dont want to exercise



  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    edited March 2015
    Getting acquainted is fine. Most people don't like to exercise if they haven't really got into it before. When I started exercising I dreaded it. Now I don't dread it as badly, and its slowly growing on me. I think its important to have a good relationship with exercising before you get too old and can't hold yourself up very well. You don't have to exercise to lose weight though - as long as you limit your calorie intake. But it helps a great deal if you do!
  • bellabutt3
    bellabutt3 Posts: 105 Member
    lleekahn wrote: »
    Just getting aquainted.

    Don't want to exercise? I HEAR YOU! :)
    I want to "want to" but I just don't. I used to love power walking around my block a few times every morning. Head phones on... good for mental and physical. But now I just can't get started again. I think about it everyday hoping one day I'll just put my shoes on and go. Until then I watch my calories like a crazy person but No results yet. Dang!