up for it one of the next. Works for me.
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    SKME2013 wrote: »
    I go by weekly goals. If I go over one day, I make up for it one of the next. Works for me.

    Me too. Since im at maintenance. If i have a binge/overage day i just do a bigger deficit the next couple/few days depending on how much i have to make up.