The Emotional Side of Losing Weight



  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    There are so many different ways to look at it. I started with a goal of 100 pounds from 244 to 144 at 5'2" - I made to about 96 pounds down. Along the way you will discover things that you can't even imagine and some of the ones you are imagining may never materialize :) But I think everyone on here would agree it is totally worth it.

    There were times when I counted what I had lost 10, 11, 12 seeing those number going up was at times easier than still seeing the 2?? on the scale. I kept track of all my workouts - time, resistance, distance, etc. as time went on I could look back and remember being able to only do 15 min of something at resistance 2 and I could gauge my progress. For a lack of a better of way of putting this - get in touch with your body, there are times when the scale is not cooperating, during these times you may notice changes in your body that at least let you know something is going on that your work has not really stalled and this is part of the process. I also took part in several challenges, a 30 day challenge gives you a time to focus on something without it being too much of a commitment - my proudest one was the no candy for so many days before Halloween, I actually made it :) Self proclaimed lover of sweets I am!

    Don't focus so much on that 100 lbs. think about being healthy and fit and what you see in the mirror, because you may see something you really like before losing that 100 lbs ;)

    Best wishes!
  • natalie72065
    natalie72065 Posts: 6 Member
    I started wanting to lose 100 pounds and in a year lost 20. Actually I lost 30 and gained 10 back. I get so frustrated. I don't know what to do to lose the weight.
  • Nottafattie
    Nottafattie Posts: 140 Member
    It's a perspective thing. As soon as I realized that I would have to change my habits for LIFE, not just until I reach a certain number on the scale, the numbers and the time seemed of little consequence. I focused on other numbers instead, my daily macros and micros. Making sure I hit all of those in whatever target zone every day so I could change the numbers the doctors were giving me. Reaching a certain number of minutes of intentional exercise everyday.

    I still have the number I want to reach in the back of my mind, but I focus on today and on making the most of the moment that I'm in. Can I make a better choice this moment? Can I work myself a little harder in this moment?

    Focus on putting one foot in front of the other, both literally and figuratively, and you will reach your destination.
  • tericx
    tericx Posts: 16
    Thank you for your advice a lot to consider but I will get there x
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    Try reading this thread:

    It's quite emotional at times, but in a hilarious and positive way. I check in on it every day. B) Even the little things can really keep you going, and this thread gives you a lot to look forward to that you might not have thought about in a while. Sometimes when the scale doesn't move, you need a different perspective.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    I "only" had about 50lb to lose. Never thought I could do it (all of it) until I was 30lb down.

    I mentally celebrate every 5lb.
    5lb Is manageable. They only take a month or two (things slow down at the bottom of the battle). And 5lbs add up. 5, 10, 15,...

    No matter how far away your goal may seem now, every pound gets you closer! You can do it!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Don't let yourself focus on the big picture. This takes discipline, but then it takes discipline to los weight. Focus on the week-to-week progress. You lost a lb this week? Great! Or the day-to-day day. You wanted 14 slices of pizza for dinner but only ate 2? AWESOME. The point is: make small goals, meet them, and the big picture will take care of itself.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    I am still at the beginning of my losses. I have at least 70 to start with and will just concentrate on the little things that add up to one big loss later. It is not so much the number on the scale but the physical changes I look forward to seeing. I want to see myself healthier and thinner. For me, Patience will be the biggest factor. Just keeping consistent and not expecting to see large losses.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2015
    Once you lose a few pounds it gives you incentive to keep on, especially when you realize that the method of losing weight is not at all complicated and the same method works throughout the entire weight loss time period.

    I'm one of the people who post my ticker on threads I respond to. This is kind of a big deal to me because back when I was getting started, and having a ticker displayed was an option for everyone (it could always be displayed -- you didn't have to paste it into every post), I used to look at mine and wonder what it would feel like to see "20 pounds lost". I hoped by the time my ticker showed a 20 pound loss I would feel like I understood how to lose weight. At 18 pounds lost I knew I had learned quite a bit and was anxious to see 20 because I felt like it was sort of a badge, kind of like, "okay, I've made it to this level". The next time I felt that way, that I could say I understood this weight loss process even better, was about 38 pounds, waiting for the ticker to read 40.

    It's slowed down a lot now because I have to eat at a greater deficit since I've lost quite a bit, but the ticker still inspires me to keep at it and see the numbers-lost increase. Now I know I will continue losing and continue learning as I go along, and each number increase on the ticker is as gratifying as those early big numbers were.

    Not sure how helpful all that is. LOL. Maybe I didn't need to share. But oh well, we talk about constipation and underwear on this site so, meh.


  • ahealthiercara
    ahealthiercara Posts: 139 Member
    It is definitely overwhelming to focus on the end goal, especially since I've gone up and down 20 pounds from where I am now more times than I'd like to admit. The thought that I could actually lose 60+ pounds is too much to reach for. I'm celebrating the 10lb marks. Getting under 200 is my mini-goal right now, and I am celebrating the little things along the way. This morning I got into size 18 jeans that haven't fit in a couple of years. Even though I had a bad day this week and my scale may not show me love tomorrow when I do my official weigh in, I know that I am back on track and fitting into these jeans means more than the number on the scale. One day at a time of honestly logging and you can do it!
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I would break it down into small goals. For example "by this date I will loose 5 lbs" or "by the end of the month I will have done XYZ" that was way easier for me. I think the thought of loosing a lot of weight can become overwhelming.

    Good luck!