What is your recommended small change to make?



  • lisafrancis888
    lisafrancis888 Posts: 119 Member
    Don't have biscuits, crisps or cake in the house..if it's not there I can't be tempted. Healthier for the kids too :)
    Always have salad and fruit in the fridge.
    Log everything including milk in coffee. I drink too much coffee :)
    As I've only just started only time will tell but started well. Also logging the calories has made me really appreciate the difference excercise can make so I am more likely to get on my treadmill.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    Eat less of ALL the types of food I've always eaten, without cutting anything out. It's the only way I've stuck with this. Oh... and having my goal at 0.5 lb loss/week, that way I have a lot of calories to eat while losing weight.

    Also weigh everything!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Batch cook
    Weigh everything
    Always have go to filling meals available, and snacks
    Move more - much more
  • Edgec0mb
    Edgec0mb Posts: 52 Member
    Take the stairs; walk to your office/school if it's not too far away
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    So I was just curious,

    What small changes have you guys found most effective on the path to glory? So far Ive cut out soda and what not, but I would like to see what else the world of health has to offer :)

    My most effective change has undoubtedly been my attitude towards this. Before, no matter what great choices I'd make, I'd fail in the end because I looked at dieting as a short term plan and one which was horrible to go through.

    Actual changes? Weighing EVERYTHING and choosing foods that will fill me up best to get the most out of my calories,
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited March 2015
    i allow myself one purchase each week of food that is really nutritionally pointless. (it's usually ice cream.) every time i think about getting some other kind of unhealthy snack, i put a dollar in the jar.

    when i see a non-food item i want but don't think i "should" spend money on (like a video game or a pair of shoes or something), i take all the dollars out, count them, and justify making the purchase with the money a weaker me would have spent on junk food.

    it's win-win, really. by making temptation a "wouldn't-you-rather-have-this" scenario, i can mentally overrule nearly all cravings in favor of frivolous novelties.
  • neogramps
    neogramps Posts: 79 Member
    When you start to plan your days around your calorie intake it becomes easier to avoid calorie dense treats, because you soon realise that if you waste 400 calories on a cookie, you'll be starving later and that 400 calories could have been spent on a small meal or a really filling, nutritious snack.
  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    edited March 2015
    I use smaller plates and bowls for my meals now, which is supposed to trick my stomach into thinking my portions are sufficient. It seems to be working so far. :smile:
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Several three to five-minute exercises a day. At the grocery store, push the cart up and down every aisle before even looking at your grocery list. At the doctor's office, walk in place while waiting for the doctor to come. While watching television, intermittently do jumping jacks and/or lift weights and/or dance. As another poster said, always park your car in the furthest spot away. Extra benefit: Less chance of someone banging up your car. At your desk, lift your legs up and down. Be creative. There are lots and lots of little ways you can sneak in burning calories, and they DO add up!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water a day
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited March 2015
    • Take it one day at a time
    • Realize weight loss is NOT linear
    • Understand weight fluctuates due to...well damn near anything
    • It really all boils down to math and thermo dynamics
    • I hate being told NO, so moderation is key
    • Each individual has their own struggles
    • In almost a year I have yet to find out what the mysterious "toxins" are that body wraps help with.
    • I also realized a person not ready to make a lifestyle change will ignore 9 people in a thread with sound advice, and ask the one that either agreed with the op or gave the easiest way to make an excuse.
    • Food scales are needed especially if you do not have much to lose
    • Find what you love for fitness, it makes it much easier to make it a part of your life
    • Loose, Lose and loss are extremely hard for 50% of mfp to grasp...
  • Hitesc
    Hitesc Posts: 86 Member
    walk up the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator
  • _KitKat_ wrote: »
    • Take it one day at a time
    • Realize weight loss is NOT linear
    • Understand weight fluctuates due to...well damn near anything
    • It really all boils down to math and thermo dynamics
    • I hate being told NO, so moderation is key
    • Each individual has their own struggles
    • In almost a year I have yet to find out what the mysterious "toxins" are that body wraps help with.
    • I also realized a person not ready to make a lifestyle change will ignore 9 people in a thread with sound advice, and ask the one that either agreed with the op or gave the easiest way to make an excuse.
    • Food scales are needed especially if you do not have much to lose
    • Find what you love for fitness, it makes it much easier to make it a part of your life
    • Loose, Lose and loss are extremely hard for 50% of mfp to grasp...

    this this this.

    Honestly, small changes aren't going to cut it (literally). You have to make a change, a big change, or you're just going to coast along getting no where.

  • gbjess204
    gbjess204 Posts: 27 Member
    golfgirl99 wrote: »
    Logging prior to eating out. I look up and make a selection before I go. If left to my own choice while hungry I'm doomed. Same thing goes for bringing my lunch to work. If I don't and eat at work it's usually a bad idea and hard to track.

    I do this to. I weight and measure my lunch every morning. I always look over menus before i go out to eat and pick the meal I want. I will add my all my meals for the day mid-afternoon just to see where I will be at and sometimes I will have give or it will motivate me to push harder or go an extra 10-15 min.
  • jstockler
    jstockler Posts: 15 Member
    Weighing in and logging no matter how imperfect the day before. That way, I don't stick my head in the sand, which is what got me to the poundage in the first place!!
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    I no longer use elevators and escalators when possible or reasonable.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    _KitKat_ wrote: »
    • Take it one day at a time
    • Realize weight loss is NOT linear
    • Understand weight fluctuates due to...well damn near anything
    • It really all boils down to math and thermo dynamics
    • I hate being told NO, so moderation is key
    • Each individual has their own struggles
    • In almost a year I have yet to find out what the mysterious "toxins" are that body wraps help with.
    • I also realized a person not ready to make a lifestyle change will ignore 9 people in a thread with sound advice, and ask the one that either agreed with the op or gave the easiest way to make an excuse.
    • Food scales are needed especially if you do not have much to lose
    • Find what you love for fitness, it makes it much easier to make it a part of your life
    • Loose, Lose and loss are extremely hard for 50% of mfp to grasp...

    this this this.

    Honestly, small changes aren't going to cut it (literally). You have to make a change, a big change, or you're just going to coast along getting no where.

    I disagree. Small changes at first lead up to big changes. You can't start with a big change, or you will get discouraged.
  • AmbitiousButRubbish
    AmbitiousButRubbish Posts: 246 Member
    Focus T25 has supercharged my lose and Keep the calories light but filling in the morning. My wife cooks great dinners so I like to keep extra calories free for them. I still like to feel full during the day so oatmeal and protein power helps fill me up and keeps me full while keeping the calories low.
  • AmbitiousButRubbish
    AmbitiousButRubbish Posts: 246 Member
    Also lots of water
  • StacyG2013
    StacyG2013 Posts: 2 Member
    I just got a FitBit since I have a desk job and I am astounded at how sedentary I really am. I'm using it in conjunction with MFP and T25. I just started about 1.5 weeks ago seriously on my weight loss, so I haven't seen significant results yet, but have to stay positive!